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Yankees, I appreciate your response to my remarks about VHS. This could promise to be more fun than I thought. I couldn't agree more with your statement that "you may win at the local level but to advance deep into post season it's a must to have good players". In my first paragraph I made reference to the wonderful players I had at VHS and how hard they worked to win many games. Maybe if they had been better coached they would have gone farther in "post season". I think it's possible you have difficulty reading and comprehending what's written. Woiuld you please share some of your educational background with me. I do hope that you are a high school graduate.


I would love to answer your quick question, "am I on the short list for the Wake Forest job or am I the next coach of Nike School Oregon?" I hate to disappoint you, but the last time I checked, which hasn't been recently, I don't think my name was on either list or any other list for that matter. I've been enjoying the day working with my bird dogs and didn't answer the telephone. So, we'll never know if someone tried to call. It sounds like you might be qualified to get either one of those jobs yourself, and I would be glad to write a good reference letter for you if you would be kind enough to send me some money along with your coaching resume.


I do encourage you to continue referring to me as "the great Coach Mo". That has a good ring to it, and who am I to inhibit your good instincts. I would like to thank you again because I can't even get my wife to call me "the great Coach Mo". Maybe if someone like you continues to call me that, she'll eventually come around....but I'm not going to hold my breath.


I remarked about how I handled local critics in my coaching career. I had the good fortune of being around many players and coaches far more talented than myself, and I seldom, if ever, heard them criticize others. They were too busy being good at what they were doing. You sound like the perfect example of someone whose criticism I would never have taken seriously. Please tell us about your playing and coaching background so we can better appreciate your credentials. I would love to hear about how good you were in Division I college ball.


Good luck champ, and I hope you have a good week at work. If the Celtics call me this week, I'll be sure to let you know.

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Coach Whittemore,

Glad to see you here. And since you seem to be open to dialogue I have a few things to get your thoughts on. First I would like to say that I dont doubt you coaching skills. I have said that you are a good coach. However what I do question is some of your methods. Since you are no longer in coaching, maybe you could explain to those who share this opinion. Why you would instruct or otherwise allow your players to intentionally try and injure opposing players? And please dont insult us anymore by saying this never happened. We both know there are many incidents that support this. And by the way, some people believe that criticism is the first step towards improvement and when used constructively, it can be a powerful tool for growth. You are one of those who believe this correct? I'm sure all the criticism you have thrown towards the officials over the years was meant to be constructive and hopefully improve an area of the game that most everyone will agree, desperately needs it.

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Saw Whitt and his wife in a convienence store tonight. Left in a car with temporary South Carolina plates. Ive been quiet for a long time about this subject but alot of people saw this coming years ago. A few years back I was accused of making trouble for this man, however I think he proved that I was correct on about every point. Good luck to the Volunteer program. Mr. Barnett would make an excellent choice.

Hey floor_mat22 this is coach Whitt. Coach Mo45 is Coach Morrisson who coach at VHS before I arrived here 11 seasons ago. By the way coach Mo Thank You for starting the winning tradition and mindset at VHS I think that really led to the early success of the program when I first got there from Groves high in inner city Savannah GA. I have listened to this clown floor-mop22 for years and finally have to say a few things to this special person. Friday I went to SC to trade my car in for another one that I got a really good deal on. Thanks to cars.com.It was my girlfriend that I was with not my ex. She is now remarried. This is just another example of how you dont know what you are talking about but you get on here and spread rumors, rookie opinions, lies and then hide behind your screen name like a subway RAT. Since you have had such a problem with me over the years why didnt you come up to me introduce yourself and ask me some questions face to face. Oh thats right you are a lying COWARD! Instead you hide in your vehicle, probably crouching down so you were not seen. I LOVE 99.9 percent of my former players! (except for a couple from this years team) I have been Blessed to have worked with some great, loyal and hard working assistant coaches. My former players regularly scout games, watch games on tv and attend my yearly summer picnic in July. Last summer We had 31 players show up. How many other coaches do that ? How many other coaches care about the relationships they have built with their players long after they are done playing. My college coach taught me that, to this day he is like a father figure and a best friend and I try to carry that on with my players. Did you know that fg22? Why dont you ever bring up how much I Love my players and how much they Love me? Who have you gone to battle with, sweat with, cried with and came out the other side loving each other? My players are taught to compete and to play physical within the rules. I teach them not to give up their lunch money but to give everything they have. Not to play dirty. When we break it down with "Family" We mean it. These Players and Coaches have helped this program with 175 wins, 4 banners and 7 20 or more win seasons in 11 years. Even Coach Mo has to respect that. Stats really dont mean crap to me but Im sure they do to you. What matters to me is the relationships that I have built with my players and coaches. Former players, the NBA playoffs start on Sat so holla if You want to come by and watch some games. Dont forget our picnic on sat july 10th. And fg22 my name is Todd Whittemore who are you? What have done? How many young men have you tried to prepare for the future? and I guess most of whats your name again? Scared?

