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Independence @ Ravenwood

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Let me say this though for all these 6-5A Region teams. There are two slots that you do not want to finish in if you can avoid it.......Fourth and, ironically Second. The fourth place team gets to go to Gallatin to play against that defense and the second place team gets to play my sleeper.....Antioch. As Franklin almost found out in their run in 2004......Antioch has the most raw talent of any team not named Riverdale in 5A. When those kids get inspired, they can be a tough out. That butt whooping they got from Gallatin may have been the best thing that happened to them. Woodward is doing good work over there and nobody knows Region 6 better than him. Can you imagine a Ravenwood-Antioch first round matchup. Two schools seperated by 7 miles, coach against pupil....the plotline would be thick. That third spot against a Hendersonville or Nashville Overton is where I would love to be if I couldn't win the region.

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Nothing like experience at this time of year. First time for Indy to be playing for playoff spot and position the lat two weeks and the collars are getting a little tight.


Franklin and Dickson County have all but assured a playoff spot (positions to be determined. Franklin only needs 1 win in last 2 weeks (centennial) to lock down a spot - DC can loose both due to Indy / Brentwood looser next week having a 3rd region loss. Battle will be down to the last week with DC / Ravenwood setting up all sorts of tie breaker scenarios.


Gotta Love Region 6 - Teams 1 through 5 all tough matchups for each other and others outside the region.


Contenders step up this time of year - Pretenders start to fade.

Edited by faninthestand
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Independence was doing horrible in all the factors in the game. Coaching, Defense was on the field way to long, and some of those kids play both ways. The Independences boys walk onto that field thinking they had this game in the bag. It looks like they need to look at every team. I was not impressed with ALMIGHTY Cordell, and his WR. By the looks on how he played last night Cordell couldn't help them in the DC game last week so the excuse is to a stop.



Independence was doing horrible in all the factors in the game. Coaching, and the Defense was on the field way to long, and some of those kids play both ways. The Independences boys walk onto that field thinking they had this game in the bag. It looks like they need to look at every team. I was not impressed with ALMIGHTY Cordell, and his WR. By the looks on how they played last night Cordell couldn't help them in the DC game last week so the excuse is to a stop. I will give Cordell this, his O-Line needs to give him some time.


Bad news for this Independences football team....Long fall break for them.


But this in just my opinion maybe two loses for them could be really good for them and they travel to Brentwood next week get a win and play there hearts out in they playoffs. I still think this independence team is a force to be Reckon with.

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These are all words to describe the game last night. That Ravenwood team reminded me of the same Ravenwood team I saw play last year, just with different names.


Rector is one of the best coaches I've ever seen. Their defensive playcalling was just...unreal.


We underestimed the Ravenwood defense, without a doubt. Give them all the credit in the world. I wouldn't want to see them in the playoffs...a lot of those kids saw playing time last year on the State Championship team.


For the Eagles, we've made our own bed. We can still play our way in, but it's going to be a challenge. Good luck to both teams.

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Do the words "Whose Your Daddy Now?" come to mind?


Poor young Indy, still so much to learn about Region 6-5A. You have to play ALL the games before you can talk trash about how good you "think" you are in this Region. And then, you probably will have to play the same Big Dogs AGAIN in the playoffs. And (here's a hint): the playoffs make this stuff seem like seven-on-seven scrimmages in the summer.

It's like playing in the SEC, the SEC Championship Game, and then the BCS.


That's why for three of the last four years a team from this region shows up at night for the last game of the season in the 'Boro.

Experience-the toughest teacher.


Amen, I watched Indy play Franklin in one of the first weeks of the season and after the game everyone was like yeah Indy is state-bound see yall at state and talkin trash. Well they learned the hard way i guess, its not over till the last second of the last game.

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Regarding the Region standings, does it begin with region only records, or overall records? If it looks at Region play first, I think Brentwood, believe it or not, looks to finish either 3rd (ahead of Ravenwood) or 5th (behind Independence), depending upon next week's matchup with Indy. However, I'm not sure what happens if Dickson County were to lose to Franklin and Ravenwood in the next two weeks. As was stated before, in this region you can't count anybody out until week 10. I think it's possible that Independence could end the year at 7-3 and be left out of the playoffs, and that's sad considering that there are some regions whose 4th team will have losing seasons, but get a game in the playoffs. Just shows what a tough region we have.

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Independence was doing horrible in all the factors in the game. Coaching, Defense was on the field way to long, and some of those kids play both ways. The Independences boys walk onto that field thinking they had this game in the bag. It looks like they need to look at every team. I was not impressed with ALMIGHTY Cordell, and his WR. By the looks on how he played last night Cordell couldn't help them in the DC game last week so the excuse is to a stop.

Independence was doing horrible in all the factors in the game. Coaching, and the Defense was on the field way to long, and some of those kids play both ways. The Independences boys walk onto that field thinking they had this game in the bag. It looks like they need to look at every team. I was not impressed with ALMIGHTY Cordell, and his WR. By the looks on how they played last night Cordell couldn't help them in the DC game last week so the excuse is to a stop. I will give Cordell this, his O-Line needs to give him some time.


Bad news for this Independences football team....Long fall break for them.


But this in just my opinion maybe two loses for them could be really good for them and they travel to Brentwood next week get a win and play there hearts out in they playoffs. I still think this independence team is a force to be Reckon with.







ZACH 50 15 Negative 2

EMORY 50 6 3

NICK 56 12 0

KEVIN n/a n/a 0









ZACH 61 16 Negative 1

EMORY 50 3 3

NICK 56 7 n/a

KEVIN n/a n/a 0









ZACH 28 8 Negative 5

EMORY 50 8 2

NICK 48 15 0

KEVIN n/a n/a n/a














ZACH 59 15 Negative 1

EMORY n/a n/a 6

NICK 83 5 n/a

KEVIN n/a n/a 1









ZACH 46 13 Negative 3

EMORY 50 6 1

NICK 50 15 0

KEVIN n/a n/a Negative 5

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Just a refresher course in the tie-breaking procedures:


In the event of a tie among any of the four teams eligible for the playoffs, the first tie-breaker is head-to-head competition. If you've beaten the team you're tied with, you get that slot. You continue this until all of the teams are slotted.


If this fails to produce an order, then it goes like this:


-Greatest number of wins (both region and non-region games)

-Greatest number of victories over teams winning 50 percent or more of their games.

-The team whose opponents had the most victories (strength of schedule)

-The team whose opponets had the least number of losses (strength of schedule)

-The team with the greatest number of victories over teams in their class (5A victories vs. non-5A victories)


And if nothing has been determined, the dreaded OVERTIME mini-game.

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What does this make the region standings look like?

1)Dickson Co.



4)Brentwood/Independence winner??



Can someone explain why this poster AND the newspaper have Ravenwood ahead of Brentwood in the stabndwhen we have the exact same record but Brentwood beat Ravenwood. wouldn't that put Brentwood ahead Ravenwood?

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