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West Keeps on Rolling

dewayne robinson

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More than likely Bruce wasnt acting any different from any other fan and the ref recognized him and decided to flex some muscle and maybe get some publicity for tossing the hottest CBB coach in the country right now!!! :)


The coach was there to cheer for his son and West High. West High needs more vocal parents like him!

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we fiugre out the refs names, then we chant them, if that doesnt distarct them i dont know what does. they always laugh and smile and try to talk to us when the game is going on. concentration guys, comon.


and pearl was technically "Escorted Out" good point bacinthaoc. positive thing is, at least he cares enough, unlke some other people at the basketball games around tennessee.

Edited by 15 NWTF 08
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I completely agree with PTS about the only times the refs should acknowledge the crowd. I'm a ref, a fan, and a player and I can say that all have their pros and cons. Refs just have to understand that they're gonna get yelled at. People paid their 4-5 bucks or whatever it was to get into the game and (I know this will be very unpopular) I think that should include the right to yell at the refs. Hey, let me tell you, I've called games with people who needed to be yelled at, and I'll admit I need yelling at at times. :thumb:

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I have been dumb enough to be booted from the stands in a game for yelling at a useless ref. I was 100% correct about what I said, but I was way too loud and I hurt the officials feelings. Then I got nasty with him while I was leaving. I was penalized by our school system and I learned my lesson. I did not have my own child playing in the game but I did have a stake in it. I was wrong in letting it get to me. It really doesn't matter what a person's position in life is when it involves their children. Sometimes people just make mistakes. I have not dealt with knoxville officials but I imagine they are just like the rest, some good, some bad, and some not worth the time of day. I doubt it will hurt Bruce and I doubt it will ever happen again.

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Can anyone who was there last night tell us what actually happened? What was the nature of Coach Pearl's complaints? Did he sound threatening? Foul language?

I'm just really surprised at this given the way most fans yell at a referee on a regular basis.

Anyone?? :rolleyes:


Has this been answered yet? I know I've asked and I still don't know...

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The News Sentinel interviewed a fan that was with Pearl and supposedly all he said was "Hey ref you have missed three calls in a row." Minett made eye contact and put his whistle in his mouth. Pearl said "As if he was going to give him a technical." Pearl said "What are you going to do throw me out." Then Minett got security and had him escorted out.


Knox South referees are so concerned with being the center of focus in ball games. It is absolutely rediculous. Shane Minett, at a Lenoir City ball game this year showed how big of a jerk he can be. Lenoir City was up 1 with 55 seconds to play and had the ball and the assistant coach quietly said "be consistent". Without pause Minett stuck him and essentially took the game away from the Panthers.


The best referees are the ones that nobody even realized they were in the gym. Nobody pays to come and watch the officials. It's a shame when they try to take the spotlight. I guess, based on most referees lack of abilities, they were obviously never in the spotlight as players, so they try as refs...What a joke. :rolleyes:

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From an article over at GoVolsXtra - and in Saturday's News Sentinel and this one in the Tennessean LINK seems like Mr. Mynatt is like almost every other Knoxville official.


Chris Low's article isn't as detailed as Drew Edward's (which contains comments from Pat Ryan, who was seated next to CBP) - but it seems like this situation was one where Mr Mynatt saw a situation where he could get his name in the headlines. Congrats to Mr Mynatt for doing just that.


An official should NEVER, EVER, EVER look into the crowd, or acknowledge the crowd, or speak to the crowd. If an official does that, he acknowledges he has a case of rabbit ears and also acknowledges he has lost focus on the game at hand (this game which was neck-and-neck down to the wire).


The ONLY times this should occur are:

1) The heckler is using crude, obscene, vulgar language

2) The heckler physically threatens the official (ie: Meet me after the game, I'm going to whip you, I'm coming to kick your ***, et. al.)


And if this official is like most Knoxville officials - its likely he did miss a lot of calls - and just because the ejected party is a D1 basketball coach - doesnt mean he doesnt have the right to voice his opinion.


