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Out of touch...let me show you how in touch I am.


In 2004 Maryville won the state championship and went 15-0. They had a good team if you compare them to who they played that year. They had a national rank of #64 and a state rank of #3. One of the better teams in Tn if you view the rankings that way. One spot below them was a team from Cincinnati ...Elder. Elder was ranked 65th nationally and had a record of 7-4. Who did Elder lose to that year:


National Rank


Colerain Cincinnati #1 21-3L

St Xavier Cincinnati #28 33-30L

Arch Bishop Moeller #20 27-21L

Colerain #1 38-3L


And who did Maryville Play: 2004


Heritage #4,263

William Blunt #1,597

South Doyle #6,697

Lenoir City #4,526

White County #4,148

Carter #6,306

Halls #4,527

Morristown #7,601

Powell #1,771

West #3,570

Knox Central # 687

Tennessee # 892

Melrose #292...they lost to Christian Brothers in Memphis


And you want me to believe Maryville could beat Cincinnati Elder that year?


2005 and 2006 were terrific Maryville teams. Both State Championships...Now Maryville is 45-0 in three seasons. They beat a good Alcoa team twice and beat Melrose and Hillsboro in the state championship. Two good teams.


Both Maryville teams were ranked top 19 national and number one in the state of Tennessee.


Who did Maryville play? 2005, 2006


I'll let you look them up since I do not have time to write all those high numbers again. I can keep going if you would like for me to further prove my point. Maryville is a good team, but they do not play a hard schedule. Have they won big games....sure. Are they a class program...absolutely. Are they one of the best teams in TN year end and year out...no question. The past two years in my mind have been the best two years for Maryville football because they have beaten a few very good teams....Smyrna in 10 and Whitehaven in 11, but until I see more teams of that caliber (spell check) and the caliber of some of the D2 teams on their schedule year end and year out... I am not buying all the hype nor drinking the cool-aide.



Fair? dude you are sooo out of touch , well then again you just have to experience it to even try and understand it. Stop wasting you r time with this one guys, he can't understand it yet.

Edited by owlcoach12
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and btw here are the state champion D2 rankings since 2004 in Tennessee. I am sure any of them would be glad to play a home and home series. After Maryville goes 8-0 or 6-2 against Ensworth, BA, MUS and MBA I will gladly retire to the lowly D2 message board.


national rank state rank


2004 ----- 35 ----- 2

2005 ----- 25 ----- 2

2006 ----- 58 ----- 2

2007 ----- 11 ----- 1

2008 ----- 25 ----- 1

2009 ----- 4 ----- 1

2010 ----- 28 ----- 1

2011 ----- 9 ----- 2

Edited by owlcoach12
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Still haven't seen a response from owlcoach to any of Stars' posts regarding rankings or Ensworth not making it to the Blount County party this past season.

Same posts I saw when the Rebels were 4A and couldn't play with the big boys.

Just a couple of thoughts here. First, so as to head off some of the flames, I like Maryville. Nice little community that backs the local team, which happens to be top flight. I don't follow college recruting, so I don't have any idea of how Maryville's prospects stacked up against Whitehaven's (or Ensworth's, or anybody else). I know from watching the first few plays of the championship game that I thought M'ville was overmatched and in for a rough night. by the end of the game, it was clear that Whitehaven's athletes were badly overmatched against Maryville's team. As I'm wont to do, I've said a lot to say this: I think Maryville is a really good program and I have a lot of respect for them.


I think two things drive most of us from the Div II schools to want to see Maryville play some of us is that we like good football. We think it would be a good game. I think MBA and BA's schedules suggest they're not afraid to test themselves against anybody, and if they take a beating, so be it. I'm not snubbing the other Div II schools, I'm just not as familiar with their schedule.


Secondly, and I think I speak for a lot of Div II people, we have some resentment over the way we've been treated by the TSSAA. We liked playing for a true state championship (like you get to do). We were exiled into a 12 team league. We travel all over The Underworld and half of Georgia for a division schedule, all for the privilige of playing a championship game on a Thursday night in the vacant lot behind the Lower Algood Baptist Church. We miss being part of a true statewide competition, and seeing how we stack up against teams outside our little circuit.


