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Milan at Humboldt


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You make some good points about other towns supporting us last night. I saw players from Westview, Huntingdon, Trenton, Gibson Co. , West Carroll, and Camden on Milan's side.

I always go to the vistors side ,I am sure their were fans from other towns on HUmboldt's side to. Both teams left it all on the field and added another classic to this rivarly. Good luck to the Bulldogs next week I will pull for you but I will be on the Vistors sideline.

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(First, I've never really known any newspaper to not slant a story.) Well, of course not--especially you read your hometown paper!


(Second, I don't believe in luck. I believe that luck is something that someone made up so that we would take our focus off of what God is doing in our lives.)

So....you're saying God wanted Milan to win?


First, I do read The Chronicle, and Barry Deloach does a great job writing those articles. :huh:


Second, I don't know who God wanted to win that game last night. I watched a movie recently, Facing the Giants, and the head coach said that he believed that God does care about football because he believes that God cares about the players on each team. I do believe that the team with the most players that are honoring God will have an advantage because God will be working in more people on that team. That is a stat that I like. :angry:


If you get a chance, read the article on Milan in the new ON THE BALL Magazine. It's intriguing.

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You make some good points about other towns supporting us last night. I saw players from Westview, Huntingdon, Trenton, Gibson Co. , West Carroll, and Camden on Milan's side.

What game did you go to last night????????

You only seen 2 westview players at the game. I know because I brought them. We cruised the milan side only to find a seat becaused the hunbolt side was too full.

Finally found a sideline spot on humbolt side. As for the other teams you mentioned i did not see any of them on the milan side, only the humbolt side.

Wonder why????????

Milans football players, from what I understand are good bunch of kids.

I only wish their fans were as well thought of.

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What do they teach you in english class and what game were you at? Humboldt's entire left side was empty. It was standing room only on the visitors side. Also there was a man from Crockett beside me, Trenton players behind me, and Camden players behind them.


I have not been in english class for 35 years.

You saw it your way, I saw it mine.

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If you saw a full humbodlt side and anywere at all to sit on milan's side, then i will assume you were learning english using brail.

Did not say "anywhere at all to sit on milan side"

Well, I was trying to be respectfull.

But it didnt take long to prove my point on the last sentence of post #185.

Seems nobody can spell the team you beat.

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humboldt straight up beat yall..except for the most important stat...the scoreboard...ill give it to yall...yall are good...but the missed extra point..what does that have to do with yall being great in the playoffs??? seriously!!! yall got ran all over...if you subtract the 59 yard run from the 155...you get 96 yards rushing...so yea...the post about yall running it down our throat just doesn't make since...good job...it was the other way around...we lined up in a goal line formation and drove it down yall's throat...yall are moving to the next round..congrats to that...but we straight up beat yall...also...i know alot of the people that were sitting on the milan side from other towns...yea...they were sitting over there because there were no other seats on humboldt's side..and yea...they hated it...but they were cheering for humboldt...so yea, they did sit on yall's side...but cheered for humboldt...only people cheering for milan was the jackson sun, GCpioneer, and the milan fans...that's it...yall say yall have so much respect for other teams...i thought milan talked to God and worshipped him so much before a game...lying is a sin...cheating is a sin...milan has nothing to do with God...the sign coming into milan...the church one, whatever it says...is a disgrace....yea...the milan people are about to get on here and start to try and say something about my post...im hoping they do...gives me something to do since humboldt doesn't deserve the region championship...cheaters should have it...here...you can have it...go ahead...take it...yall keep saying that yall are looking forward to bigger and better things...but you still seem to bring up the region championship...wow...i believe the bigger better thing is a state championship...how about you focus on getting passed goodpasture (doubt yall will)...and after that GOOD LUCK getting passed alcoa...best team friday night...HUMBOLDT..everyone there knew it...except for milan...so bleed the purple and white and go on with yall's lives...it will end friday

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Throw Crockett County into that list. I sat next to a man who has a child who attends Crockett who I conversed with the entire game and he was yelling as loud as anyone wearing purple and white. Also walked in with a man from Trezevant who works in Camden who told me he was here to support the purple and white.


well... i have a little story of my own...there was quite a few of us from gibson co. standing over in front of the concessions..the all decked out milan fan (the guy with the clock around his neck and all of his purple clothes) came up to a player from gibson co. last night and told him he was proud of his gibson co. boys (this guy is from milan) because they never give up and they fight no matter the circumstance..anyone who knows about gibson co. football knows the program has never been up to par...but the point of the story is that guy showed alot of class coming up to a teenage kid from another school to tell him how proud he is of the boys team and how they play...in my opinion milan has a pretty classy team, school, and fan base......PROPS TO U GUYS!!

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