Kudos for Coach Pearl trying to diffuse the situation and going ahead and leaving without creating a stir.


Thumbs down to Mr Mynatt trying to - and - getting his name involved -when no one should know who the officials are (if you're a good official). Its doubtful Bruce Pearl threatened Mr Mynatt, nor used vulgar language.


The TSSAA won't do anything to control this type of behavior from their officials, because they are in dire need of officials, therefore they refrain from any kind of serious evaluations or reprimands because the officials can just up and quit.


However, hopefully, someone, somewhere gets this guy and tells him he should never, ever look into the crowd and acknowledge a fan, whether its Johnny's parents, Steven Pearl's father, the governor, or the president.


Isn't Mynatt one of the oldest officials in the state? I seem to remember him vaguely and if memory serves he's one of the worst...


As far as a prior crack about image problems that Pearl has had, please give a specific...the only one I remember was a couple of West students involved in a fatal crash were alcohol was involved and they were at the Pearl residence way earlier...if that's the issue then there is none...just some bone-headed high school ref out of Knox County who wanted to get some publicity...


Both Mynatts should be black-balled...Shane is the absolute WORST ref in the entire state...he makes Mark Killion look competent... :thumb:

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Isn't Mynatt one of the oldest officials in the state? I seem to remember him vaguely and if memory serves he's one of the worst...


As far as a prior crack about image problems that Pearl has had, please give a specific...the only one I remember was a couple of West students involved in a fatal crash were alcohol was involved and they were at the Pearl residence way earlier...if that's the issue then there is none...just some bone-headed high school ref out of Knox County who wanted to get some publicity...


Both Mynatts should be black-balled...Shane is the absolute WORST ref in the entire state...he makes Mark Killion look competent... :thumb:


Let's see back in 1989, Pearl was an assistant at Iowa when he illegally taped a phone conversation between him and an Illinois recruit that was incriminating towards the Illini. He then turned it in to the NCAA in hopes of sanctions. The Illini were found not guilt on all major charges but sanctions were put on them for lack of control of their program. So that is one case of image problems.


Here is one of my own. Right before the Florida game he addressed the student body and used profanity to fire up the crowd. Personally I think that is childish and not very professional. As head basketball coach at a major D-1 program, you shouldn't be publicy using profanity, to me it shows lack of respect for himselfs and others.


Also he should be aware of the position he is in and should of never said anything to the ref that could draw attention to himself. I know some will say he is a fan just like everyone else. Well you are wrong. He is Bruce Pearl, head basketball coach at UT and he should be held to a higher standard because of that. He needs to learn to set a good example on and off the court. Like I said earlier I respect what he does on the court but off the court is another story.

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Let's see back in 1989, Pearl was an assistant at Iowa when he illegally taped a phone conversation between him and an Illinois recruit that was incriminating towards the Illini. He then turned it in to the NCAA in hopes of sanctions. The Illini were found not guilt on all major charges but sanctions were put on them for lack of control of their program. So that is one case of image problems.


Here is one of my own. Right before the Florida game he addressed the student body and used profanity to fire up the crowd. Personally I think that is childish and not very professional. As head basketball coach at a major D-1 program, you shouldn't be publicy using profanity, to me it shows lack of respect for himselfs and others.


Also he should be aware of the position he is in and should of never said anything to the ref that could draw attention to himself. I know some will say he is a fan just like everyone else. Well you are wrong. He is Bruce Pearl, head basketball coach at UT and he should be held to a higher standard because of that. He needs to learn to set a good example on and off the court. Like I said earlier I respect what he does on the court but off the court is another story.


Let ye without sin cast the first stone...Give me a break dude...His job was to take the doormat Vols and make winners out of them...If the worst you can come up with is using profanity, and trying to catch a cheater, boy that's really poor character. He is a solid coach and a winner.

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Let ye without sin cast the first stone...Give me a break dude...His job was to take the doormat Vols and make winners out of them...If the worst you can come up with is using profanity, and trying to catch a cheater, boy that's really poor character. He is a solid coach and a winner.


Preach on brother. <_<

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