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Week 5: Oneida @ Midway


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So....I don't know squat about Midway.  I do know them SOR boys usually play hard to the whistle.  They running into my boys who are trying to find their mojo stick.  If the right group shows up on the river then we can get this one done.  I doubt we will NOT be ready to play....but I may have said that last week too.  I'm going to sit back this week and listen (if anyone cares to share) to the vibe.  So far it appears most think we will win this week, but we need to sharpen a lot of the blades.



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What is going on? This isn't the ONEIDA football we know. What's missing????

Need a new offensive coordinator who ain't afraid to throw the dang ball and spread people out. Only throwin on 3rd down doesn't help when they know exactly what is coming. I have seen it for years now we need somebody who ain't afraid to throw the rock.
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Well I agree I'd like to see a few more attempts on 1st downs or 2nd and short but can't really blame the staff. They've been throwing 10 +\- attempts per game but when a team is having as many drops as we've been having I'd be cautious myself.


The real issue is do some of the guys on the field really want to be there and if so when are they gonna start playing like it. I'm not calling anyone's number, if it's them they know who they are. If it's not they know that to. Gut check time in my opinion, somebody's gotta step up and lead this team on the field on Friday nights.

Edited by crow
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I gave up the coaching chair in this sport a long time ago and I know where I sit now is the easiest place in the world to call a game.  If your personnel is better than the other teams then calling a game isn't the hardest proposition.  What it boils down too is when the teams are fairly equal (which in this case is going to be pretty much every given Friday), who effectively calls the most productive plays.  I thought the GB game was an indication of making calls that would have been much more effective had they been executed better. (how many dropped balls in that one?)(at least 5 by my count)  3 of them would have resulted in first downs and 1 would have made it first and goal from the 7 yard line. (that was a fourth down too)  Of course the two scoop and scores nullified the steep hill we were already climbing.  In the Kings game, you had to be impressed with their receivers making catches....it effectively won them the game.  Their ability to catch and run for yardage was a big difference in the outcome.  Have we shown the same ability up to this point?  The QB has passed pretty well on balls he has gotten airborne, but our receivers need to do a better job of securing it.  That being said.....I do think the potential is out there, it just has to improve.  I'd say we'll keep after it because it hurts your offense to be one dimensional.  Even if you had road graders (which we don't) in front of you, teams that stack the box have a numerical advantage in stopping the run game.  You can't block two guys with one lineman.  Look, you either bury you head and feel sorry for yourself, or you get better at what your doing.  That goes back to my reference of looking at yourself in the mirror.....become accountable for mistakes and correct them.

I agree with Crow on the Gut Check Thing.....the kids need to respond to getting better quick.  The effort ultimately comes from inside each of them.  We back you boys......heck, one feller sat through that entire monsoon Friday and never moved from his seat. (lightning flashing all around him)(scared me to death....and no it wasn't me)  With fans like that....we got to pick it up!  My two cents ain't usually worth a hill of beans, but some of which I speak has a pinch of truth to it.....!



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Pardon my ignorance too, but is Midway a District Game?  I know that is probably a stupid question, but I took so much stock in the GB, Coalfield, Sunbright, and Harriman match-ups that I honestly don't remember who else is in with us.  I did know Oakdale got shipped North.  If Midway is in the district, then this game is magnified 10 times....no one can afford to slip a game anywhere. 

Question two:  I am going to deem the Kings game an upset.  No disrespect to their program...they whipped our butt.  I was wondering what everyone thought about how big was that win for them?  Are they just an up and coming team that could be a player in the future or did they catch lightning in a bottle?



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One last thing......I don't have a player on the team, but I could probably name everyone of them by sight (or smell).  To be sure I care about just about every one of them and there isn't an L or W that is going to change that in the future either.  In the same breath, I think highly of the men who lead them....they are all good men that put their all into molding these kids.  Any gripe I ever express or statement I've made is never intended to convey that I'm smarter (or prettier) than whoever is doing things.  I let the chips fall where they may and move right along.  We all talk about things with people the day after the game that would make any coach or player bristle...I just stupid enough to say things that others can see.  Through it all one thing is certain.....The Indians are my team and I gladly support them through thick and thin.



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