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South Pittsburg Coaching

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There's a handful of parents that are ruining the sports programs at SP, it's nice to see a few of their names are finally being outed!

I have sat back all year, reading the parents Facebook comments, listening to them complain and after reading through this feed I've came to the conclusion one of the biggest problems at SP is the Parents! How can we expect the boys to respect their coaches when the parents are constantly bad mouthing, second guessing the coach, under minding their authority or being disrespectful towards the coach &/or coaches all together! In my opinion some of the best athletes to come out of SP didn't have micromanaging parents, some were lucky if their parents even attended the games. I'm not saying parents shouldn't be involved, they definitely should be! Although I'm all for parent involvement I do believe that parents need to know their place, they should leave the coaching to the coaches & the teaching to the teachers! "Daddy" ball use to end when kids got into Junior High & High School sports, and it most certainly should but if SP isn't careful the parents are going to take over!

And as far as what happened Friday night....if my kids were being loud, disrespectful & making a mess in my car there is absolutely NO WAY I would stop & treat them to McDonald's, they would simply have to wait until they got home & eat a cold sandwich! Not "treating" them to a hot cheese burger is in no way mean or harmful to them! I mean really, these are 15, 16, 17 & probably some 18 year old boys we're taking about here, first of all: they are old enough to know & understand "that there's always consequences for your actions" second of all: they called their mommy's & daddy's to tattle on the coach?? Really!!! I can't think of one guy that played throughout my 4 years at that school that would have called his parent &/or parents on the way home to tattle on the coach &/or coaches!! These boys need to grow up & their parents need to cut the umbilical cords!!

I have always and will always support my kids in everything they do but I know my place when it comes to sports and that is in the stands (where the parents belong) cheering them & the team on!!!

This is a problem at schools throughtout the state. Edited by horse
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These three apparently think "being involved" means "being in control/ taking over"! They took over the Rec league & Little League then when their kids moved up they dropped those programs like a bad habit and began their pursuit to taking over the junior high program's only to drop them now that their kids are in high school. The fact that Coach Stone didn't get intimidated & let them take over his team caused them to hold their "special" meetings and eventually cost him his job! As the athletic director Vic needs to handle these guys and quick before they take over (ruin) every sports program at SP only to leave them high and dry when their kids graduate!

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These three apparently think "being involved" means "being in control/ taking over"! They took over the Rec league & Little League then when their kids moved up they dropped those programs like a bad habit and began their pursuit to taking over the junior high program's only to drop them now that their kids are in high school. The fact that Coach Stone didn't get intimidated & let them take over his team caused them to hold their "special" meetings. As the athletic director Vic needs to handle these guys and quick before they take over (ruin) every sports program at SP only to leave them high and dry when their kids graduate!

Old Pirate says, "Give That Boy A Cig-R" It ain't been long back Old Pirate was sitting at one of the local liar's table when talk was one had plans to send his to a private! No you don't mean sitch mess? Now ain't that jest as surprising as findling them coon dogs ain't got a nary flee! that just beats all! LOPAO....... Figure he knowd he couldn't infiltrate them Circle Fly fellers and get his way. Them privates pretty much tell those type to take a hike! Recon us regular folkes jest might take heed to that same thing. Yep, recon so......More details about other things as this thread continues...A Storm is Coming Edited by OLD PIRATE
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Regardless the record of coach Moore whether he was right or wrong he has lost the respect of the players and some if not most fans. Not saying its right or wrong of what went on I wasn't their but I do know one thing once you loose respect its very hard to get it back....So with that being said if there is not a change in the coaching before next season I believe it will get worse before it gets better!

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1. There's a handful of parents that are ruining the sports programs at SP, it's nice to see a few of their names are finally being outed!

2. I have sat back all year, reading the parents Facebook comments, listening to them complain and I've came to the conclusion one of the biggest problems at SP is the Parents! 3. How can we expect the boys to respect their coaches when the parents are constantly bad mouthing, second guessing the coach, under minding their authority or being disrespectful towards the coach &/or coaches all together! 4. Although I'm all for parent involvement I do believe that parents need to know their place, they should leave the coaching to the coaches & the teaching to the teachers! 5. "Daddy" ball use to end when kids got into Junior High & High School sports, and it most certainly should. 6. they called their mommy's & daddy's to tattle on the coach?? Really!!! 7. I can't think of one guy that played throughout my 4 years at that school that would have called his parent &/or parents on the way home to tattle on the coach &/or coaches!! 8. These boys need to grow up & their parents need to cut the umbilical cords!!


Old Pirate says 8 key points Edited by OLD PIRATE
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Regardless the record of coach Moore whether he was right or wrong he has lost the respect of the players and some if not most fans. Not saying its right or wrong of what went on I wasn't their but I do know one thing once you loose respect its very hard to get it back....So with that being said if there is not a change in the coaching before next season I believe it will get worse before it gets better!

I wholeheartedly agree with this and like D60 I try to stay out of the fray as hard as that is to do. We need very strong leadership and We have a very strong Pirate sailing under a different flag right now. We need to send a raiding party to board that buccaneer ship and get our best swashbuckler back on board. He knows how to handle these mutineers we have..Those same mutineers that cast him off in the first place.
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I wholeheartedly agree with this and like D60 I try to stay out of the fray as hard as that is to do. We need very strong leadership and We have a very strong Pirate sailing under a different flag right now. We need to send a raiding party to board that buccaneer ship and get our best swashbuckler back on board. He knows how to handle these mutineers we have..Those same mutineers that cast him off in the first place.


That's ship has sailed and unfortunately for SP's future it's taking some dang good athletes with it!

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That's ship has sailed and unfortunately for SP's future it's taking some dang good athletes with it!

yes it may be too late but mainly I think, because, he is also a great dad, and tuition for them at that school is very attractive. Edited by pegleg
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