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Hey...Floor-General22, you are another good example of the local critics I never took seriously in my coaching career. Since you go by ...Floor-General, you must have been the starting point guard for your team and led them to victory...in the Final Four? What a guy!! It must have been your brains that enabled you to be such a great player. I am in awe. Please share with us your illustrious playing and coaching background so we can better appreciate your credentials. If you're not able to do this, put some money in the pay phone and call someone who gives a @*#+^*.


If you could think clearly and had a sensitive bone in your body, you might understand that Coach Whittemore is probably at a difficult point in his career and won't benefit from the crap you're throwing out. I don't think for a moment you're offering your advise constructively. Actually, I think you're infatuated with your own thoughts. I have no idea what Coach Whittemore's situation is because it's not my business. If he happened to make some mistakes that cost him, I hope he learns from that. I certainly have made many mistakes in my life. You sound like a young guy who hasn't made any mistakes and who likes to be judgemental toward others. I'm sure the world can continue to function without your arrogant criticism. FG22, are you a social worker?


Coach Whittemore has done a terrific job as a player and a coach. I wish him the very best in his future endeavors. It is easy to be a critic when you're not "fighting the bull" yourself.


FG22, if you are out of work, I'll be glad to write a reference letter for you if you send me money. From your posting, I would discourage you from pursuing a counseling career. If you choose to respond to me, I would appreciate you're addressing me as "the great Coach Mo". My wife loves to hear that.

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Hey...Floor-General22, you are another good example of the local critics I never took seriously in my coaching career. Since you go by ...Floor-General, you must have been the starting point guard for your team and led them to victory...in the Final Four? What a guy!! It must have been your brains that enabled you to be such a great player. I am in awe. Please share with us your illustrious playing and coaching background so we can better appreciate your credentials. If you're not able to do this, put some money in the pay phone and call someone who gives a @*#+^*.


If you could think clearly and had a sensitive bone in your body, you might understand that Coach Whittemore is probably at a difficult point in his career and won't benefit from the crap you're throwing out. I don't think for a moment you're offering your advise constructively. Actually, I think you're infatuated with your own thoughts. I have no idea what Coach Whittemore's situation is because it's not my business. If he happened to make some mistakes that cost him, I hope he learns from that. I certainly have made many mistakes in my life. You sound like a young guy who hasn't made any mistakes and who likes to be judgemental toward others. I'm sure the world can continue to function without your arrogant criticism. FG22, are you a social worker?


Coach Whittemore has done a terrific job as a player and a coach. I wish him the very best in his future endeavors. It is easy to be a critic when you're not "fighting the bull" yourself.


FG22, if you are out of work, I'll be glad to write a reference letter for you if you send me money. From your posting, I would discourage you from pursuing a counseling career. If you choose to respond to me, I would appreciate you're addressing me as "the great Coach Mo". My wife loves to hear that.

Hey...Floor-General22, you are another good example of the local critics I never took seriously in my coaching career. Since you go by ...Floor-General, you must have been the starting point guard for your team and led them to victory...in the Final Four? What a guy!! It must have been your brains that enabled you to be such a great player. I am in awe. Please share with us your illustrious playing and coaching background so we can better appreciate your credentials. If you're not able to do this, put some money in the pay phone and call someone who gives a @*#+^*.


If you could think clearly and had a sensitive bone in your body, you might understand that Coach Whittemore is probably at a difficult point in his career and won't benefit from the crap you're throwing out. I don't think for a moment you're offering your advise constructively. Actually, I think you're infatuated with your own thoughts. I have no idea what Coach Whittemore's situation is because it's not my business. If he happened to make some mistakes that cost him, I hope he learns from that. I certainly have made many mistakes in my life. You sound like a young guy who hasn't made any mistakes and who likes to be judgemental toward others. I'm sure the world can continue to function without your arrogant criticism. FG22, are you a social worker?


