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Webb not Playing Knox Cath any longer.


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Pretty funny watching the self righteous Catlic's bring up all the professional issues and saying Webb hurts worse with a Catholic loss, Not sure but I thought Webb has won the game the past six or seven years, from the rumor mill seems the self righteous have over stepped their boundary and professionalism in the recruiting world, at least when Webb recruits they can legally give Finanacial support, Catholic will give you all kinds of financial support if you will convert to the self righteous. Someone brought up the Mitchell kid being at Webb as a  recruit, well I bet Loudon feels the same about the Catholic recruiting dept. I agree all schools do some kind of recruiting, yes kids want to play for a winner but when you do things under handily like things are being said then you have someone get their feelings hurt, in this case Webb has chosen to move away from Catholic and play much better competition, its a classy move by the Spartans to finally take a stand on an issue that no one seems to know about.

My statement was far from being in a self-righteous vein. I have very strong ties to both programs and have been associated with Webb for over 30 years. I've seen the good and bad to the rivalry over that time period. Without getting into the recruiting and other reasons people are throwing out there about ending the series, I still don't understand the rationale that ending the series was the best option. I've talked to numerous people today that are involved athletically with both schools that are extremely upset. I was also told by someone with close ties to the Webb program that some of the money people at Webb want the games stopped for two years and it wasn't 100% Coach Meske's call. Some of the problems come from sports other than football.


Explain to me again how classy it is to cancel a rivalry via text without a phone call or the courtesy of a return call. And let's not even mention talking to the paper and TV stations prior to a discussion with anyone in the Irish administration that gives the appearance that Catholic was the sole cause of the "unhealthy relationship".


I welcome the scrutiny that we are forced to deal with from these other schools. If you have proof of violations, I would think that you would be more than happy to provide the TSSAA documentation. Plenty of kids in this area end up at schools outside their zone but I promise you the coaches at Maryville, Alcoa, Fulton, Pigeon Forge, Catholic, etc. know what is allowed as far as the TSSAA rules. I've had enough conversations with the coaches at these schools and the parents of several players that have made moves they feel are appropriate to give their kid the best opportunity for athletic success.

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Nothing to do with the internet, he was there for an interview. Both were asked the same question: if offered the job would you take it today, Rankin said no, CRB said yes. There was a long list of local coaches who wanted the Catholic job.


Changing the subject here a bit and not trying to be cute, but why would Rankin want the job?

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My statement was far from being in a self-righteous vein. I have very strong ties to both programs and have been associated with Webb for over 30 years. I've seen the good and bad to the rivalry over that time period. Without getting into the recruiting and other reasons people are throwing out there about ending the series, I still don't understand the rationale that ending the series was the best option. I've talked to numerous people today that are involved athletically with both schools that are extremely upset. I was also told by someone with close ties to the Webb program that some of the money people at Webb want the games stopped for two years and it wasn't 100% Coach Meske's call. Some of the problems come from sports other than football.


Explain to me again how classy it is to cancel a rivalry via text without a phone call or the courtesy of a return call. And let's not even mention talking to the paper and TV stations prior to a discussion with anyone in the Irish administration that gives the appearance that Catholic was the sole cause of the "unhealthy relationship".


I welcome the scrutiny that we are forced to deal with from these other schools. If you have proof of violations, I would think that you would be more than happy to provide the TSSAA documentation. Plenty of kids in this area end up at schools outside their zone but I promise you the coaches at Maryville, Alcoa, Fulton, Pigeon Forge, Catholic, etc. know what is allowed as far as the TSSAA rules. I've had enough conversations with the coaches at these schools and the parents of several players that have made moves they feel are appropriate to give their kid the best opportunity for athletic success.



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