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Maryville (4-0) @ Science Hill (3-0)


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Best play of the night was the onside kick after murvil's first score-the 30 crew saw it before it happened.  we gotta start returnin punts for at least a little supmtin-why can't we set up a return??? back in the day we took it to the house daily!!! don't be scared-middle return is so easy to st up up-take ur guy to the sideline.  our taillgate was off the chain-our dogs, burgers, et my world famous hashbrown casserole was nuttin but good-me et the fam had a blast-we still got some old farts that need to get off their arse!!! it's really okay to say-RUN OVER THE FAT GUY!!! thank you rebelwoman for savin our seats!!! little things like being able to tuck your shirt in matter-those FAT GUYS don't get it!!! so proud of our program!!!!!!! -trying to get my guys and ALL of Watauga County to understand what it means to have some community pride-Murvil fans realize what u got-GO RED REBELS!!!!!!!! MOVE THEM CHAINS!!! i love you guys-spanky

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btw-my squad is 4-0-we've out scored opponents 167-24!!!!


some of the red rebel fans seem to be complacent-don't be satisfied wit where u are!!!! get off ur ARSE!!!! Go Red Rebels-MOVE THEM CHAINS et ALWAYS RUN OVER THE FAT GUY et FEED THE DOG!!!!! you guys have no clue what you got!!! spanky

spank looks like yore D iz tuff......Eye wuz a littull sirprized Mairvul ran tha bawl az good az thay did wif man covridge and tha box stacked full....Butt tha RB stabull iz deep thiz yeer and eye heer mite bee gettin a littull deepur come Mondee.... :popcorneater:

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Weird Hate.


Seriously, Do you even live around here? I've got the feeling you post from some basement in Montana and do this just for kicks.

Waco has posted some 9000 times in 12 years or so. He has no life. When you question him he turns to insults such as the man cave remarks. Such show his real depth of intelligence.


The DB clan on here isn't representative of their fan base. Especially WACO. These are the whiners and troll's. You beat them and the excuse is "that wasn't our best team." But they were playoff teams, correct?


Johnson City isn't a football town? Most of those at the DB game go for the band. And the fact is Science Hill is starting to dominate in all sports against DB.


The fact is they do hijack SHHS threads that show their jealousy. They state the obvious and ride their coaches and 16-18 year old players. And this is high school. Let that sink in... High school. They use excuses like "this is Coach T, what do you expect."


They are a bunch of "Shooters" from HOOSIERS.


I come here to get facts and info about other teams. That's it. I will share what I know.


I'm surprised at the overall lack of class shown by the Maryville few on here.

Edited by TicketToRide
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