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Grace Christian Rams vs Sunbright Rd 2


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you can say whatevery you want to about recruiting. the fact is someone at grace is developing talent.

let me take a crack at our sales pitch. hey i know you are starting at your school where it is free, but drop down to 1A set a yr and then give us six thousand a yr and right then we close the deal by saying everbodys doing it. come on we get kids like the qb last year clinton boy who had the luck of playing with the stone kid. you should be happy for that kid he sat out his yr and got to play as a senior.


...and you see where Clinton is now...getting ready for basketball season! Great job Grace...Great school, athletics, etc....that's why kids are choosing to come join a winner!! Grace does not have to recruit....the kids come willingly...why wouldn't they? They actually get an education at Grace and it's all centered around God...What more could you ask for? Go GRACE RAMS!!

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That's Ok Mike, I like the talk, just like you guys, we like to defend our team. How is the Gordonsville game going to go, do they have a chance?

We have played Gordonsville seems like every year in the 1A playoffs for a long time now. It is always a great matchup. I usually think we can walk over most 1A opponents, but this one will be tough. The older brother of the now QB beat us a couple of years ago in the playoffs when we were suppose to win, so you never know. There is much respect between us and them so it will be a great atmosphere.

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you can say whatevery you want to about recruiting. the fact is someone at grace is developing talent.

let me take a crack at our sales pitch. hey i know you are starting at your school where it is free, but drop down to 1A set a yr and then give us six thousand a yr and right then we close the deal by saying everbodys doing it. come on we get kids like the qb last year clinton boy who had the luck of playing with the stone kid. you should be happy for that kid he sat out his yr and got to play as a senior.


...and you see where Clinton is now...getting ready for basketball season! Great job Grace...Great school, athletics, etc....that's why kids are choosing to come join a winner!! Grace does not have to recruit....the kids come willingly...why wouldn't they? They actually get an education at Grace and it's all centered around God...What more could you ask for? Go GRACE RAMS!!



That's exactly what I meant in the earlier post. All the lawyers, physicians, executives, and all other successes graduating from public schools should feel lucky they were even taught to read or write. :D

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Now I'm not making excuses for the loss, Sunbright was outplayed, outmanned, and out executed the whole game, but I do have a problem with the Grace Coach's play selection. For example, they are up 50+ points with a minute left in the half and instead of doing the right thing and taking a knee or running a dive, he throws a deep post for a touchdown. This along with the going for 2 numerous times is uncalled for. A good example of the going for two was the following PAT attempt following the long pass I mentioned before. Instead of kicking the extra point, the qb stands up and throws a pass for 2. Now you can say that it was a busted play all you want, but the qb was standing up before the ball was even to him, he knew what he was doing all along. But again, I'm not making excuses, Sunbright didn't execute, but I would like to see some better integrity, honor, and sportsmanship showed to your opponent when you are obviously the better team and are going to coast the whole game especially if the team in question is a school a Christian school.

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Now I'm not making excuses for the loss, Sunbright was outplayed, outmanned, and out executed the whole game, but I do have a problem with the Grace Coach's play selection. For example, they are up 50+ points with a minute left in the half and instead of doing the right thing and taking a knee or running a dive, he throws a deep post for a touchdown. This along with the going for 2 numerous times is uncalled for. A good example of the going for two was the following PAT attempt following the long pass I mentioned before. Instead of kicking the extra point, the qb stands up and throws a pass for 2. Now you can say that it was a busted play all you want, but the qb was standing up before the ball was even to him, he knew what he was doing all along. But again, I'm not making excuses, Sunbright didn't execute, but I would like to see some better integrity, honor, and sportsmanship showed to your opponent when you are obviously the better team and are going to coast the whole game especially if the team in question is a school a Christian school.


Rufus, you are correct. They did the same thing to Oakdale last year and then stated how they were working on things and it really wasn't running up the score etc. This time though, I think the Grace people may have been reading Footballer, ShockerO and Ole Tiger who led their team down this path of embarassment. When they let their words overload what I think is a pretty good team, bad things will happen. These kids, the coaches and the school and community did not and do not deserve to be disrespected and these "3 wise men" have done a disservice to everyone associated with the Sunbright Football Program. In part, these village idiots are responsible for the beat down inflicted Friday and the embarassment that resulted. Anyone who knows who these people are should make sure they understand their post are not helpful.

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i think everything in the first half is fair game espeically in the playoffs. the starters did not play in the second half except for special teams and if you want a team to let up quit throwing the ball and just run it. the oakdale game last year the qb threw a pick late in the game on there own 15. there is alot of games this year we could have scored alot more points but did not. if you think a team should let up do not kick a onside kick after you just scored on the jv.

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Now I'm not making excuses for the loss, Sunbright was outplayed, outmanned, and out executed the whole game, but I do have a problem with the Grace Coach's play selection. For example, they are up 50+ points with a minute left in the half and instead of doing the right thing and taking a knee or running a dive, he throws a deep post for a touchdown. This along with the going for 2 numerous times is uncalled for. A good example of the going for two was the following PAT attempt following the long pass I mentioned before. Instead of kicking the extra point, the qb stands up and throws a pass for 2. Now you can say that it was a busted play all you want, but the qb was standing up before the ball was even to him, he knew what he was doing all along. But again, I'm not making excuses, Sunbright didn't execute, but I would like to see some better integrity, honor, and sportsmanship showed to your opponent when you are obviously the better team and are going to coast the whole game especially if the team in question is a school a Christian school.


