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Mairvul Footbawl in tha fewchure


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18 hours ago, strongx said:

Good story Barn! The old ball coach left just before I got there. I’ve heard lots of good dad gum stories. Lol. I always enjoyed the one of him showing up in the church choir of a prospective “student” that still holds the 100 dash record for murvil - some 45 yrs later.

You had to bring up Buster. I think the record will stand because it was in yards and now they user meters.

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On 11/25/2023 at 7:24 AM, strongx said:


It gonna take a BIG commitment from everyone at 825 to get back to the top. It won’t just happen on its own. Hopefully the powers that be are talking, getting on the same page, and implementing their plan for relevancy again. 

sx speekin' ov "BIG commitment"......Cents me and momma gott our citty ov Mairvul propertee tacks bill and hi wint upp 38%....and knowin' tha citty skools git a big chunk ov thait......Eye down't thaink hit wood bee unnreesunabull two eckspeck a 38% goodur footbawl teem necks fall....Do ewe...???




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27 minutes ago, STARSNBARS said:

sx speekin' ov "BIG commitment"......Cents me and momma gott our citty ov Mairvul propertee tacks bill and hi wint upp 38%....and knowin' tha citty skools git a big chunk ov thait......Eye down't thaink hit wood bee unnreesunabull two eckspeck a 38% goodur footbawl teem necks fall....Do ewe...???




It's not unreasonable at murvil to expect to go from 5 losses to 3. I think thats about a 38% improvement in the number of losses. I'm concerned we are still in some denial. There are schools all over the state with good intentions that are waiting on the difference maker to show up. We may need to uber him to 825. Nellie tuned up?

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20 hours ago, strongx said:

It's not unreasonable at murvil to expect to go from 5 losses to 3. I think thats about a 38% improvement in the number of losses. I'm concerned we are still in some denial. There are schools all over the state with good intentions that are waiting on the difference maker to show up. We may need to uber him to 825. Nellie tuned up?

sx eye wuz watchin' tha West and Page gaim laist nite and att tha end ov tha gaim thay ennurviewed corch Brown......Corch Brown, inn hiz ennurview he gave credditt two tha principull att West fer bein' a unifyin' force inn tha West community, a trew supportur ov tha footbawl teem and haid evurbodee pullin' inn tha saim direckshun.....

Quiet a concep if ewe axe me....:popcorneater:

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2 minutes ago, STARSNBARS said:

sx eye wuz watchin' tha West and Page gaim laist nite and att tha end ov tha gaim thay ennurviewed corch Brown......Corch Brown, inn hiz ennurview he gave credditt two tha principull att West fer bein' a unifyin' force inn tha West community, a trew supportur ov tha footbawl teem and haid evurbodee pullin' inn tha saim direckshun.....

Quiet a concep if ewe axe me....:popcorneater:

How's that NIL collective coming.....:popcorneater:

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21 minutes ago, BCsportsfan said:

How's that NIL collective coming.....:popcorneater:

Bee Cee lookin' att how much my Citty ov Mairvul tack-us wint upp att 38%.....Eye cain haipylee reeport thait tha 3rd graid tcaps, tha wrenovayshun ov Ft. Craig skool, all tha Lieberry books att 825, and all tha skool pay raises etc...weal bee inn ordurr....

Az fer az En Eye El....tha Citty and Cowntee took all mine and momma's buttur and agg munny and hit looks like weal bee lucky two haiv a chunk ov cole inn our stockin' this yeer.....

Hits soo baid pore old sx caint evun buy a air filtur fer hiz antique 4-Runnur.....:wacko:

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2 hours ago, STARSNBARS said:

sx eye wuz watchin' tha West and Page gaim laist nite and att tha end ov tha gaim thay ennurviewed corch Brown......Corch Brown, inn hiz ennurview he gave credditt two tha principull att West fer bein' a unifyin' force inn tha West community, a trew supportur ov tha footbawl teem and haid evurbodee pullin' inn tha saim direckshun.....

Quiet a concep if ewe axe me....:popcorneater:

I missed him. I’d bet most championship teams have administrators playing key roles. If you can’t out talent them, you better out work them. Ms Penny may have taken the recipe with her.

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2 hours ago, STARSNBARS said:

Bee Cee lookin' att how much my Citty ov Mairvul tack-us wint upp att 38%.....Eye cain haipylee reeport thait tha 3rd graid tcaps, tha wrenovayshun ov Ft. Craig skool, all tha Lieberry books att 825, and all tha skool pay raises etc...weal bee inn ordurr....

Az fer az En Eye El....tha Citty and Cowntee took all mine and momma's buttur and agg munny and hit looks like weal bee lucky two haiv a chunk ov cole inn our stockin' this yeer.....

Hits soo baid pore old sx caint evun buy an air filtur fer hiz antique 4-Runnur.....:wacko:

Saving for spring sport fees. Paying about a grand per win if it’s a good season. 

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Perhaps (?) a little known fact about Coach Ted Wilson here on the T: In addition to being a hall of fame, state championship football coach, he also had an astute ear and heart for music and ministry. Although he’d left MHS coaching right before I got there, he took a (probably volunteer) position at my church as a youth and choral leader, between his time coaching at MHS and DB. He was a great mentor, godly example, and he directed youth choir w/ the same enthusiasm and winning spirit as he coached football. He could get us kids to do anything, even sing! (And w/his teaching/coaching we became really GOOD!) Definitely got many of us, esp us athletes who would never have thought of joining the choir, out of our comfort zone to learn & experience something new. He didn’t just know X’s & O’s, he loved kids and knew EXACTLY how to get the best out of them, and not just on the football field! Wonderful man. I was really blessed to know him and be taught/mentored & coached in life by him. Although it was only for a short time, he made a big & positive impact on me. It’s THAT type of man that is badly missing in so many football programs today. I would add that Derek IS that kind of young man. BUT, he’s coaching in a much different & constantly changing culture, home life,  demographic, admin,  etc and that brings much different & bigger challenges than it did for Wilson, Story, and GQ. I can only hope the authentic rebel fan base knows & realizes this and will stick by him. If he leaves, it will be a huge loss to that program.

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