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Boyd vs CPA

Guest bucsfootball

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Timmy, I'd watch what you say. SP wouldn't have even made it to overtime, they would have been put out at the beginning of the game. CPA's defense would have never allowed you inside the ten. CPA had a very good defense. Sure Boyd could have done something different and gotten the touchdown, but CPA's defense did an excellent job. Leave this thread alone and talk with people about how SP will even make it to semi's next year.

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I don't know if they cheated or not, they were just very suspicious calls. I looked back over this thread and I was not the first one to post about the bad calls, but I too like a lot of others saw this turn of events. Yes, justice prevailed and the better team won (finally). It would have been a down right travesty if Boyd would have pulled it out after those two calls. CPA did a fine job of sportsmanship. I wonder if Boyd would have shown the same sportsmanship...I guess we will never know. It's all water under the bridge now. Too bad Boyd wasn't in 2A.

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You need a heck of a team to finish third in region 5 and they came together and did it. They are to be commended.

So Congratulations Third Place, Region 5 1A


hey, bud, first of all, we were first in region 3 1A not 5 1A, and we finished first. We also finished second in the state, which would mean that we would be first in ant region except for CPA, who is in region 5 1A, so even if you looked at it that way, we would still be second. And if im not mistaken, Ezell lost nowhere near the state final, which would put them behind us if you wanted to be dumb and pretend we are in region 5. my educated guess would be that you are an Ezell fan who is bitter because you realized that boyd's loss to you was a fluke

[Edited by boydbucbarry on 12-10-02 7:52A]


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I want to commend CPAs team, coaching, and fans for their spirit. Your team played great and really proved themselves. I was impressed with your team and how they acted after they won. They all showed great sportsmanship. Both side did. Even the boyd players showed respect to the CPA players. You also have a great coaching staff. Your fans were some of the best that I have ever seen at game that Boyd was in. They cheered for their team the entire time. Noone that I heard waws putting Boyd down. I would also like to note Jeff Fisher talking about some of our players, while his son plays for CPA. This shows a great deal of respect for how far your team came. I just was glad that we were able to play such a good team on and off the field. This was the best game ever. Good Luck to all CPA seniors.

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Ok, this is getting way out of hand. CSense what is your deal? Bad calls or good calls it doesnt matter, and whos to say if Boyd won that the best team wouldnt have one. Cpa was the better tema but the game could have gone either way and no team made themselves look that much better than the other. About the fumble, william was clearly down,and about the pass interfernce call, how do you know that it was on the boy guarding William. Couldnt it been another reciever or could it have been while the ball was in the air but not to William.

As far as you continuing to talk negativley about Boyd, How did Red Bank do this year? I know you wont like reading this but I guarante Boyd would have taken them to the woodshed and beat them REAL BAD!

Timmy50, you need to understand that South Pittsburg wasnt even close to being as good as Boyd this year. I dare say that we could have continued to score on your team in the second half. As far as next year goes, Boyd will be fine. They return the best players on defense (Moore nad Davis) and skill position players such as Headen, Akins, and Peardon. And you never know we might get that great player from Texas that lead his team to a stare title in class 4A. HAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Everyone should just ignore comments made from CSense and Timmy. I hope that they are in high school, really I hope that they are in middle school because then their actions on this board could be explained. Your jealousy of Boyd's success is clearly evident in your posts and you look really dumb. I really hope you aren't adults because you have some issues to work out if you are. Just get over it and enjoy basketball season even though neither of you have much to look forward to.

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So certain are you? Boyd stuffed yall's running game and CPA stuffed ours. It's hard to pass inside the 10 because there is so little room, and running against CPA's line is pretty difficult although I think if Boyd ran it straight up the middle they could have gotten a touchdown. You are not giving CPA's defense the credit they deserve. They did very well on defense in overtime. We'll never know how SP would do, but I guarentee you it wouldn't be a cake walk like you think it would.

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CPA had a great defense but they would not have been able to stop Nelson from getting 5 yards if the whole line had went in and him over the top. He is too big and strong. Staying on the outside and trying to pass the ball in was disastrous as Healy lost all of his scrambling skills facing CPA's whole team in the endzone.

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we dont even need to consider if south pitt would have scored on 8 plays from the 10, because south pitt was not there. i believe that south pitt is going to be the team that we are going to have to be to go back to state and i know that they will have a great team next year, but we will too. healy and nelson was not our whole team. we have said all year that we have no stand outs on this team but we work as one and without everyone on the team, all the way down to scout team, we would not be where we were. i hope to see yall more than once next year because i should would love to play yall in a playoff game. i cant wait till we see you in the fall.

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