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Springfield Yellow Jackets vs Henry County Patroits


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there are some of us who are as passionated about SHS and Springfield as there are HCHS and Paris. I get upset (as well as you do) when I feel like the community I have been a part and the school that my children attend comes under attack. Maybe I over-reacted

I, too, am as passionate about Jacket football as the Commissioner! I know a few more like this as well. I wish our community would support our team more when we play on the road. There is a small group that follow them passionately. I hope we have as big a turnout as the Patriots did last year in Springfield, but I am a realist and doubt we do. That being said, I hope we spoil Henry County's night! Maybe we can return the favor and run the clock out by getting numerous false start penalties, LOL!! I hope that last statement is not taken as whining by Red Warrior! His Milan teams were very good back in the day(if he is who I think he is).

Good luck to all the boys tomorrow night, and let's hope for a safe and exciting game! I hear HC has an outstanding facility, I can't wait to see it!

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I didnt mean to insult you. I am sorry. I just know that the kids can get on here and "stir" things up. I hope the game is close. That is all you will get me to say. I just hope it is close............


I was actually joking about the insult...no apology needed. I can understand that you hope it will close...but your hopes will be dashed...or demolished!

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FactsOnly wants to be very clear. I like RW. I like RW's speaking of mind and bluntness. I like that RW truly believes what he says. I don't understand why anyone would cringe at RW's comments, especially in this forum. I appreciate RW's willingness to say what others won't allow themselves to say. I don't think RW is negative and I envy his not minding what others think. I do not think RW is a kid. I believe RW coached football for 30 years (I think I wish I could have played for him). I am not a RW hater but I suspect I do know kids smarter than he. Those same kids are smarter than me. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I bet it's a fact that RW sleeps very good at night.


LOL...there are kids smarter than me ...I stand corrected...there are some very odd child geniuses out there who are technically "smarter" than I am...they are "smarter" than all of us. I wish you had played for me too...and I do really the game of football...what it teaches and what it represents...and I do sleep well at night.

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I, too, am as passionate about Jacket football as the Commissioner! I know a few more like this as well. I wish our community would support our team more when we play on the road. There is a small group that follow them passionately. I hope we have as big a turnout as the Patriots did last year in Springfield, but I am a realist and doubt we do. That being said, I hope we spoil Henry County's night! Maybe we can return the favor and run the clock out by getting numerous false start penalties, LOL!! I hope that last statement is not taken as whining by Red Warrior! His Milan teams were very good back in the day(if he is who I think he is).

Good luck to all the boys tomorrow night, and let's hope for a safe and exciting game! I hear HC has an outstanding facility, I can't wait to see it!


I can't say that I really liked the "running the clock out" strategy...but I liked the Springfield whining about it even less. Rules should be changed so that can't happen again.

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I, too, am as passionate about Jacket football as the Commissioner! I know a few more like this as well. I wish our community would support our team more when we play on the road. There is a small group that follow them passionately. I hope we have as big a turnout as the Patriots did last year in Springfield, but I am a realist and doubt we do. That being said, I hope we spoil Henry County's night! Maybe we can return the favor and run the clock out by getting numerous false start penalties, LOL!! I hope that last statement is not taken as whining by Red Warrior! His Milan teams were very good back in the day(if he is who I think he is).

Good luck to all the boys tomorrow night, and let's hope for a safe and exciting game! I hear HC has an outstanding facility, I can't wait to see it!


I know the coach to whom you refer...I am a little younger than he...and a lot sharper...LOL...but he was a great one in his day.

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I know the coach to whom you refer...I am a little younger than he...and a lot sharper...LOL...but he was a great one in his day.


Yup, RW coached a team that had as in his name indicates, a slightly different shade of red, a theory brought to my attention by some1 else, but it sounds like a good possibility. I will not name that person nor the team suggested but it is a good theory.....lol

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I don't think you overreacted. I think you are one of those that makes a community a community, that makes the world go round, that is an example for others to do the same. Now read closely . . . bad snaps are not all they are cracked up to be, fumbles can build character, missed assignments are an opportunity to learn, and a sacked QB is nothing more than a sacked QB.


you are exactly right. The good book that says that "iron sharpens iron" in adversity we are made strong. BUT it is tough and sometimes we dont realize the benefits until we are much, much older

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Springfield day is here at last!!!! By late morning the grills will be fired and the meat smoking.Some early arrivers will be there to enjoy the company and the beautiful weather. we hope some Springfield fans will join us. If you travel through Clarksville coming( as I think you should ) observe the posted speed limits as you come through Dover:: they are pretty picky over there.



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