Coach Whittemore has done a terrific job as a player and a coach. I wish him the very best in his future endeavors. It is easy to be a critic when you're not "fighting the bull" yourself.


FG22, if you are out of work, I'll be glad to write a reference letter for you if you send me money. From your posting, I would discourage you from pursuing a counseling career. If you choose to respond to me, I would appreciate you're addressing me as "the great Coach Mo". My wife loves to hear that.



You are 100 percent correct Coach Mo(Waco Jaco reference- I think he is a genius). I have the upmost respect for you as a man and a coach. Your son Jeff is as nice and classy as any young man that I have come in contact with. Again thank you for jump starting the VHS basketball program. It was nothing before you got there. I hope that I have continued to carry the tradition. Travis Morelock is right up there as one of the best assistants that i have had. He has unbelievable heart.

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I am glad to see Coach Whitt on here taking up for himself. I wish you the best in your job search. Where ever your land I know you will work hard and win ball games. Your teams always played as hard as any. I am sure the critics on here are just unhappy and bitter because they didn't get to play or their kid wasn't good enough to play. Again Coach, Good luck in your job search. Volunteer will miss you, I don't care who gets the job.

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Yankees8589 - I hope that you had a great day at work. I have a few moments now to visit with you. We might become friends. I didn't wake up until 10 AM, but I still had a very stressful day. These high pressure jobs, such as coaching, can be very hard on you. I'm contacting you again because I married a Yankee. She's a wonderful girl and will always be my sweetheart. I'm sure you are happy for me. Some of the Yankees are tolerable, but I'm a southern boy. I bet you took the name Yankees because you like to associate yourself with a winner. Don't we just tingle all over and experience a renewed sense of self-importance when our team wins. You made many suggestions to me, so I would like to reciprocate. The next time the Yankees win, go to work and tell everybody "Who's Your Daddy Now?" and that will put those non-believers in their place.


I sure hope those Vols put it on the Gators this year. It will be about time. I can't imagine growing up in Florida. They must be a bunch of potlickers down there. Are we friends yet?


I was sorry to disappoint you the other day when I informed you my name has't been on the list for Duke, the Lakers, Wake Forest, Nike School Oregon (boy, that would be a good job), or any other school you mentioned. Since we might become friends, I would like to share some information with you. I hope I can trust you. At this time I have by far the best job I've ever had...nothing has been even close. The pay is fantastic (much much more than I deserve) and the working conditions are fabulous. So, the last thing on my mind is looking for another job. Actually, there is not very much on my mind. Since we might become friends, I want to share a secret with you. I'm not worth a hoot anymore, probably never was, but I don't want you to inform my boss. I'm going to try and fake it for a few more years. Isn't that what most of us do anyway? I bet that's what you do. I'm counting on you because I believe in your understanding and compassionate nature.


Yankees, you take care of the western part of this state, and I'll look out for my area. You are right, I seldom venture over a mile from my trailer up the holler. I'm getting tired of typing, and I need to get some sleep in order to face another stressful day.


See ya, good buddy!!

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A lot has to be said for the challenges facing schools like Volunteer. Competing against the likes of Science Hill and D-B is not easy. They just have so many students (therefore so many athletes), that it's hard for some of the other borderline AAA schools to compete, such as Volunteer, Sullivan Central, etc. I played and coached in Unicoi County during both the Coach Morrison and Whittemore years when Volunteer dropped down to AA for a while, and I can say that Volunteer had some of the best teams in the area those years. Coaching against Whittemore's teams was never easy. His teams always seemed prepared and played extremely hard. Anytime there was a loose ball, you'd see 5 Volunteer players diving on the floor as if their life depended on getting that loose ball. I know I was never a player in his locker room, but from another coach's perspective, it seemed that the players loved and respected Coach Whitt by how hard they played for him. And to hear that his former players still come back to see him is a testament to the kind of man Coach Whitt is. As a former Keith Turner player, I was lucky enough to play for a man who continues to reach out and help his former players and students. It's nice to hear that Coach Whitt is the same type of man. Congrats on a great tenure at Volunteer, and any school will be lucky to have you as their Coach. Best of luck.

