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Petition to Remove Rebel Mascot at MHS ?


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10 hours ago, WillieTheWildcats said:

First, if you read closely, I did not out and out call you a racist. In fact it never entered my mind. I have " known " you on CoachT for a very long time. My opinion of you has always been of a great Kingsport fan with a twist of wicked sense of humor. In some ways we are alike but in others we are very different. I would never had been so negative about Coach Graham. I get criticized for being too positive about the Wildcats. Heck, I even like former Coach Stevens. So please do not think I feel ill toward you. I don't.

Now, you think all you did was " state the facts. " However, your post is full of opinions that sound good to you but are not provable facts. 

I am done with this. I have said my facts and many opinions. I will see you on the board when Oak Ridge Grinds it all over Kingsport. Blankenship is looking very nice and will welcome the Indians with open arms full of Big Ed's.

Peace from me.

Maryville fans I will get the heck off you thread now. Sorry.

Willie, wacojaco is speaking out both sides of his mouth, they're people donating millions into this BLM movement and he said nobody cares about it. Him himself donates money to the dobyns Bennett program but he's supposed to truly care about it, uh no. 

This president that they stand by just release a video of someone shouting WHITE POWER, this president said the Klan were good people when they came to Charlottesville an were attacking people, so yeah when we see those that support this man we have every reason to think they're racist. 

Now onto the name changing, I am not white an yet I don't have a problem with murvil being called red rebel. I do cringe sometimes when I do see the Confederate flag, we all know  that flag represents alot of negatively, so I'm glad that was removed from the school. However we have men and women fighting in the military for our freedom and freedom of speech, so murvil had every right to keep the Confederate flag, they have the right to keep the name rebel, but so does Kaepernick have the right not to stand for the anthem.

My personal opinion with the name rebel I think it should come down to AJ Davis, tee hodge (I know he graduated) the minority in the school and if they are offended then they should go from there. If the murvil faithful came get behind minority winning state for their school, then it should be no problem getting behind them if they want it changed.

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43 minutes ago, StarBright87 said:

Willie, wacojaco is speaking out both sides of his mouth, they're people donating millions into this BLM movement and he said nobody cares about it. Him himself donates money to the dobyns Bennett program but he's supposed to truly care about it, uh no. 

This president that they stand by just release a video of someone shouting WHITE POWER, this president said the Klan were good people when they came to Charlottesville an were attacking people, so yeah when we see those that support this man we have every reason to think they're racist. 

Now onto the name changing, I am not white an yet I don't have a problem with murvil being called red rebel. I do cringe sometimes when I do see the Confederate flag, we all know  that flag represents alot of negatively, so I'm glad that was removed from the school. However we have men and women fighting in the military for our freedom and freedom of speech, so murvil had every right to keep the Confederate flag, they have the right to keep the name rebel, but so does Kaepernick have the right not to stand for the anthem.

My personal opinion with the name rebel I think it should come down to AJ Davis, tee hodge (I know he graduated) the minority in the school and if they are offended then they should go from there. If the murvil faithful came get behind minority winning state for their school, then it should be no problem getting behind them if they want it changed.

I agree with most of what you said.  They only thing that seems questionable is your statement of "If the murvil faithful can get behind minority winning state for their school".  That statement makes it sound like your saying the minority is the only reason Maryville wins football championships when it's a team game and don't believe any of the Maryville Football feels that way.....

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32 minutes ago, MLREB said:

Regarding your last statement.....I totally agree. My question is .....if one minority objects do you make the change, or is it a majority before the change is dictated? 

