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UCR( upperman cookeville reporter)

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On 1/16/2025 at 5:33 PM, NoahMcKayUCR said:

To be clear, I blocked him because I simply think it’s hilarious. Figured I would help him not be subjected to seeing such a “biased” source.


Appreciate those on this thread who had kind words. For those who didn’t, I hope if nothing else we provide a way to see what our athletes are doing. I’m out!

Inevitably is coming soon! Remember you asked for this!

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On 1/18/2025 at 8:55 AM, repoman said:

I get it, just like to stir the pot. Upperman boys #1 . Girls, I am going with Cookeville #1.

Upperman girls are #1. Remember....they lost to two really good teams during holidays. They could've lost to 5 really good teams over the holidays and they'd still be #1.  :)

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34 minutes ago, 85warrior said:

Upperman girls are #1. Remember....they lost to two really good teams during holidays. They could've lost to 5 really good teams over the holidays and they'd still be #1.  :)

Yes noah hinted around the other night that white co might beat upperman tuesday night but could still stay #1 lol because its a long season. 

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Now if we lose we could use excuses like we are down a starter. But im not gonna make no excuses. Now if we win. Which i think we will. Omg. Noah is gonna catch heck from alot of people! Its my understanding that the girls are fired up because of all the disrespect and hate that noah has been spewing all season. So in a way if mighty upperman loses it will be noahs fault!

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On 1/10/2025 at 2:33 PM, UTRok said:

All one needs to do is go to their Facebook page and go to the video and live sections to see this is not accurate at all. Cookeville and Upperman may get more but they do a ton of others. Did they not do all of the tournament games in Sparta recently? I see several Pickett County videos. Macon, Smith and Dekalb. I think they do a great job. Way better than NFHS video. 

Anything is better than the absolutely awful NFHS.

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36 minutes ago, ReitzFan said:

Anything is better than the absolutely awful NFHS.

They are very good if you wanna see and hear about upperman 70% of the time and cookeville 20% of the time. If you are an upperman fan u love them erbody is getting tired of hearing bout them. They have had a good thing going but with all the bias im afraid ther gonna put their selves out of business. Then again there is probably enough money in putnam co to keep them going. 

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5 hours ago, Nontypical said:

They are very good if you wanna see and hear about upperman 70% of the time and cookeville 20% of the time. If you are an upperman fan u love them erbody is getting tired of hearing bout them. They have had a good thing going but with all the bias im afraid ther gonna put their selves out of business. Then again there is probably enough money in putnam co to keep them going. 


I thought you were done with this topic two pages ago?

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Grown adults getting upset over meaningless polls and talking heads doing their job. Broadcasts go where the money is: a tell as old as time. I understand the animosity but why?

There's no doubt that White County, Upperman, Livingston, Cookeville, Pickett, Clarkrange, York, and Stone all have a legit chance to make some noise and none of it will be because of who is broadcasting their games or talking great about them. 

Also, Warrior Media is as good as anyone. I couldn't imagine complaining about UCR when the time and dedication those students put in to such a fine product is beyond admirable and highly professional. 

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On 1/10/2025 at 2:33 PM, UTRok said:

All one needs to do is go to their Facebook page and go to the video and live sections to see this is not accurate at all. Cookeville and Upperman may get more but they do a ton of others. Did they not do all of the tournament games in Sparta recently? I see several Pickett County videos. Macon, Smith and Dekalb. I think they do a great job. Way better than NFHS video. 

I am not really involved with the Upper Cumberland, especially in girls basketball, BUT as someone who keeps up with middle TN. I will say in terms of a broadcasts they are for sure one of the best in the state, if not the best IMO, That is just the broadcasts too. The fact they go and do an hour of UC sports talk every week on top of this, I am not aware of anyone in the state who does that, and I think that is awesome! 

Now like I said I am not affiliated with the UC area in any way (don't live there, didn't go to school there, and don't have kids there) and I have seen a lot of the UCR games and shows this year and here are some of my observations between what I have seen and what I believe to know about UCR:

- The contrast between their broadcast personalities is great: Noah's enthusiastic personality in all aspects and Jacob's calm collected personality go very well together IMO. Whether or not Noah may seem biased (will get to this later) you always want someone to bring that energy to a broadcast. It makes it more fun and contagious as a viewer. 

- They go above and beyond anyone else in the state from what I am aware of. They covered tournaments last year and they went all the way to Florida over the Christmas break to cover a tournament. No one else, that I am aware of, is doing that. Like I previously mentioned they do an hour of sports talk every week to recap the week's sporting events and do a rankings show, once again no one is doing that. 

