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1A Playoff Standings


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One would be moved to another Quad. That's why they they call it seeding.If not they can go back to the predetermined brackets. This would be contradicting the purpose of the change they made.Huntington has been in Quad 4 since they were first announced. Don't see them moving regardless of the outcome of this weeks games.Guess anything could happen though.

If they do anything other than put Huntingdon in quad 3, they will have a hard time explaining why.

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I still think the TSSAA should identify the top 4 teams in each classification. Overall record should figure into this, but also the strength of schedule and point system should come into play. Take the top 4 teams in seperate them. Even if it meant someone in middle Tennessee having to go west or someone in Middle/West Tennessee coming east. Alot of teams play people that are comparable to middle school teams.

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I still think the TSSAA should identify the top 4 teams in each classification. Overall record should figure into this, but also the strength of schedule and point system should come into play. Take the top 4 teams in seperate them. Even if it meant someone in middle Tennessee having to go west or someone in Middle/West Tennessee coming east. Alot of teams play people that are comparable to middle school teams.

I agree that alot of schools play weak schedules now. The TSSAA come up with this great playoff system with wins being the number one factor to get into the playoff's. I wished they would go to 4 classes in all sports. Go back to 8 regions and take the top 3 teams out of each region for the playoff's. Give all region winners a first round bye. In this system the 24 schools that made the playoff's would have truly earned there position in the playoff's.

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There are 6 teams west of Huntingdon that will make the playoffs. This makes Huntingdon the closest geographically to quad 3.


It would make more since to move the closest weak team to quad 3 to keep the quads balanced. Wait, are you saying Huntingdon is too weak to compete in Quad 4?

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It would make more since to move the closest weak team to quad 3 to keep the quads balanced. Wait, are you saying Huntingdon is too weak to compete in Quad 4?

Yes, it would make sense to send a weaker team to quad 3 and leave Huntingdon in quad 4. However, it would go against every guideline the TSSAA has set. The six teams are grouped geographically into quads WITHOUT no regard to district standings or overall records. Once the six teams are grouped then the district standings and records come into play for seeding purposes. That is the only time that records/district standings are said to matter in regards to to the TSSAA guidelines.

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Stang.You and Falcon Nation may as well give up.Most everyone would think the TSSAA would maybe take the top 4 seeds and spread them out but not realizing the TSSAA is supposedely going by geographically regions.Wonder what they'd think if Huntingdon,Lake Co and Union City were ranked in the top 4 in the State.Wonder if the Middle Tenn people would want us to go to their Quad then?I'm sure West Tenn didnt want PC in their quad last year either but Lake Co was in there with them and Huntingdon.Who is to say Quad 4 is the weakest region.I dont think any of those teams have played any of these teams other than Wayne Co playing UC and that was when Union city didnt have their quarterback.Humboldt played Jo Byrnes and we saw what happened there.Lake Co lost to Humboldt but was also a couple plays from being unbeaten before that Humbold game.And the game was a lot closer than the score.If Huntingdon is moved to Quad 4,they will be favored but who knows.An injury could happen and just have to play it out.I would just about bet if Huntingdon were to have an injury to their quarterback,the people in Quad 3 wouldnt be complaning then,If you want to be the champion,dont worry about who you'll play.If you're the best it will show.Same as in basketball.I remember about 5 years ago,Lake Co.,Humboldt and Union City were all in the top 5 in the State.All of us in the same district.Why should they keep the top 3 teams in basketball.Why not spread us out.Lake Co could make the Stste tournament a lot of times if they were in the Middle Tenn brackets in past years.Just like last year.Humboldt was one of the top teams in the State and was sitting at home.Humboldt would have beaten half or any of the teams there.Maybe even been the team to play Lake Co for the State Championship.I went several years ago to watch an undefeated Union City team beat Manassa for the State title.Lake Co lost to Union City at the buzzer practically twice that year.I watched Union City play Moore Co and Lake Co would have beaten them by 20 points.But Lake Co was home.Maybe we need to start complaining to the TSSAA about that.Spread us out in basketball too.Why load up all the top teams in one region.I'd be willing to travel to Middle Tenn if Lake Co could stay away from Humboldt and Union City.But they have to battle Humboldt and Union City.Dont worry about it and play.

Edited by mrbigster
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Stang.I think yall may be the team to win it all and maybe shouldn't say this but I sure hope they put yall in with us in Quad 4 just so we can quit listening or reading about all the crying..Just means we can get the round balls out sooner.Tired of listening to the crying.I have tears coming from my computer,they're crying so much..Boo.Hoo.

Edited by mrbigster
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