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Banning PRAYER at a football game!


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MAJORITY rules, not MINORITY...at Rhea County High School last Friday night, the stands emptied out (save for a handful of folks who remained seated) when we had prayer on the field before the game. That's MAJORITY.


Praying for the safety of the boys and for the well-being of all in attendance at a game - even nonbelievers - how could you ever say that is wrong?


And like the individual from Seq. Co. commented - if they ever ban prayer at Rhea County before a football game, I will personally find a way to make it happen. As long as I draw a breath and have a kid on the field, there will never be a game that gets underway on Bill Horton field without an organized prayer first. I'll see to that one way or another.


I do not judge anyone who doesn't want to pray before the game. That is your own decision and I respect that. Nobody's making you bow your head and participate. But don't take away my right or the right of the MAJORITY in attendance to pray as a group for the safety of the players and for the event to be a blessed one.

:thumb: :thumb:

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MAJORITY rules, not MINORITY...at Rhea County High School last Friday night, the stands emptied out (save for a handful of folks who remained seated) when we had prayer on the field before the game. That's MAJORITY.


Praying for the safety of the boys and for the well-being of all in attendance at a game - even nonbelievers - how could you ever say that is wrong?


And like the individual from Seq. Co. commented - if they ever ban prayer at Rhea County before a football game, I will personally find a way to make it happen. As long as I draw a breath and have a kid on the field, there will never be a game that gets underway on Bill Horton field without an organized prayer first. I'll see to that one way or another.


I do not judge anyone who doesn't want to pray before the game. That is your own decision and I respect that. Nobody's making you bow your head and participate. But don't take away my right or the right of the MAJORITY in attendance to pray as a group for the safety of the players and for the event to be a blessed one.


Awesome job Rhea County community :thumb:

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Your right, they cannot ban prayer but they are basically trying to take away our voice. Any prayer is important to God but ,even more important, prayer that is spoken aloud can reach the unsaved. It can take one(and one is very very important to the Lord) unsaved person and reach into their heart and mind and change their whole life. I agree that private prayer between a person and God is very important but a voiced prayer is also important for us Christians to reach out to other people.


I agree 100%. The Bible teaches us to pray continually.

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Awesome job Rhea County community :thumb:


From what I understand in talking to administration from RC, it came about from Soddy students and Rhea students communicating throughout the week via text messaging. After it came public and hit the news stations, more and more people became aware of it. This led to more support. Apparently neither coach saw a problem with it. I mean, who wouldn't want a prayer said for them? Whether it be player, coach, trainer, administrator, or spectator, ALL are prayed for before a game when you come to a game at Bill Horton Stadium in Rhea County. I'm sure it's something the late Coach Horton would definitely be proud of. Not that we are doing it to please Coach Horton, but it's a sincere conversation between you and the Lord. There is so much more to life than the four quarters played on Friday night.

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Congrats to any school or person who prays to our sovereign God who's Word (Christain faith ) our country was founded upon continues to do so for players / travel safety ...its a blessing to pray to our 'Living' Lord




From what I have read on here, it seems like most of us do want prayer out loud before a game. Luckly, in Cleveland we are still allowed to praise His name. I am a Christian and I started this to see how others felt about this situation. I want to thank my fellow Christians for standing up for our wonderful God and voicing your love for him when the norm seems to be to fade into the crowd. Those of you who don't believe(yet), a time is coming(and very soon) when you will need God and you will call out his name when that time comes. I will pray for you(whether you want it or not).


Hopefully, those of you who still get to pray aloud before the game will get to for a long time. And those of you who dont........keep on praying because he hears every word.

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what if there are players on the team that do not pray to our god? it's not very fair for them to have to pray with the team to a god they don't worship. is it?

That is a players right if they choose not to pray. I have seen a team with a person whom believed in a different religion. All the players and coaches respected his belief and he did not have to participate in team prayers and devotions. NO one had a problem with this and the player, coaches and his teammates all got along. It was never an issue! That is what freedom of religion is all about. I have played on a team where a player missed a game because of a religious event, the player was a starter, but no one on that team gave him a hard time and the coaches were good with it. People can work together no matter their belief or lack of.

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To pray or not to pray… that is the question. The answer is… do as you please and try not to force your ways on everyone else around you. I’m a Christian and I don’t have to wait on someone on a loudspeaker to give me the ok to give glory and honor to the Lord Jesus Christ, and ask him for safety, wisdom, and courage for everyone involved… and I honestly don’t think that it’s a problem to anyone else. The problem comes when you don’t allow others to give the honor and glory to whomever else they wish. When it comes down to it… we all want the same thing, we might just have different ways to express it. Which is ok because the last time I checked this was AMERICA… the land of the FREE (to practice any religion you choose) and the home of the brave! A moment of silence should be sufficient for all. Just think about it…. WWJD.

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To pray or not to pray… that is the question. The answer is… do as you please and try not to force your ways on everyone else around you. I’m a Christian and I don’t have to wait on someone on a loudspeaker to give me the ok to give glory and honor to the Lord Jesus Christ, and ask him for safety, wisdom, and courage for everyone involved… and I honestly don’t think that it’s a problem to anyone else. The problem comes when you don’t allow others to give the honor and glory to whomever else they wish. When it comes down to it… we all want the same thing, we might just have different ways to express it. Which is ok because the last time I checked this was AMERICA… the land of the FREE (to practice any religion you choose) and the home of the brave! A moment of silence should be sufficient for all. Just think about it…. WWJD.

I do support prayer at games and in school, but I do agree that if there are problems, just have a moment of silence. I think that there are many schools that support this act. It is about freedom for all, no matter what their beliefs are.

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To pray or not to pray… that is the question. The answer is… do as you please and try not to force your ways on everyone else around you. I’m a Christian and I don’t have to wait on someone on a loudspeaker to give me the ok to give glory and honor to the Lord Jesus Christ, and ask him for safety, wisdom, and courage for everyone involved… and I honestly don’t think that it’s a problem to anyone else. The problem comes when you don’t allow others to give the honor and glory to whomever else they wish. When it comes down to it… we all want the same thing, we might just have different ways to express it. Which is ok because the last time I checked this was AMERICA… the land of the FREE (to practice any religion you choose) and the home of the brave! A moment of silence should be sufficient for all. Just think about it…. WWJD.


He would have us all love one another and get along, and that's not happening.


(This is not directed at you Cap1)One more thing, I don't really care what the Constitution says about Religion, that's Mans law I obey Gods law. Pray without cease.

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