- Are they biased? from an outsider's view for just this basketball year, they do talk a lot about Upperman. HOWEVER, there are MANY reasons for this: 1. When a team is really good/ has one of the best players in the area (Ty Cobb) they get talked about a lot. This is true in all sports coverage. 2. They have to get paid to be able to do what they do and by all accounts it appears the schools that get covered the most are the ones that have local business and people paying them the most to do so, which is how it should be. Even with this I have seen them have a broadcast up with teams not named upperman and cookeville at least a couple of times, if not numerous times. 3. If there are schools that have administration or coaches that don't want their games covered, there is nothing they can do about that. 4. Logistics - When it comes to high school basketball both boys and girls play at the same place right after each other during district play. So they can't choose a different school for both boys and girls games, they need to be at same place. So it makes sense for them to choose games where they think an interest in both games might be had, and with how both Upperman boys and girls are playing it makes a lot of sense to go to those games, especially since both are either favorites or at worst co-favorites to win their district and region.

And honestly, if I was in Noah's shoes I don't know if I could do any better at trying to not be biased. I am a very enthusiastic and outgoing person, and when there is something I am passionate about I have a very hard time controlling my bias. Now I could be wrong, but from what I have seen and know about Noah it wouldn't shock me if he is very similar. If that is the case I think he is doing a very good job at trying to reel in any potential bias. 

1 reason I don't believe they are overly biased is also the amount of times I have heard Noah mention that Cade Capps should have won Mr. Basketball last year. They also go into why each team is where they are in the rankings during the show. Now do I think they might lean a little more bias toward Upperman? Yes, but I don't think it is anymore than what's deserved/necessary. if the team I am paid to cover the most is performing the way the girls and boys are and has a great player like Ty Cobb, I would be a little biased as well. And frankly if I was from the UC area I want them to be as long as that same bias comes into play when other schools are at the top! UCR is by far the best way the UC area gets their props, and teams and players get talked about around the rest of the state! You just hope that when other schools have teams and players that are at Upperman's current level that they will be a little biased towards them! Now I am not saying Upperman teams are all that, but for basketball they are the clear top school when it comes to BOTH boys and girls basketball COMBINED right now. From what I can see the girls side has more parody in the UC area, but for boys there honestly doesn't seem to be as much parity right now.


Sorry, I know it is a lot to read and I am sure I have ideas jumbled throughout it, but I am not, nor was I, an english and writing person in school lol. I wish more parts of the state would have broadcasts crews like the UCR. If your biggest problems with them is that they cover some teams more than others, than I would say they are doing a fantastic job, especially when said teams are arguably playing the best, have the most financial support to UCR, and have star player(s) that everyone wants to see. If you want to change that then talk to the other schools administrations, coaches, and local businesses to try and get more support for UCR and I guarantee you they will give those schools more coverage.

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Since I am down in Florida working this month I for one, am glad they are covering the games because otherwise I wouldn’t get to see them.  The way I see it, Any coverage is better than what we’ve had which of course was no coverage at all.  White County has had the best girls team the past 2 years in AAA.  However, that has not translated to wins in Murfreesboro.  Maybe they are treating this like they do the national football league, the more you win the more primetime coverage you get?  Or maybe it’s viewership along with sponsors I don’t know. But the fact that they do cover most of the teams in this area, especially come tournament time is something we’ve never had so I don’t think we should complain about it.  I mean, I remember when I used to have to try to find 104.7 out of Livingston during the tournaments to see if I could hear the Jackson County game or the Clay County game because that was the only coverage there was!  A radio station!  However if Livingston was playing, they took precedence over everybody whether they were good or not.  It was like that during Christmas tournaments and the district and region tournaments.  I think we’ll see a lot of really good coverage, come district/region tournament time. I think we will see coverage of most of the schools in the UpperCumberland and I see that as a huge positive. I get it that you’ve got a personal issue with this guy, but as for the network, we’re lucky to have them in my opinion. 

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5 minutes ago, UCSportsFan said:

Since I am down in Florida working this month I for one, am glad they are covering the games because otherwise I wouldn’t get to see them.  The way I see it, Any coverage is better than what we’ve had which of course was no coverage at all.  White County has had the best girls team the past 2 years in AAA.  However, that has not translated to wins in Murfreesboro.  Maybe they are treating this like they do the national football league, the more you win the more primetime coverage you get?  Or maybe it’s viewership along with sponsors I don’t know. But the fact that they do cover most of the teams in this area, especially come tournament time is something we’ve never had so I don’t think we should complain about it.  I mean, I remember when I used to have to try to find 104.7 out of Livingston during the tournaments to see if I could hear the Jackson County game or the Clay County game because that was the only coverage there was!  A radio station!  However if Livingston was playing, they took precedence over everybody whether they were good or not.  It was like that during Christmas tournaments and the district and region tournaments.  I think we’ll see a lot of really good coverage, come district/region tournament time. I think we will see coverage of most of the schools in the UpperCumberland and I see that as a huge positive. I get it that you’ve got a personal issue with this guy, but as for the network, we’re lucky to have them in my opinion. 

We’ll said!

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