Rufus, you are correct. They did the same thing to Oakdale last year and then stated how they were working on things and it really wasn't running up the score etc. This time though, I think the Grace people may have been reading Footballer, ShockerO and Ole Tiger who led their team down this path of embarassment. When they let their words overload what I think is a pretty good team, bad things will happen. These kids, the coaches and the school and community did not and do not deserve to be disrespected and these "3 wise men" have done a disservice to everyone associated with the Sunbright Football Program. In part, these village idiots are responsible for the beat down inflicted Friday and the embarassment that resulted. Anyone who knows who these people are should make sure they understand their post are not helpful.


Well first off, your guys don't know if the "3 wise men" are from Sunbright to begin with. Second of all, I agree that the 3 idiots are a disgrace to Sunbright and all involved with the game of football for that matter, but using your logic, your basically saying that your team and coaches care about what goes on on these boards and website. I'm by no means a football expert, nor do I say that I am, but if Grace wants to go farther in the playoffs and compete with the likes of South Pitt, then the coaches and players need to worry about the game at hand, not what is said on a website by the fans. Obviously it didn't matter against Sunbright, because Grace had quadruple the players as Sunbright, and had more playmakers, but playing by pure emotion like you are saying will bite you in the butt if you do not look out. If it was South Pitt, and you play by emotion alone, the first sign of a struggle will bend your players to a breaking point because of their raised emotion levels. But I wish Grace all the luck in the world in the playoffs. But I'm sorry to say, I'll be rooting for the public schools from here on out. I can't stray from my roots after all. :thumb:

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Now I'm not making excuses for the loss, Sunbright was outplayed, outmanned, and out executed the whole game, but I do have a problem with the Grace Coach's play selection. For example, they are up 50+ points with a minute left in the half and instead of doing the right thing and taking a knee or running a dive, he throws a deep post for a touchdown. This along with the going for 2 numerous times is uncalled for. A good example of the going for two was the following PAT attempt following the long pass I mentioned before. Instead of kicking the extra point, the qb stands up and throws a pass for 2. Now you can say that it was a busted play all you want, but the qb was standing up before the ball was even to him, he knew what he was doing all along. But again, I'm not making excuses, Sunbright didn't execute, but I would like to see some better integrity, honor, and sportsmanship showed to your opponent when you are obviously the better team and are going to coast the whole game especially if the team in question is a school a Christian school.


Rufus, you are correct. They did the same thing to Oakdale last year and then stated how they were working on things and it really wasn't running up the score etc. This time though, I think the Grace people may have been reading Footballer, ShockerO and Ole Tiger who led their team down this path of embarassment. When they let their words overload what I think is a pretty good team, bad things will happen. These kids, the coaches and the school and community did not and do not deserve to be disrespected and these "3 wise men" have done a disservice to everyone associated with the Sunbright Football Program. In part, these village idiots are responsible for the beat down inflicted Friday and the embarassment that resulted. Anyone who knows who these people are should make sure they understand their post are not helpful.


Well first off, your guys don't know if the "3 wise men" are from Sunbright to begin with. Second of all, I agree that the 3 idiots are a disgrace to Sunbright and all involved with the game of football for that matter, but using your logic, your basically saying that your team and coaches care about what goes on on these boards and website. I'm by no means a football expert, nor do I say that I am, but if Grace wants to go farther in the playoffs and compete with the likes of South Pitt, then the coaches and players need to worry about the game at hand, not what is said on a website by the fans. Obviously it didn't matter against Sunbright, because Grace had quadruple the players as Sunbright, and had more playmakers, but playing by pure emotion like you are saying will bite you in the butt if you do not look out. If it was South Pitt, and you play by emotion alone, the first sign of a struggle will bend your players to a breaking point because of their raised emotion levels. But I wish Grace all the luck in the world in the playoffs. But I'm sorry to say, I'll be rooting for the public schools from here on out. I can't stray from my roots after all. :thumb:


I wouldn't expect anything else. You can join the legions that pull against Grace. I just hope these kids realize it and play with an "Us against the world" mentality. In reality, it truly is.


As for the 2pt play you referred to, and the previous pass play (by the way, it was a 12-15 yard skinny post that turned into a long TD). 1st, play defense, you guys were ready to stuff the run, and we didn't run it. We had the week off, our starters played ONLY the 1st half, let them play their time and then we will play backups. 2nd, I agree that this 2pt play was over the top, and it was a called play. I don't have an answer for that, just an apology. 3rd, I don't think our team plays and schemes according to what is said on this board or others.


We've taken our beatings in the past and the "welcome to the playoffs" beatings. Take yours and build on it. Maybe in a couple of years you guys will develop some tallent around that QB.

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