(And let's be clear here that the impetus for our exile came from BA thumping Loretto and Riverdale in play-off games. Of the Div II schools, I believe Baylor, Ryan, and CBHS each won a AAA crown, but neither picked up a second. BA won several state championships in lower divisions, and 2 in AAAAA. And, As Stars'n Bars points out so eloquently, they fared rather badly against y'all).


Lastly, why did MBA and EHS pass on the opportunity to play in the Blount County affair in Week 0? I can't speak for either school, but here's my guess. How Div II teams stack up against top Div I teams is a whole lot lore important to those of us on this board than it is the staff at either school. And I suspect if you ask Mr. Quarles, he's not pacing the floor at night wondering how his team would fare against a Divv II team not on his schedule. So while it means a lot to us, it's pretty low priority for the people making decisions. The figure of $3,500 has been bandied about as incentive for the Div II teams. That might cover travel expenses. Now, a home and home series would be a different matter. I suspect MHS playing at MBA would fill the house. Let's say 6,000 people at $5 per. That's $30 K. I don't think we'd begrudge y'all a big payday for us to come up there once, but it would be polite for you to reciprocate. I'd love to see it, but I just don't think it's a real big priority for any of the people making decisions.


So let's recap: We all have really good schools and football teams, though painfully, MBA's was less good this year. It'd be a lot of fun to see the game played, but it's not real likely because as much as we'd like it, the people who are paid to decide on these issues have bigger fish to fry than settling an argument between two groups of old guys who really let the antics of a bunch of 15-17 year old boys take up more of their time than it should. Since I'm retired, I'll have even more timne next year.


And a merry Christmas to all of you.

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Out of touch...let me show you how in touch I am.


In 2004 Maryville won the state championship and went 15-0. They had a good team if you compare them to who they played that year. They had a national rank of #64 and a state rank of #3. One of the better teams in Tn if you view the rankings that way. One spot below them was a team from Cincinnati ...Elder. Elder was ranked 65th nationally and had a record of 7-4. Who did Elder lose to that year:


National Rank


Colerain Cincinnati #1 21-3L

St Xavier Cincinnati #28 33-30L

Arch Bishop Moeller #20 27-21L

Colerain #1 38-3L


And who did Maryville Play: 2004


Heritage #4,263

William Blunt #1,597

South Doyle #6,697

Lenoir City #4,526

White County #4,148

Carter #6,306

Halls #4,527

Morristown #7,601

Powell #1,771

West #3,570

Knox Central # 687

Tennessee # 892

Melrose #292...they lost to Christian Brothers in Memphis


And you want me to believe Maryville could beat Cincinnati Elder that year?


2005 and 2006 were terrific Maryville teams. Both State Championships...Now Maryville is 45-0 in three seasons. They beat a good Alcoa team twice and beat Melrose and Hillsboro in the state championship. Two good teams.


Both Maryville teams were ranked top 19 national and number one in the state of Tennessee.

The past two years in my mind have been the best two years for Maryville football because they have beaten a few very good teams....Smyrna in 10 and Whitehaven in 11, but until I see more teams of that caliber (spell check) and the caliber of some of the D2 teams on their schedule year end and year out... I am not buying all the hype nor drinking the cool-aide.



Uhh agin alcoach12 gits on a histree lessun abowt a skool inn Oh-Hi-Oh frum 7 yeer ago and talks abowt nashunal rainkins.....Butt refuses two use those saim nashunal rainkins and tell me hoo iz rainked tha best inn TN inn 2011....


