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7-AAA 2007-2008


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Siegel's largest lead was it's final margin of victory in that game so you are about 10 points off.....and looking back it's funny that on Cutter's last 2 FT's, Gooch's class showed as he got side by side with Hughes as Coach King was trying to give instruction....perfectly legal, but something you never see from teams, anyway....Karma's a funny thing.....Go Pats!


i didn't say the final was 24....but you are wrong..the Stars were up 24, heck I was there, and I remember being shocked that we got up that much. But I know it is hard for a loyal Oakland follower to accept the truth but it was 24, I am positive of that! Go Stars!

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considering we only go 7 deep spartaman you are way way way off on this one!!!!!Wc is a strong team i emphasize team 7 deep cant afford any of them to be off or injured.


sparta boy, I never said anything about them being any deeper than seven and I never said they could afford any of them to be off or injured, I dont know where you came up with this post.

Earlybird, did you take my post the same way sparta boy did?

Although puckett being out helped us out tremendously in the sense that it gave davis valuable playing time which he in turn used very wisely and transformed into a huge part of our team.

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I would say this, I wouldn't be counting Siegel out yet, They are more than capable of winning the tournament. They are not playing at the top of their game now, but the night I saw them, they shared the ball and played as good as ANYONE in this district. As for Tyler Cutter, in my opinon , He is the best overall player in the district. Don't kid yourself people, he is the reason why you come out and see Siegel.



Actually no.

I know plenty of people that just go and watch Kerry.

Don't speak for everyone. I hope the Siegel "faithful" go to watch team ball not Cutter

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Really nice obeservation wingman, your knowledge always amazes me. Oakland deserved the win last night is all aspects. You can try and blame it on the refs, Id have liked the semi hanging on the rim to have been a no call but it wasnt. I was suprised Siegel ever got back into that game. I thought we were deflated big time but they made a nice comeback to stay in it. Still proud of my Stars. No Kerry Hammonds kills us in so many ways. Cant guard Cutter as tight with kerry in the game. TJ your really cool man congrats on having a chant directed at you, by the way what school are you going to now? Blackman Riverdale??? Guys flip flopped schools more then John Kerry did issues in 04. It is dumb that yall are talking about that missed dunk. I have never seen Marc Gooch miss a dunk in a game until last night. Lay off the kid. If you guys could get that high i doubt you would simply lay it in. Hes only a sophmore. Let it go. We lost. Im not going to blame it on that missed dunk though. When your best player scores 5 points you wont win often. Tough loss but ill bet this wont be the last time these two teams meet by any means. It was a good game. Best complete game ive seen oakland play in a long time. They earned this W. They played a pretty good all around game. Only thing thats hurting them is not having an outside shooter. I think Coach Harris is a great guy but a terrible coach. Doesnt use his players well at all. Joe Ward played a better game then Pico or Chris and Harris would not let him play. Smitty played a good game and harris would not let him play. I dont think hes racist but i dont think he realized he has some talent on his bench now he needs to use it and keep his team fresh. Randy King is the best coach is 7aaa if not the whole state. I feel if some of Siegels talent was on his team he would utilize them better. He uses his bench better then any coach i know of.




Hold up....

Keep joe ward in? I mean Siegel was trying to make a come back. They need someone who can score.

Explain how Joe played a better game than Pico please. Smitty wasn't in the game long at all. I don't know how he made an impact besides the flop.


