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Youth Football in Blount County 2012.


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There was some smack being talked out at alcoa high last night regarding the upcoming middle school game. Let's just say the team from montvale station road might as well forfeit. I had no idea alcoa was that loaded. Where did all those studs come from? I don't remember them being that good in the youth leagues. Maybe it's like murvil where the kids start to excel once they get some real coaching and not daddy-ball. I heard they have 2 kids from out west (maybe Montana) and a new pipeline opened up from atlanta with a kid or two. Maybe you should hope for rain. Nope, that won't work with the new turf. Maybe mid-term grades will come out at alcoa today! It sounded like murvil was gonna need a miracle to keep it close. rolleyes.gif

Whatever happened to the Westside Raiders???? That was a true dynasty many moons ago. Had kids from every corner of the county including the mean streets of Alcoa, the hamlet of Bungalow, the hood in Alnwick and of course the fertile recruiting grounds of Middlesettlements. I don't remember them dipping into Fairviewpopcorneater.gif

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Mairvul Middull - 14


Alcouh Middull - 8



I do believe Alcoa passed more in this one game than the High School team will all season.


I hate to say it, but if the Alcoa players had been able to get some of the old spray on "stick 'em" they would have won this game.


Also, I hope Alcoa's center's injury was not too serious. As always Alcoa has huge linemen, must have outweighed the Rebels by 30 pounds.


Congrats Rebels on some great defensive stands. I got a feeling these two will meet again!

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Would like to put in my .02¢ about the Maryville Lil Rebs, Southerners, and Rebs coaches > David Hunt, Joey Winders, and Don Sentell . This is my opinion about these coaches and I am not disrespecting any other programs or saying their coaches are not as dedicated or good. I have been around this program for about 11 years and I coached for David Hunt for most of those years. So this post is only about what I can speak for and is not putting any of the other programs down. I have coached in this league and respect the people who are committed to each of these teams. The Maryville coaches are doing what they do because they love these kids and love the game of football. They have no set agenda to put themselves above anyone by running up a score. Games can get out of hand very quickly and most of the time the younger kids are put in. But these men have never put a kid in a position of being so over matched that they could get injured, so some starters may play when a game is out of reach. I am loyal to speak up for these men and defend "the way they roll". They have worked too many years ( some have coached longer than I have been living ) and put in too many hours for it to be for them to get all the glory. I thank them and their assistants for the job they do, my boys have benefitted and learned so much from each one of them. I may wear colored glasses but I say THANK YOU David, Joey, and Don thumb[1].gif

Edited by Rebels5star
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Big win there Stars. Congrats to all of those Maryville kids, especially #21 and #7.

Great win for Maryville. #21 is a very physical player and will be fun to watch on Friday nights. #7 very impressive athlete will be interesting to see if he continues to play QB as a freshmen ( heard he would rather play RB ). Both will be playmakers no matter which position they are playing.


Lil Rebs beat Alcoa (grass hoppers) tonight also


2012 was a clean sweep vs Alcoa


Congrats to all our Maryville Teams


Alcoa middle school is loaded with good players also. Very impressed with QB, great arm and puts the ball where only his WR can catch it. #22 very good RB


I also hope the Alcoa player injured tonight is ok. I completely agree oldhick76 *** The WR's could have definitely used some "stick em"

Edited by Rebels5star
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Would like to put in my .02¢ about the Maryville Lil Rebs, Southerners, and Rebs coaches > David Hunt, Joey Winders, and Don Sentell . This is my opinion about these coaches and I am not disrespecting any other programs or saying their coaches are not as dedicated or good. I have been around this program for about 11 years and I coached for David Hunt for most of those years. So this post is only about what I can speak for and is not putting any of the other programs down. I have coached in this league and respect the people who are committed to each of these teams. The Maryville coaches are doing what they do because they love these kids and love the game of football. They have no set agenda to put themselves above anyone by running up a score. Games can get out of hand very quickly and most of the time the younger kids are put in. But these men have never put a kid in a position of being so over matched that they could get injured, so some starters may play when a game is out of reach. I am loyal to speak up for these men and defend "the way they roll". They have worked too many years ( some have coached longer than I have been living ) and put in too many hours for it to be for them to get all the glory. I thank them and their assistants for the job they do, my boys have benefitted and learned so much from each one of them. I may wear colored glasses but I say THANK YOU David, Joey, and Don thumb[1].gif


Very well said and I agree %100 , trying to come up with something to paint any of these fine men in a negative light is ridiculous , I'm very thankful to everyone in our community who gives of their time to help our kids .

