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1A State Championship: South Pittsburg vs. Union City


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If South Pittsburg runs this 3-3-5 defense against UC, UC is going to have a hay day running the ball. If you blitz your backers up the middle, the UC QB is smart enough to read the option and keep the ball on his own if he needs to. If you blitz your backers and meet #27 from UC at the line of scrimmage, I can assure you he'll get 3-4 more yards after contact. UC runs the veer to perfection. It's very fun to watch and it's very impressive on the QB's part to read all of his options before the play and make the calls out there on the field on his own. The only thing I worry about on UC's behalf is stopping South Pittsburg's speed. UC doesn't really have the fastest boys in West TN however if they can keep Robinson and the RB from turning the corner on them, they should be ok. I really can't imagine Terrell Robinson being faster or shiftier than Kennon Holder (Huntingdon) or Jabriel Washington (TCA), two players that UC has faced this year. With all this being said, UC has the capability of coming home with a gold ball this year. Go get it!!!!!!


The difference between Jabriel Washington and Robinson can be proven by the fact Washington is going to go play SEC football and Robinson is going to UT Chattanooga...


Don't take that as a dis to Robinson but you don't get recruited to SEC schools for nothing....You also don't turn down SEC schools to go to the SoCon....(Just saying, if Robinson was actually recruited by SEC schools)....

Terrell has been recruited by alot of big schools not just UTC....Vandy, Louisville, Memphis, MTSU, and even Kentucky are some of the schools that have sent him letters....The key is he wants to play QB in college and not safety...the above list wants him as a safety

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If South Pittsburg runs this 3-3-5 defense against UC, UC is going to have a hay day running the ball. If you blitz your backers up the middle, the UC QB is smart enough to read the option and keep the ball on his own if he needs to. If you blitz your backers and meet #27 from UC at the line of scrimmage, I can assure you he'll get 3-4 more yards after contact. UC runs the veer to perfection. It's very fun to watch and it's very impressive on the QB's part to read all of his options before the play and make the calls out there on the field on his own. The only thing I worry about on UC's behalf is stopping South Pittsburg's speed. UC doesn't really have the fastest boys in West TN however if they can keep Robinson and the RB from turning the corner on them, they should be ok. I really can't imagine Terrell Robinson being faster or shiftier than Kennon Holder (Huntingdon) or Jabriel Washington (TCA), two players that UC has faced this year. With all this being said, UC has the capability of coming home with a gold ball this year. Go get it!!!!!!


The funny thing is, people forget the boys in the trenches....and the other athletes on our team. Coach Grider only used two weapons in the win last week....mainly because them GCA goats could not stop Terrell or Raquis. Key on those two and you will get beat by 3 or 4 other Pirates....#15 and #21 are the next options as well....and #24. GO PIRATES!!! Show thes Twister boys how football is played in East TN!!!!!

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We do not run the 3-3-5.....never have....we run a 3-5-3....cause we have speed at linebacker that is why we switched to this defense and it is very effective....I have seen film on Union...I am not a coach...but I have my ways to watch film...anyways, I know they are good...I am just telling you from what I seen they can not stop are passing attack and it will be a challenge the first couple of series for us to stop there rushing attack....The key for SP is to get them in 3rd and 6 or more that way they have to pass and play assignment football


Ok... I misunderstood, but still... 3 down linemen against the veer offense still won't cut it especially if you have a 185 pound noseguard against a 300 pound all-state center. That middle will be wide open for 4-5 yards a pop and possibly more. I do think UC will have trouble with the passing game as well. They have faced really one team that likes to pass it this year and that was TCA with Jabriel Washington at QB. They did lose that game by 10. However, I'll venture to say that Jabriel is more than likely a better player than Terrell despite Jabriel not getting the Mr. Football nomination due to him being the 1 man show on his team and TCA not having a good season. If you're also wondering who this Jabriel Washington kid is...check him out on youtube.

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We know all about 27 Do not worry :popcorneater:


I'm not trying to say ya'll don't, but they do run that veer pretty good. Does SP like to throw alot.

We can if we want to...we have good recievers and Terrel can sling it....He threw for 300+ this year already and threw for 275 last year against a good Tyner team so yes we pass the ball good so if they stack the box we will sling it

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We do not run the 3-3-5.....never have....we run a 3-5-3....cause we have speed at linebacker that is why we switched to this defense and it is very effective....I have seen film on Union...I am not a coach...but I have my ways to watch film...anyways, I know they are good...I am just telling you from what I seen they can not stop are passing attack and it will be a challenge the first couple of series for us to stop there rushing attack....The key for SP is to get them in 3rd and 6 or more that way they have to pass and play assignment football


Ok... I misunderstood, but still... 3 down linemen against the veer offense still won't cut it especially if you have a 185 pound noseguard against a 300 pound all-state center. That middle will be wide open for 4-5 yards a pop and possibly more. I do think UC will have trouble with the passing game as well. They have faced really one team that likes to pass it this year and that was TCA with Jabriel Washington at QB. They did lose that game by 10. However, I'll venture to say that Jabriel is more than likely a better player than Terrell despite Jabriel not getting the Mr. Football nomination due to him being the 1 man show on his team and TCA not having a good season. If you're also wondering who this Jabriel Washington kid is...check him out on youtube.

I just watched the highlights of Mr. Washington on youtube...Terrell is just as good as he is on offense and a more smooth runner I might add....and Terrell hits harder from his safety spot..Terrell is also bigger than this kid and has better acceleration...except I think the Washington kid would beat him in a foot race cause he has more straight line speed...probably runs a tenth of a second faster than T-Rob..So if this guy gave yall fits from TCA then you except the same all day long come Friday....

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I just watched the highlights of Mr. Washington on youtube...Terrell is just as good as he is on offense and a more smooth runner I might add....and Terrell hits harder from his safety spot....So if this guy gave yall fits from TCA then you except the same all day long come Friday....


Make sure you didn't watch the highlights from Jabriel's Freshman season. :roflol:


Exactlyyyyy what do you mean by a more smooth runner.......???? I'm kind of left out there on that one...


Also, keep in mind that Jabriel Washington is only a Junior this year. If that youtube video didn't impress you... take a look at his rivals page and look at the offers he has. Jabriel can practically play for any team in the nation that he wants to.

http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/football/r ... gton-82692


Here is Terrell's page. It seems as if all those schools that someone claimed offered him, didn't offer him a scholarship. Seems they just showed interest.

http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/football/r ... nson-95510

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GC it was not Mr. Washingtons freshman year highlights I made sure of that...I am telling everyone one out there and all pirate fans would agree with me that T-Rob is just as good as this guy!! Looks Identical on offense to Terrell and by a smoother runner I mean that Terrell glides across the field and it is efortless looking....

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77 Will Arnold OL/DL 5’10 295 Sr. From a magazine in the Union City Area.



a guy from south pitt is gonna try and tell me how big one of our guys is wow :roflol:


Hey UCGT, I'm justing quoting the sports reporter that wrote that article in "nw tn today" or what ever you guys call it.....he's the one that said your center weighs 295....take it up with him. Should we beleive what is in that magazine from your area or should we beleive you. Magazine article or a biased fan? you choose!!!




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