Hits all simpull...Mairvul iz rainked highest inn those rainkins this yeer and he refuses two acknowlidge that fact.....Sew cents he iz bein' unfare..... WE rilly don't cair if'un he "buys enny hype"....and don't like "red koolaide"...(cold clumpy buttermilk iz much bettur ennyway)


Tha titull ov this thread wuz abowt Endswerth and Mairvul inn 2011....Nott abowt a 4 loss Cinsee-nattee Elderburry teem inn 2004....Att leest that's whut eye thout.... :popcorneater:

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and btw here are the state champion D2 rankings since 2004 in Tennessee. I am sure any of them would be glad to play a home and home series. After Maryville goes 8-0 or 6-2 against Ensworth, BA, MUS and MBA I will gladly retire to the lowly D2 message board.


national rank state rank


2004 ----- 35 ----- 2

2005 ----- 25 ----- 2

2006 ----- 58 ----- 2

2007 ----- 11 ----- 1

2008 ----- 25 ----- 1

2009 ----- 4 ----- 1

2010 ----- 28 ----- 1

2011 ----- 9 ----- 2



hmmm......wundur hoo wuz rainked higher inn 2011 nashunalee and inn tha stait...??.... :unsure:


pee ess....alcoach12 pleese don't retarr....weir allreddy up 2-0 (att newtrull sites) on yore NFC East ....errr...Eye meen D2 teems.....And beesides all yore posts haiv ben inn this thread and knott enny on tha D2 bored.... :popcorneater:

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Just a couple of thoughts here. First, so as to head off some of the flames, I like Maryville. Nice little community that backs the local team, which happens to be top flight. I don't follow college recruting, so I don't have any idea of how Maryville's prospects stacked up against Whitehaven's (or Ensworth's, or anybody else). I know from watching the first few plays of the championship game that I thought M'ville was overmatched and in for a rough night. by the end of the game, it was clear that Whitehaven's athletes were badly overmatched against Maryville's team. As I'm wont to do, I've said a lot to say this: I think Maryville is a really good program and I have a lot of respect for them.


Lastly, why did MBA and EHS pass on the opportunity to play in the Blount County affair in Week 0? ............while it means a lot to us, it's pretty low priority for the people making decisions.


And a merry Christmas to all of you.


Thainks KWoodruff....we respeckt evur teem (unlike sum othurs posturs on this thread)...


Yep apparentlee Endswerth didn't thank hit wuz a hi pryorrity...


Merry Christmas two ewe az well..... :thumb:

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I have said this before and I will once more for all the private school people that can't accept the fact that oh my gosh, a public school (Maryville) is better coached and a better team. I have seen all the top teams play this year. Let me get to the first point, Baylor. Baylor destroyed Ensworth and Ensworth beat them good the second time but this is to my point. Look at Maryville; look back for years. Nobody stomps Maryville ever. Since Maryville's title run, theironly losses have been close. Maryville makesthe least mistakes of any team. Ensworth would get beat on their best night, and crushed on their worst night. End of story.

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Cause your Daddy told you so ??!!


You better not let Daddy Warbucks know you're Slummin with us Po Boys from East Tn .... He Would Say " Reginald ... I thought I told you not to associate with those inferior Public School Scum ... Pass the Grey Poupon my Dear Boy " :roflol:


Speaking of Daddy's, how's your daddy APB doing? :roflol:

Edited by bolddust281
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There absolutely are kids in high school who run 4.4's. I was at a Nike camp last year and Deon Johnson, Marvin Bracy and another kid all ran sub 4.4 40 times. C.J spiller ran a sub 4.4 in high school and so did a slew of other people. C. J sanders at Brentwood academy is said to run a 4.4... He is the son of Chris sanders and has already received an offer from tn as a freshman. Not saying it the norm or if it translates to success on the football field but speed is one thing that you can not teach.

Okay, i know youve strapped up and played more than me and i fully respect that. BUT im almost certain it is illegal for college teams to even have contact with a highschool kid before his junior year. Now i dont know if that changes with private schools or not but from my expirience its ILLEGAL for a college program to contact a player that early. No disrespect though, If what your saying about you playing for illinois and all that then youve had more years playin the game then i do. So if im right tell me so and if im wrong enlighten me on what the rules are for private schools nowadays.


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