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New players at CPA


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That's just it, so many from CPA are unwilling to see another side to anything.  I'm guessing coachrus has never had to approach any member of administration about an issue, that one of them disagreed with...yet I digress. 


And allow me to be sexist for one moment, but I have a hard time picturing any of the CPA mamas reading this board.  However, that also begs the question, what about the mama's whose sons have NO chance to play basketball, because of all the recruits DM has brought in over the years?


the CPA faithful simply refuse to see the difference in which the sport of basketball operates differently than other sports at the school.


  • For starters-look at the "about the coach" sections on the website for each sport--if there is one, it's a paragraph. But Drew's is 5 pages long.  Then there is the twitter feed.  The non-stop hype of the college coaches visiting, player rankings, etc.  Don't see that with Ingle Martin for sure.


  • All sports offer a summer camp for CPA students.  Basketball offers a Nike elite camp for players outside of the CPA community. 


  • Football, for example, offers summer workouts and scrimmages, with CPA students, coached by CPA dads and overseen by Varsity coaches.


  • Basketball offers spring/summer teams that are only made up of approx. half CPA students coached by Couey, a CPA coach.  Then there are the "elite" fall camps, and league which, by "invite", again, do not intend to develop CPA students, but CPA coaches are investing lots of hours in players from outside the school.


Perhaps "Sportsnerd" could run some numbers for us, and explain the number of D1 scholarship athletes, Mr. Basketball Finalists, etc. the basketball team has had, over say the past 5-6 years,  and explain how that adds up statistically for a school the size of CPA? 


I'm still waiting on numbers.  But instead, we get the another classic CPA response of "shoot the messenger" because they don't like the message.   I'm expecting "this is my last post on the topic" by a couple people soon....


I guess ya gotta give coachrus credit for dragging up all those coaching standards from other states.  Of course the TSSAA doesn't have those.  They wouldn't be able to hold coaches accountable to anything more than they attempt to now.


You don't have a clue what it means to develop someone from the time they are 12 years old to when they graduate HS.  How long did you play basketball and for which college?  Nonetheless, it's you perogative to get on here and gripe and I support your right to do so.


But it's these "grown men" who get on here and whine and cry because life didn't turn out like they wanted.  All these years of gripping and bitching and what has it gotten Brooks and Rulefollower (the Church elder)??  A segment on 60 minutes?  A special story on Outside the Lines on ESPN?  A Kennedy Center honor?  Anything?  Nope.  There's a reason why Brooks hasn't had a coaching job in a decade.  He got canned at CPA because of whatever reason and he's not man enough to accept it and move on.  It's that easy.

Not looking for a spot on TV for sure.  Also glad you've figured out who I am, why don't we talk in person, like grown men in church Sunday?  You know where to find me.


I agree coach M is developing players, but his goal is to develop players he thinks have promise. Not the players already in his school.  He is constantly on the lookout for new young talent. If he wasn't he wouldn't spend so much time in the AAU realm.  The other CPA coaches aren't doing that. They aren't forming their own athletic academies.  They aren't filling their twitter feeds with all the hype of ratings and college coach visits. They are working with the students in their own schools.  Playing the games they are given to play.  Not bringing in their own tournaments.  Not trying to play on a National level.  Just trying to be good at the high school level, for where they are.

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We know that coach Brooks has violated of the Tennessee Teacher Code of Ethics and we know that TSSAA employees believe that coach Brooks conduct has been unprofessional. However, while there is not a Tennessee Coaches Code of Ethics, other states have indeed adopted such codes. Texas is one of them. Let's review what the Texas Coaches Code of Ethics say from http://thsca.pointstreaksites.com/files/uploaded_documents/386/THSCACodeofEthics.pdf:


* In selecting the coaching profession, coaches must be dedicated to rendering service to humanity.  In selecting the coaching profession, the individual assumes an obligation to conduct himself in accordance with its ideals. These ideals should be set forth in a Code of Ethics. Any coach who is unwilling or unable to comply with the principles emphasized in the Code should have no place in the coaching profession


* Because of the unique place which the coach holds in the educational organization, it is highly important that he/she support the administration in all its policies, rules and regulations, which may be from time to time enacted. Differences of opinion should be discussed behind closed doors and not aired through the public media.


* The coach must remember that he/she is a living example for all boys and girls in the school's community. Therefore, it is important to the coach and to the coaching profession that actions and behavior always bring credit to the profession and to the coach. 


* On and off the record, criticism of players or the public shall be considered unethical


* While talking to the media (coaches), should refrain from making any derogatory, disparaging or critical remarks, statements or observations about a fellow coach


* It should be questionable practice for coaches to stress players injuries, disciplinary measures, academic difficulties or eligibility problems to the press, radio and television. Disciplinary problems should be a "family affair" solved between the coach and players involved. Eligibility is a matter for the principal. Injuries are essentially for the team physician or family doctor. No good purpose can be served by emphasizing these matters. 


