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It's hard to get to games out of the greater Knox area when you have a 3 year old! Over the years I will expand my reach!

You should come to a home GB playoff game. Oneida and/or Coalfield should be back to Cooper Field by round 2. You could meet a few with one stop! Just throw your 3 year old into the back of a pickup truck for instant daycare while you stand with the fellers on the fence within an arm's reach! Just ask OnB!
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You do a GREAT job and are big complement to this site. I'd love to meet you as well. I've been at this for along time and I've met quite a few posters. Most are fine people.

Pujo me and TL were talking Wednesday night and you came up. Let me know your next trip to Cumberland, like to meet up if it works out.

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There's only one that it can be:


Roy ain’t your average Joe

He quickly let’s you know that he don’t joke.

He love’s fudge rounds and red bulls too.

He thinks that Grider man is pretty cool.

If he offline a while and you wonder where’d he go.

You can find him studying Murphy’s Pole.

He gets mad at Old Pirate and Power P

For giving our secrets to other teams.

He says it makes it hard for us to win

But the very next week they do it again.

He knows all the boys big enough for the SEC

‘Cause he reads about them in Murphy’s magazine.

And every night there’s only one place he’ll be found

He’s at Ronnie’s Red Eye when the sun goes down.

Now there’s one sure way you can make him ill

Steal his book like they did up at Gordonsville.

Someone spiked his hot cocoa so he laid it down

When he came out of the stall it couldn’t be found.

He called the Gordonsville police and the sheriff too

But they said that there was nothing that they could do.

He cried and he whined and put it on WEPG

But in the end he had to buy another magazine.

I don’t know how he gets to the games but he won’t take the bus.

Once Grider charged too much and it made him cuss.

Pegleg even once offered to fly him around

But Roy was worried he crash to the ground.

I guess it’s possible that he catches a ride

With that man behind the bar at Ronnie’s Red Eye.

Now we all thought that he was a lonely clown

Then one day Wendy blew into town.

Now she accompanies him to his colonoscopy

Sitting in the waiting room keeping up with coachT.

She tells him everything Ambassador said

And Roy gets mad and his face turns red.

He pulls out his computer and starts to post

About ole “Barney†and how he can go

Cheer for that Mathis man or the SOS.

And says how ole Barney is full of mess.

Then he rides down to Save A Lot

To get fudge rounds and another pot

For his hot cocoa to heat up on

And he stops by practice on his way home.

He prays the Pirates makes it to the state

He tells Wendy that it’ll be so great.

They'll share red bull or cocoa if it really cold

Before the game while studying Murphy’s pole.

So if you see ole Roy, just say hi.

You’ll find out quick he’s a pretty good guy.

He might even show his book to you

Or even share a fudge round or two.


So that’s the ode to one of the biggest fans

Roy Dillard from Pirate Land!

Sailor what kind of mess is this? That Gordonsville police officer told me he didnt care about my durn book but that Burnett man made Pegleg and powerp turn it back up or they was going to his slammer. You think im joking but im not.
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You should come to a home GB playoff game. Oneida and/or Coalfield should be back to Cooper Field by round 2. You could meet a few with one stop! Just throw your 3 year old into the back of a pickup truck for instant daycare while you stand with the fellers on the fence within an arm's reach! Just ask OnB!

We can make him feel right at home!
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You should come to a home GB playoff game. Oneida and/or Coalfield should be back to Cooper Field by round 2. You could meet a few with one stop! Just throw your 3 year old into the back of a pickup truck for instant daycare while you stand with the fellers on the fence within an arm's reach! Just ask OnB!

That would be fun, she loves football! Just like her Daddy. I used to play college ball with Joel Miller from Greenback when I was at Maryville!

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