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Trajedy at Clinton


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My heart goes out to everyone at Clinton. This is a real cotastrophe. I will keep everyone there in my prayers.


Is it not strange how there have been so many people die within the past 2 or 3 years involved with high school sports? I mean, last year, we had a player's father die, and this year when we were at the scrimmage game in Parsons, a player form Parsons grandfather died, and the little girl form lawrence county died just the other day. I dont know about how many other people have passed, but to me, its just a big reality check to be around all of this happening so close together. Im not trying to be disrespectful to anyone at all, I just think I am kind of thinking about this stuff a lot here lately.


Again, my heart goes out to everyone in Clinton for the loss. It truly is a tragedy.



Petey#47 WB/SS

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My prayers is with the players,coaches, and espically with his family. I am from parsons and we also have had tragedy strike actually twice so far this season. A freshmens dad was found dead the first day of practice and then as petey47 talked about one of our players grandfather had a heartattack and died at the scrimmage. Be carefull everybody and dont take life and the game of football for granted. My prayers go out to everyone for a safe rest of the year and to the people of Clinton .

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Guest NineInchNails

Everyone from Jefferson County sends their condolences, as we were at camp a week or so ago with Clinton. They were all very good kids with great attitudes, and it flat out breaks our hearts to hear about this. Best of luck to you guys and the staff.

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