The Tennessee Teacher Code of Ethics state that they are the HIGHEST of any that exist. Should Tennessee Coaches have ethics that are lower than the Texas Code of Ethics? Do ethics cease to apply to a coach who leaves a school? Is a coach free to publicly embarrass and disparage middle school and high school kids just because he has a personal vendetta? Even if the information is true (which it usually is not) does that excuse the violation of the Ethical Code? 




This post deserves a response from the cinematic classic "Billy Madison".


"Mr. Coachrus, what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul."


What in the world does Texas have to do with ANYTHING.


MISSION FAILURE. Time to move on.

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I am confident that if it was your child that was subjected to the embarrassment and disparagement you would have a much different point of view.

Wow,sounds like the same thing I said, if you would have the same experience I had, you would have a different view.  


The point is we have been through this song and dance of yours before, how I have embarrassed players, when that has never been an intent of mine.  I have never made it about the kids, but adults.  I have in the past explained the very isolated times a player's name was ever mentioned by me and never was it in the context you portray.  And if players are embarrassed, you and others like you need to take as much, if not more responsibility than anyone.  Anytime someone posted something you did not think was true the immediate attack was "no facts."  What did you think was going to happen? If talking sports, somehow, somewhere names of players are involved, you can't get away from it.  You and others get what you asked for then you claim "foul."  Really, is that too logical for even you to understand?


On this thread I make a statement that doing good does not mean you should not deal with the not so good.  From there it ends up as a whole spiel of an out of context violation of ethics. How did you go from where it started to where you took it.  Who has a problem living in the past?

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I am confident that if it was your child that was subjected to the embarrassment and disparagement you would have a much different point of view.



I am confident that if your son was sitting the bench for a transfer, or not being "invited" to join the "select" team,  you would have a much different point of view as well.

Edited by rulefollower
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coach Brooks has clearly demonstrated a serious violation of the Tennessee Teacher Code of Ethics. He has sacrificed his ethics on his altar of revenge. He tries to use scripture to justify his hate...

Only in the world of coachrus and then there is truth and reality.  Come on coachrus all you have to do is produce one comment of mine that is a false statement about CPA or a player or anything related to your baseless accusations and I will stop posting. If what you have said over the years is true about me, how can it be so hard since I issue you this challenge time and time again?  You'd think a guy who goes to such great lengths to research the state of TN and TX would have no problem coming up with one, not even two, three, four, etc., just one.


Is it crickets again?  chirp, chirp, chirp....

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With all the public opinion that is hammering the NFL and prompting personel moves, it is impressive that CPA ignores the public opinion within state of Tennessee and carries on with their goal of basketball greatness at any cost.

Valid point and IMO the difference?  No real governing body to a do a real, honest investigation to reveal the truth and determine fact from fiction which you think CPA would welcome based on the school's stated philosophy. 


I am confident that if your son was sitting the bench for a transfer, or not being "invited" to join the "select" team,  you would have a much different point of view as well.

Another valid point

Edited by kbrks
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This thread is very entertaining! However, reading Christians go back and forth over a sport, the way y'all gripe, attack, and downgrade each other...no wonder many non-Christians stay away from church! I love sports more than anyone but it's not or does it consume my whole life. Can we move on and talk about something else? If you don't like the way CPA runs their program, don't talk about it or go to games. Or, maybe you can institute some of their practices in your program! Maybe we'll just agree to disagree on this topic but some just need to chill! There's more to life than CPA boys basketball.

"Or, maybe you can institute some of their practices in your program!"


Most schools don't have a goal of being an Oak Hill Lite, especially the majority of the schools in Division I where CPA is allowed to play currently. Even if they did have that goal, most wouldn't have the connections and built-in advantages that allow moves into the school.

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I couldn't care less if CPA basketball and Maddux come, stay, lay or pray.  Don't care in the least and never will.  If fans and haters alike want to unload on both, then go right ahead.  That's your right to speak your opinion.


What I do find sub-human is grown men who are personally miffed getting on a public board and crying over what happened 10 years ago.  Real men let go, get over it and move on with life.  Brooks displays psychotic tendencies by the way he's conducted himself here and elsewhere. Would you want him around your kid all day? 


Does anyone wonder why he hasn't coached at all since he was fired at CPA?  Could part of it be for reasons you see here?  What kind of man acts like this?  He says he's here "to set the record straight".  For 10 years??  No, his problem is that he can't get over the fact that he failed in his life and got fired.  Instead of getting up, correcting his mistakes and making himself a better man like most of us would, he wallows in his own vomit and drags others down with him.  He's the kind of person you hope your kids don't grow up to be like.


And then there are active elders of "The Church" who openly engage in scriptural hypocrisy (Matthew 7:21-23).  Who would risk their eternal soul over basketball??  If it's that important, take your kid to Lipscomb or Franklin HS where they put no emphasis on talent or coaching and where the cheerleaders lead the team in rebounding. 

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