I love the attention by the way, just ask 2p from a couple yrs ago. He knows lol

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first of all will everyone please lay off marc gooch he is only a soph.....yes he should know to make the easy play but the dunk was the east play considering that that was the first dunk anyone has seemed to ever see him miss....he made a mistake they lost it wasnt all because off the dunk.....the team as a whole didnt play defense.....riverdale losing close games seems to be becoming a common theme around yalls parks...........WC i said yall would finish 6th and yall can still do it just keep on playin hard guys and good things will happen yall have seen that already......Lebanon just explain to me how yall are winning so many games so i can be convinced....White C i still have yall #1 Delaney should win district MVP......Blackman yall have a chance as long as alex is healthy and yall feed paul FEED FEED FEED paul he is huge just give it to him every now and then......Oakland please give someone besides dajuan credit...yes i no yall gave tyler some credit for his big game against siegel but that is the first time it seems like anyone besides epps has gotten any props this season he isnt the only reason oakland is winning by any stretch.......honestly he is the third leg of that team and if they would give tyler more chances to score he would be the 4th leg....he has played hard and all but stop blowing him up like hes better than chaisson or jaffarious.....kendal needs to get some recognition for his tremendous play.....and without deandre at point that team doesnt function correctly and why does bj nelson and nick play over hockberry.....and everyone cutter will be fine its just the affects of not having kerry on the floor and having an idiot for a coach.....and whoever believes that joe ward needs to play heavy minutes needs to put the pipe down and start smokin cigarettes because if you think he and smitty did enough to start over tj and some else then its affecting your brain.....pico didnt get much of a chance to do a lot and why does harris throw neil robinson out there for the 3 when he hasnt had a chance to heat up by running around a little bit thats just unfair to the player to put him in that situation.....siegel can be great but some of the coaches have to go....coach king is a great coach but he isnt the best in the state .....there has to be a reason why he hasnt won state

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sparta boy, I never said anything about them being any deeper than seven and I never said they could afford any of them to be off or injured, I dont know where you came up with this post.

Earlybird, did you take my post the same way sparta boy did?

Although puckett being out helped us out tremendously in the sense that it gave davis valuable playing time which he in turn used very wisely and transformed into a huge part of our team.


You said you could think of 3 right now you would rather have in the game than brown,so thought you were saying there were 3 players on bench who should play over brown?Maybe im not understanding if so i apologize.

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Josh Brown? Hey lets get for real, Josh is a good player, he steps up and makes some big shots for WC at times, but he in no way is the one responsible for "making this team". I absolutely cannot stand it when a player consistently flops on the floor trying to draw charges, thats just one of my pet peeves. Then when he actually does get a charge the ref alot of times will let it go. Another problem with flopping is this, I dont know if you other fans picked up on this or not but in last nights game Josh hit the deck for no reason other than he thought he was about to draw contact but it never happened, in turn what happened was Cookeville made a pass right over where he was and scored a basket. That one flop cost Sparta 4 points, Josh should have stolen the ball, but he couldnt because he was laying on his back. I know a guy sitting on the bench, and you guys know who Im talking about, that has done just as much for sparta in the past few games if not more than Josh.

seriously I can think of 3 guys right now Id rather have in the game other than Josh



I guess this is where the 8 deep comment comes from. If your going to be such idiot at least

own up to it. Go Warriors

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Dang Earlybird sounds just like coaches Post-game interview! Guys quit you complaining you'll

never know how good it was until its over and believe me you will find out then being a small part

of a special team beats the heck out it being over. Lets just get along and work together toward

the goal the Boro in March!! Support the team first, then all the boys and the coach!!


No one has been more complimentry of Mitchell than i have been I was wondering if someone would remember the coach's post game show. LOL.I brag on all the players they're all good. Josh Brown just carries the largest responsibility. Which means I think he's the backbone of the team. I watched the WCTE replay last night. Josh was just as I remembered under trumendous pressure every time down the floor and he handled it perfectly. Delaney looked like a more imposing figure on television than he did in person. Greene hit the most important shot of the night. Cavs up 47-45 and he hit a three pointer and WC never trailed again.

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No one has been more complimentry of Mitchell than i have been I was wondering if someone would remember the coach's post game show. LOL.I brag on all the players they're all good. Josh Brown just carries the largest responsibility. Which means I think he's the backbone of the team. I watched the WCTE replay last night. Josh was just as I remembered under trumendous pressure every time down the floor and he handled it perfectly. Delaney looked like a more imposing figure on television than he did in person. Greene hit the most important shot of the night. Cavs up 47-45 and he hit a three pointer and WC never trailed again.



They are good. Not many teams can beat a team like Cookeville with three men

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They are good. Not many teams can beat a team like Cookeville with three men


Maybe coach Mitchell is even better than I have proposed. If he beat Cookeville with three men. I guess that means we are nine men deep instead of just seven men deep. If things keep going like this I'll have to move him up to GOD status like you know who.

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