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Great win for Maryville. #21 is a very physical player and will be fun to watch on Friday nights. #7 very impressive athlete will be interesting to see if he continues to play QB as a freshmen ( heard he would rather play RB ). Both will be playmakers no matter which position they are playing.


Lil Rebs beat Alcoa (grass hoppers) tonight also


2012 was a clean sweep vs Alcoa


Congrats to all our Maryville Teams


Alcoa middle school is loaded with good players also. Very impressed with QB, great arm and puts the ball where only his WR can catch it. #22 very good RB


I also hope the Alcoa player injured tonight is ok. I completely agree oldhick76 *** The WR's could have definitely used some "stick em"

I walked out of the stadium with the center. He was on crutches. I hope he is ok as well. He's a very big boy! Great athlete!
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Whatever happened to the Westside Raiders???? That was a true dynasty many moons ago. Had kids from every corner of the county including the mean streets of Alcoa, the hamlet of Bungalow, the hood in Alnwick and of course the fertile recruiting grounds of Middlesettlements. I don't remember them dipping into Fairviewpopcorneater.gif


'89 eye ain't shore.....Eye remimbur att one time tha Bungalo Sayints evun haid a teem.....


And if'un us AllinWickians wooda haid a teem, we wooda all haid two haiv shaived our beerds and poke-chop sideburns two git one ov tham yuth leegue helmits ovur our heads....blush.png

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You want it to be done the right way ??? You've been a Maryville fan now for 6 months and you've decided a lot of changes need to take place in everything we do ?? Hilarious ... So let me get this straight ... according to you and StrongX ... we need to keep a closer eye on Villians like Don Sentell , Joey Winders, David Hunt and Coach Quarles that they Don't run the score up on helpless victims .... You know what , I'm gonna go out on a limb here and just State that I trust all of our Coaches to behave in a Classy , professional manner , and always have the kids first in all of their concerns ... but thanks for your input , and you too StrongX , But you guys shouldn't act hurt when we don't go along with you guys in thinking Coach Quarles and other Coaches have earned the right to be defended when you guys want to question them , you have the right to voice your opinion and the last time I checked , I also have a right to disagree with you .


We are LUCKY as HE double L to have the men involved that we do in all of Maryville Football !!

Old peppy, you don't get it do you? I been in this area probably longer than you been alive. I signed on to coacht as an alcoa fan just to mess with you guys. I believe Maryville has the best middle and high school programs in the state. Both my kids attend Maryville high and neither play sports, my son use to. Those coaches you mention are all good guys and good coaches I'm sure. What about the other coaches and players that feed Maryville. You guys act like the Bears organization does't even exist. Maryville gets players from other teams in park and rec also. Blowouts will happen from time to time no matter what a coach does. But I'm sure alot of the blowouts can be reduced{ for example by removing starters early} in alot of the games including all of the teams in park and rec or where ever you look. My point is as a Maryville supporter we have to realize some of those boys taking that whipping on the other side might be our players one day in middle or high school. But you wear your blinders and think we do no wrong. I'll keep calling it the way it is. There have been alot of very UNCLASSY things done in the past from all teams involved in park and rec. If it happened to you pep, I'll bet you will question or call it out..... right?
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***Trivia Question*** There were a lot of great athletes on the field last night in the MJH vs. AMS game. I was impressed with a bunch of them, but there was four that I thought really stood out. #8 from Alcoa, (could have used some help with the all of the dropped passes), #2 from Maryville, #7 Maryville, and #21 Maryville (freaking beast, had a couple of blocks that made you feel sorry for the defender). Ok, question is what do these four players have in common???

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