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Petition to Remove Rebel Mascot at MHS ?


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1 hour ago, OR nole said:

It won't be long until Oak Ridge has to take the atom off the school building. Our history will be attacked by those who think our Cold War heros hated the Japanese and the entire asian race. Any angle that can be attacked will.

What has our world come to?.

Go Wildcats!

Go Rebels!


Thank you Nole! RWR and Go Red Rebels 

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54 minutes ago, Red Rebels said:

Your Star ain't too bright! Do you know where our nickname came from? Let's proceed step by step. I'll give you a clue, 1935. 

No I don't have a clue, nor am I offended by it, so I say this with respect I will not be looking up the history of it.

Red I have one question if Aj Davis came up to you personally an said he was offended by it would you tell him the same exact thing you told me that he isn't too bright. Your argument against me is for nothing TALK TO THE STUDENTS, hear their voice.

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2 hours ago, StarBright87 said:

I agree. Terrell Owens, Dennis Rodman, Floyd Mayweather and Mike Tyson just to name a few minority have spoken highly of Trump. They all have known him personally pre-election shook hands with him, shared business interests and so on. Like you said anything that comes out his mouth that's in the verge of being racist then the media is going to try to capitalize on it. No matter the race we all have said something that could be deemed racist, it's just not all of us are in the position of power, famous or have been recorded so nobody cares.

Joe Biden said if your black an still haven't decided on which way to vote then you're not truly black. I didn't have a problem with him saying that, though I wish he didn't I'm not going to be a hypocrite an think every thing that comes out of Trump to be racist. And the people that do think what Trump says is racist then they have to find what joe Biden said was or their not be true to themselves.

Thats the problem a lot of people have with Biden and the left.  They can't call the right crazy and Trump racist and not call what Biden Said Racist. (Charlamagne was caught off guard with that comment and had to real Biden back in).  Anyone to assume that just because you are black you have to vote democrat is not all the way there in their head.  I have friends that are every different skin color, religion, and back ground and have sat down and talked with them about what is going on.  Some very close to me that is Black told me this "I do not envy the position that the "White" portion of the population is currently in, in terms of navigating this whole race divide in this nation. You want to do right. You want to give those who are disenfranchised a voice. I just think think we as Americans need to remember we are individuals and we can't judge each other as groups, thats the danger in social justice movements". She believes there needs to be police reform and laid it out in 4 points. 1. more training (Like you would be in marine training). 2. Police Unions should be abolished. 3. Body Cams should be mandatory. 4. great cops need to be recognized. 


She said her personal belief as a Black Immigrant  is "the number one issue facing the black community is father absence.  Statistically, it is very closely tied to a number of poor outcomes....lower socioeconomic status being one of them.  We can't fix everything, but we can focus on helping folks rise into the middle class, that will have such a ripple effect.  Basically where there is government dependence, there is poverty, and poverty is closely tied to crime.  We need to decrease all the above, and stabilize the family unit. " She said she believes there are ways we could do that in 3 ways. " 1.  Establish trade schools in lower income communities. 2. Abortion has been one of the biggest travesties in American History. Black babies are disproportionately killed in this nation and has decimated the black population. If you can stabilize the family unit, provide ways for people to rise into the middle class, and decrease abortions, you would start to see positive trajectory in a couple of generations. 3) Incentivize entrepreneurship.

I know this is just one of my Black friends opinions but it give a different prospective when sitting down and having open conversations with people.  Not all people of certain races think the same way and should never be that way.  I care about her and she cares about me in the same way and we have never looked at each other based on our skin color


Edited by Swipes
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43 minutes ago, StarBright87 said:

No I don't have a clue, nor am I offended by it, so I say this with respect I will not be looking up the history of it.

Red I have one question if Aj Davis came up to you personally an said he was offended by it would you tell him the same exact thing you told me that he isn't too bright. Your argument against me is for nothing TALK TO THE STUDENTS, hear their voice.

Do you think if he was offended by it that he would be attending a school with the Rebel as a Mascot in the first place? I know if i had a kid and I was offended by it or my kid was offended by it I would be finding a different school to attend.....

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1 hour ago, MLREB said:

Would you be surprised if AJ doesn’t have an issue with the name “Rebels”? 

