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Magnet School

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Why St, my friend, you have confirmed what the folks from JPII already knew and they certainly got the ST stamp of criticism as did the St Benedict coaching staff so I have no corner on your comments of disfavor. Only confirmation you thought I deserved it, whatever that meant. I appreciate you reading and paying such attention to my each and every word and am very impressed. I only find out what you know by what you post and that has been quite a bit since you do follow me and are one of my greatest fans. What else you know is of little interest unless it pertains to a subject. Concession stands must be a fetish as I have not been in one and must be the subject of the day. It means something to you but not sure who else.

I wish you would get some new material because your posts are getting old. Concession stands, bad coaches yelling, downgrading DivII, girls working in a concession stand(wonder what school you were in for that one), and certainly according to JPII fans something about an ST and they took some impression away from that and questioned you should take care of your own school, whatever that meant and cut down on your immaturity(Not my words but theirs) and your response(which was interesting). Yep, interesting you mentioned you weren't posting as much and you must be getting some grief from somewhere else. Of course my thoughts are corrective but not meant to be punitive. As you have written, sometimes that is what it takes to get things straightened out.

A suggestion, you take care of the responses concerning your subjects and I will mine. You don't have to agree with me and I don't have to agree with you(That would be easy). I try to provide information that would be valuable. Your posts try to be corrective to the world using your standards. I accept that but don't necessarily have to read it nor mine you. I will just be your passive friend. You can just be what you want me to be.

Yes I post a lot of sites and provide a lot of thought and there is usually reason behind the thought. It may not be everyones reason and thought. Now I'm thru with this session and again will not post with you and hope you make up with JPII fans and best of luck in your endeavors. Keep those busses rolling. Oh and thats right, the subject of this thread is Magnet Schools. How did we get off on this? Against the rules of the site.

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Egad. I feel like I am reading my jr. High daughter's facebook page /roflolk.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflolk:" border="0" alt="roflolk.gif" />




/thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" /> ....They have been going at each other all year long. /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />

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Why St, my friend, you have confirmed what the folks from JPII already knew and they certainly got the ST stamp of criticism as did the St Benedict coaching staff so I have no corner on your comments of disfavor. Only confirmation you thought I deserved it, whatever that meant. I appreciate you reading and paying such attention to my each and every word and am very impressed. I only find out what you know by what you post and that has been quite a bit since you do follow me and are one of my greatest fans. What else you know is of little interest unless it pertains to a subject. Concession stands must be a fetish as I have not been in one and must be the subject of the day. It means something to you but not sure who else.

I wish you would get some new material because your posts are getting old. Concession stands, bad coaches yelling, downgrading DivII, girls working in a concession stand(wonder what school you were in for that one), and certainly according to JPII fans something about an ST and they took some impression away from that and questioned you should take care of your own school, whatever that meant and cut down on your immaturity(Not my words but theirs) and your response(which was interesting). Yep, interesting you mentioned you weren't posting as much and you must be getting some grief from somewhere else. Of course my thoughts are corrective but not meant to be punitive. As you have written, sometimes that is what it takes to get things straightened out.

A suggestion, you take care of the responses concerning your subjects and I will mine. You don't have to agree with me and I don't have to agree with you(That would be easy). I try to provide information that would be valuable. Your posts try to be corrective to the world using your standards. I accept that but don't necessarily have to read it nor mine you. I will just be your passive friend. You can just be what you want me to be.

Yes I post a lot of sites and provide a lot of thought and there is usually reason behind the thought. It may not be everyones reason and thought. Now I'm thru with this session and again will not post with you and hope you make up with JPII fans and best of luck in your endeavors. Keep those busses rolling. Oh and thats right, the subject of this thread is Magnet Schools. How did we get off on this? Against the rules of the site.


A short response. There is nothing to make up with JPII fans. The truth is the truth. You seem to have a problem with just the simple truth sometimes. As to your statement that there is usually reason behind the thought of your posts, you seem to forget that many posters have responded to you in the past wondering just what the heck you are trying to say. So you can single out me if you want to, but we both know its a lot broader than that. I would suggest that your thoughts are hardly shared by anyone other than yourself. Remember. you said you would not respond for the second time. /biggrin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" /> PS As to your comment about me posting about something I disagree with, I am amazed that you would even mention that. When someone posts something that you disagree with, you go into a tirade post about whatever, and then stating they hit a nerve or it is close to your heart, its the same thing. Before you remove the splinter in my eye, try removing the plank in yours.

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  • 3 weeks later...

All these new magnet schools can draw across school zones. I believe there is probably some recruiting going on. Should they be treated like private schools and the multiplier used?


How about open enrollment public schools (Hillsboro) - mulitplier? moved to DII?

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How about open enrollment public schools (Hillsboro) - mulitplier? moved to DII?

Unlike most of the D1 programs that didn't want to play the private schools it seems like the D2 programs would welcome teams like Hillsboro & other open zoned schools along with the magnet schools. Have any of the D1 schools requested to play in D2?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...

hello volgen.

i havent posted in a while, since my current position is affected by this issue,

but i got to thinking i might lose my place on coach-t if i never posted.


magnets & privates present the same problems.

1) how do you deal with those who take advantage without creating an injustice for those who dont?

2) how do you determine if someone is taking advantage and isnt just lucky?


the answer will always be the same.

merit system.

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