That's a good question, I would go with the majority has to want it removed. If some there (minority) that does want it removed but are out voted then maybe they need to have a discussion amongst theirselves on the Why and Why not. Again as a minority I don't have a single problem with the name red rebel but I can't speak for everyone

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21 minutes ago, Swipes said:

I agree with most of what you said.  They only thing that seems questionable is your statement of "If the murvil faithful can get behind minority winning state for their school".  That statement makes it sound like your saying the minority is the only reason Maryville wins football championships when it's a team game and don't believe any of the Maryville Football feels that 

I have heard about murvil for many years, 2004 was the first time I've seen them in person against Tennessee high in the state semis and they put a beatdown on the Vikings, most shockingly that 2004 team was over 90% white. So I'm not saying that, I'm just saying that the aj Davis and the tee hodge, I keep saying them two because I don't know the names of others helped them win state.

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On 6/23/2020 at 9:19 AM, blazer1set said:

We open on August 21 against the Sullivan South REBELS.     I have it on good authority that the Boone stands will be lined with REBEL flags, not in support of South but rather to make a statement against all this PC garbage we are inundated with.  

Sounds like serious attention seeking behavior.

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8 minutes ago, MLREB said:

He is saying that......and that is a ridiculous statement. 

Mlred if that's what I was implying then you're correct that is a ridiculous statement. Murvil is a well oiled machine no matter who puts on the Jersey.... let's go to two seasons ago just about every murvil posters gave Oakland respect and congratulated them on a good game but left an "if" the if was if Tee hodge would have played then things would have been different.

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1 hour ago, StarBright87 said:

Willie, wacojaco is speaking out both sides of his mouth, they're people donating millions into this BLM movement and he said nobody cares about it. Him himself donates money to the dobyns Bennett program but he's supposed to truly care about it, uh no. 

This president that they stand by just release a video of someone shouting WHITE POWER, this president said the Klan were good people when they came to Charlottesville an were attacking people, so yeah when we see those that support this man we have every reason to think they're racist. 

Now onto the name changing, I am not white an yet I don't have a problem with murvil being called red rebel. I do cringe sometimes when I do see the Confederate flag, we all know  that flag represents alot of negatively, so I'm glad that was removed from the school. However we have men and women fighting in the military for our freedom and freedom of speech, so murvil had every right to keep the Confederate flag, they have the right to keep the name rebel, but so does Kaepernick have the right not to stand for the anthem.

My personal opinion with the name rebel I think it should come down to AJ Davis, tee hodge (I know he graduated) the minority in the school and if they are offended then they should go from there. If the murvil faithful came get behind minority winning state for their school, then it should be no problem getting behind them if they want it changed.

Let me correct some mis-statements in your post. I'll chalk your statements up to just plain ole ignorance or maybe just not willing to accept the truth. First of all I don't donate money to the Dobyns Bennett program. It's taken by force through city taxes. Most of the millions donated to BLM is from corporations, and that's through good ole extortion. Also millions of dollars from George Soros. Trump didn't here someone shout "White Power" in the video he posted on Twitter. When it was brought to his attention he took it down. You believe what you want to believe, not the truth. Trump never said the "Klan were good people" "NEVER SAID IT".  He said there were "good people on both sides". Not everybody on that other side was a Klan member. Actually you'd have to look very hard to even find a Klan member in this country. And by the way, the KKK was organized and maintained by Democrats. It's a Democrat organization. So yeah, you can lie and make me out to be a racist (in your mind). But I know the truth. Donald Trump has done more for the Black population in America since Abraham Lincoln. But you'll never admit that because you're drinking the Democrat Kool Aid.

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46 minutes ago, StarBright87 said:

Mlred if that's what I was implying then you're correct that is a ridiculous statement. Murvil is a well oiled machine no matter who puts on the Jersey.... let's go to two seasons ago just about every murvil posters gave Oakland respect and congratulated them on a good game but left an "if" the if was if Tee hodge would have played then things would have been different.

To be able to know which posters are aligned with which school is an amazing ability. 

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If all this 'stuff' going around is supposed to make me disown my ancestors, it ain't happening.

All this is HISTORY and all the whining in the world will not change it.

Maryville you have a proud tradition.  Keep it!

One time in an office full of Liberals made the mistake of asking me my 'Heritage'.  The only black person in the office thought my answer was not only honest but funny to her!

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