No I wouldn't be surprised. There might not be one single student at murvil that has a problem with the name rebel and if that's the case we need to move on.

However there is a outcry over the name that's why there's a petition, I'm sure some just want to stir things an some are really offended. I honestly think it would be childish to have to change the name but I can't speak for everyone 

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1 hour ago, Swipes said:

Do you think if he was offended by it that he would be attending a school with the Rebel as a Mascot in the first place? I know if i had a kid and I was offended by it or my kid was offended by it I would be finding a different school to attend.....

Swipes you are correct who would want to remain somewhere that they feel offended. But you know how this works like I do it only takes one student to say a coach abuse a student an then things spread, whether right or wrong. It might have never crossed their minds the name rebel but heard one say they're offended an then all of a sudden it spreads an multiple jump on board.

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1 hour ago, Swipes said:

Thats the problem a lot of people have with Biden and the left.  They can't call the right crazy and Trump racist and not call what Biden Said Racist. (Charlamagne was caught off guard with that comment and had to real Biden back in).  Anyone to assume that just because you are black you have to vote democrat is not all the way there in their head.  I have friends that are every different skin color, religion, and back ground and have sat down and talked with them about what is going on.  Some very close to me that is Black told me this "I do not envy the position that the "White" portion of the population is currently in, in terms of navigating this whole race divide in this nation. You want to do right. You want to give those who are disenfranchised a voice. I just think think we as Americans need to remember we are individuals and we can't judge each other as groups, thats the danger in social justice movements". She believes there needs to be police reform and laid it out in 4 points. 1. more training (Like you would be in marine training). 2. Police Unions should be abolished. 3. Body Cams should be mandatory. 4. great cops need to be recognized. 


She said her personal belief as a Black Immigrant  is "the number one issue facing the black community is father absence.  Statistically, it is very closely tied to a number of poor outcomes....lower socioeconomic status being one of them.  We can't fix everything, but we can focus on helping folks rise into the middle class, that will have such a ripple effect.  Basically where there is government dependence, there is poverty, and poverty is closely tied to crime.  We need to decrease all the above, and stabilize the family unit. " She said she believes there are ways we could do that in 3 ways. " 1.  Establish trade schools in lower income communities. 2. Abortion has been one of the biggest travesties in American History. Black babies are disproportionately killed in this nation and has decimated the black population. If you can stabilize the family unit, provide ways for people to rise into the middle class, and decrease abortions, you would start to see positive trajectory in a couple of generations. 3) Incentivize entrepreneurship.

I know this is just one of my Black friends opinions but it give a different prospective when sitting down and having open conversations with people.  Not all people of certain races think the same way and should never be that way.  I care about her and she cares about me in the same way and we have never looked at each other based on our skin color


Swipes I'm currently at work an just now had the time to read this post, I want you to know I stop whatever I was doing an gave a standing ovation. You're dead on, I couldn't had said it any better 

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7 minutes ago, MLREB said:

Would you be surprised if I told you that most of the signatures that are for changing the name have zero to do with Maryville, do not live in Maryville, do not live in the state of Tennessee, and would have problems locating Maryville on a map? 

Then I will say ignore them folks 

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13 hours ago, tj3775 said:

This is TOTALLY getting out of hand. I'm a loyal Dobyns-Bennett Fan and I'll be darned if they will change our name without a fight. 

Couple of things...We went to the Maryville/DB game last year and while we got a well deserved #### kickin, we certainly was treated very well by the Maryville faithful. Very polite folks and I certainly appreciate it. 

I"m with you guys on blocking this name change. You point me to a petition to save it and I'll put my John Hancock right there with the rest of you. I'm just ready for some football!

John Hancock eh?  that's a racist name!!! :wink:

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14 hours ago, Swipes said:

Do you think if he was offended by it that he would be attending a school with the Rebel as a Mascot in the first place? I know if i had a kid and I was offended by it or my kid was offended by it I would be finding a different school to attend.....

 Best point made!Honestly who cares what others think!They are the Rebels have been the Rebels and in my opinion should STAY the Rebels if you dont like it send them somewhere else.This is just plain STUPID not ridiculous STUPID!My school will also be under fire soon also.And it is STUPID too!Geez let us play ball and leave our school mascots alone!

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