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A lot has to be said for the challenges facing schools like Volunteer. Competing against the likes of Science Hill and D-B is not easy. They just have so many students (therefore so many athletes), that it's hard for some of the other borderline AAA schools to compete, such as Volunteer, Sullivan Central, etc. I played and coached in Unicoi County during both the Coach Morrison and Whittemore years when Volunteer dropped down to AA for a while, and I can say that Volunteer had some of the best teams in the area those years. Coaching against Whittemore's teams was never easy. His teams always seemed prepared and played extremely hard. Anytime there was a loose ball, you'd see 5 Volunteer players diving on the floor as if their life depended on getting that loose ball. I know I was never a player in his locker room, but from another coach's perspective, it seemed that the players loved and respected Coach Whitt by how hard they played for him. And to hear that his former players still come back to see him is a testament to the kind of man Coach Whitt is. As a former Keith Turner player, I was lucky enough to play for a man who continues to reach out and help his former players and students. It's nice to hear that Coach Whitt is the same type of man. Congrats on a great tenure at Volunteer, and any school will be lucky to have you as their Coach. Best of luck.


Coach Whitt is loved by most... he will be missed. Here's wishing him the best and hoping he moves on to bigger and better.

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A lot has to be said for the challenges facing schools like Volunteer. Competing against the likes of Science Hill and D-B is not easy. They just have so many students (therefore so many athletes), that it's hard for some of the other borderline AAA schools to compete, such as Volunteer, Sullivan Central, etc. I played and coached in Unicoi County during both the Coach Morrison and Whittemore years when Volunteer dropped down to AA for a while, and I can say that Volunteer had some of the best teams in the area those years. Coaching against Whittemore's teams was never easy. His teams always seemed prepared and played extremely hard. Anytime there was a loose ball, you'd see 5 Volunteer players diving on the floor as if their life depended on getting that loose ball. I know I was never a player in his locker room, but from another coach's perspective, it seemed that the players loved and respected Coach Whitt by how hard they played for him. And to hear that his former players still come back to see him is a testament to the kind of man Coach Whitt is. As a former Keith Turner player, I was lucky enough to play for a man who continues to reach out and help his former players and students. It's nice to hear that Coach Whitt is the same type of man. Congrats on a great tenure at Volunteer, and any school will be lucky to have you as their Coach. Best of luck.


Thank You Bluedevilfan100 and VHSFalconfan2, My former players , coaches and I appreciate your compliments. Wherever I go they will all be welcome, the FAMILY is lifelong. We are all excited about the opportunity to build another successful program. We are having our 3 on 3 league on mondays and thursdays from 6-9 for a few more weeks. Any supporters are welcome to come by and visit and I can keep you updated. Hey Floor_mat22 you can even come by and introduce yourself. Stokomo where you at bro?

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I hope you had a great day in them thar mountains with the pigs and banjos. I'm contacting you again because you asked about my education. I went to a small school in Indiana and later went on to a very successful career at the next level. It's true I took the name yankee because I am a yankees fan and I love a winner and have allways been associated with winners. I bet you took the name coach MOFO because you are one sorry MOFO...notice I said sorry MOFO not a bad MOFO like myself. Probably better off you stay in the mountains because you couldn't cut in where I'm from. Are we friends yet coachMOFO? Come clean coachMOFO....it's common knowledge that you are nothing more than a jock sniffer. I noticed you stated in an earlier post that you have had the good fortune to be around many great players (LOL!!!!!) and coaches that were more talented than you.....CochaMOFO that's not saying much. Let me tell you something if you are ever around me you will at last be around the best of the best....TRUST ME CoachMOFO I am the real deal and a true legend AND YOU ARE ENTITLED TO MY OPINION AND YOU WILL LISTEN WHEN I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY. You leave this basketball thing to those of us that really know this game...you stick to jock sniffing and coahing them country boys and mastering mountain basketball....you understand me. Don't make me have to come up there and teach you a lesson you're Moma obviously neve did. CoachMOFO i'm not only going to take care of my end of the state I'm going to come up there in them mountains with the local 8 year old YMCA team and take care of that end of the state to...and if you don't like it that's just tough.....my 8 years olds are going to take names and pass out bubble gum and it ain't nothing CoachMOFO can do about it.


Seeya, good buddy

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