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Who knows if he will ever see this. Maybe someone will share.  I'm sure there will be disagreement with some of this too.

Other than the obvious South Pitt/Marion folks, I think Forrest has some of the best people here. We are tough on our coaches and even occasionally players, although we try to limit criticizing kids unless it's constructive or just matter of fact (Johnny fumbled, etc.). As for Coach Palmer, a lot of this he will have heard by now. That's ok. 

Here goes- 

Dear Coach, 

Welcome to the Forrest community. I myself live near Cookeville. There are a bunch of us far and wide. The Rock is a special place. The folks in charge of these decisions felt you were and are the best man to lead this program. There won't be any shade from me on that decision. You're welcome here, and as far as I am concerned, you're a Rocket for the rest of your life, regardless of your tenure. 

The families in Chapel Hill are some of the best people on Earth. Sure, like families, we bicker and gossip. We aren't perfect. But we defend our own and we love each other. We have each others' backs. And we will have your back. 

The kids. Where do I start. I'd say learn about the McClendons. That's the epitome of Rocket football. The McClendons and the teammates they played with. Forrest, with a McClendon, beat teams like 5A Page (they were 4A then, in 2016), Tyner. Meigs. Lewis twice, the best Watertown team in the last decade, and more. They also reached 2 quarterfinals in the last 5 seasons. The toughness is second to none. Here's a bit about those boys. 

Tyler- Class of 2014. Running back, linebacker, D line and state wrestling champ. 

Zach- Class of 2015. Running back and linebacker. 2015 Mr.Football runner-up. 

Nick- Class of 2020. Running back and linebacker. 2 time state wrestling champ.  

Micah- Class of 2023. Running back. Defensive back. 

Each seemed better than the previous. They were all connected by DNA, and yet each seemed to add to the previous ones stats, accomplishments, toughness, and will.

Tyler resembled a freight train in motion. Zach was impossible to bring down. Nick threw up a gallon of vomit then went in and scored the winning touchdown against Summertown then had an appendectomy that night. Micah was paralyzed on 9/11/2020 while making a tackle, and his heroic comeback brought the town together, and is perhaps the McClendon family's greatest achievement. They are a special family, and you can't know the Rockets without knowing the McClendons. 

2 recent former coaches have gone onto impressive careers elsewhere. We don't want you to do that! Coleman went to Summit and won a state title in 5A. Kriesky went to Centennial and now Blackman, and has been to semis. And of course there is Murrey E. Holton. I'll trust you to do your own research on him. 

This team is driven by kids named Hill, Bell, Cantrell, Fields, Grissom, Patrick. Tincher, Allen, and more. The last 3 middle school teams (next year's freshman, sophomores, and juniors) went undefeated in middle school- 23 straight games, and won 3 straight championships with Coaches Johnson and Russell and their staff.  

The school has run Wing T since Moses was in short pants. Changing to a west coast style will be challenging, but the kids will work hard. And they will hit. And play defense.  

There's some stuff out there about your past. Guess what. We all have a past. I think for the most part people will mind their business, and sincerely hope and pray for your success. They will want the kids to win a lot and score a lot and play hard defense and special teams. They will also want their kids to became better young men, from being in your program.  

I'll try to be optimistic for the most part, while at the same time calling out any head-scratching decisions.  Just like family would. I'm a fan who really watches for feel of the game type stuff. @Salem is the X and O guy and he loses me in about 10 seconds with his knowledge. The last coach did baffling things in every game, didn't connect with the kids, and seemed to spiral with criticism. He did get the team to 2 quarters, but believe it or not, with the division Forrest was in, those were both underachieving years. Now we share the region with Fayetteville, Marion Co., Cascade and Cannon Co. None are pushovers and the first two of those have hardware cases with Gold and Silver. 

That's it. Nothing fancy. Just, make this your best school yet. We are hungry for it. For all the good things you've done, be even better here. You're in a family, and every family member has their role to play. 


The General






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22 hours ago, GeneralForrest said:

Who knows if he will ever see this. Maybe someone will share.  I'm sure there will be disagreement with some of this too.

Other than the obvious South Pitt/Marion folks, I think Forrest has some of the best people here. We are tough on our coaches and even occasionally players, although we try to limit criticizing kids unless it's constructive or just matter of fact (Johnny fumbled, etc.). As for Coach Palmer, a lot of this he will have heard by now. That's ok. 

Here goes- 

Dear Coach, 

Welcome to the Forrest community. I myself live near Cookeville. There are a bunch of us far and wide. The Rock is a special place. The folks in charge of these decisions felt you were and are the best man to lead this program. There won't be any shade from me on that decision. You're welcome here, and as far as I am concerned, you're a Rocket for the rest of your life, regardless of your tenure. 

The families in Chapel Hill are some of the best people on Earth. Sure, like families, we bicker and gossip. We aren't perfect. But we defend our own and we love each other. We have each others' backs. And we will have your back. 

The kids. Where do I start. I'd say learn about the McClendons. That's the epitome of Rocket football. The McClendons and the teammates they played with. Forrest, with a McClendon, beat teams like 5A Page (they were 4A then, in 2016), Tyner. Meigs. Lewis twice, the best Watertown team in the last decade, and more. They also reached 2 quarterfinals in the last 5 seasons. The toughness is second to none. Here's a bit about those boys. 

Tyler- Class of 2014. Running back, linebacker, D line and state wrestling champ. 

Zach- Class of 2015. Running back and linebacker. 2015 Mr.Football runner-up. 

Nick- Class of 2020. Running back and linebacker. 2 time state wrestling champ.  

Micah- Class of 2023. Running back. Defensive back. 

Each seemed better than the previous. They were all connected by DNA, and yet each seemed to add to the previous ones stats, accomplishments, toughness, and will.

Tyler resembled a freight train in motion. Zach was impossible to bring down. Nick threw up a gallon of vomit then went in and scored the winning touchdown against Summertown then had an appendectomy that night. Micah was paralyzed on 9/11/2020 while making a tackle, and his heroic comeback brought the town together, and is perhaps the McClendon family's greatest achievement. They are a special family, and you can't know the Rockets without knowing the McClendons. 

2 recent former coaches have gone onto impressive careers elsewhere. We don't want you to do that! Coleman went to Summit and won a state title in 5A. Kriesky went to Centennial and now Blackman, and has been to semis. And of course there is Murrey E. Holton. I'll trust you to do your own research on him. 

This team is driven by kids named Hill, Bell, Cantrell, Fields, Grissom, Patrick. Tincher, Allen, and more. The last 3 middle school teams (next year's freshman, sophomores, and juniors) went undefeated in middle school- 23 straight games, and won 3 straight championships with Coaches Johnson and Russell and their staff.  

The school has run Wing T since Moses was in short pants. Changing to a west coast style will be challenging, but the kids will work hard. And they will hit. And play defense.  

There's some stuff out there about your past. Guess what. We all have a past. I think for the most part people will mind their business, and sincerely hope and pray for your success. They will want the kids to win a lot and score a lot and play hard defense and special teams. They will also want their kids to became better young men, from being in your program.  

I'll try to be optimistic for the most part, while at the same time calling out any head-scratching decisions.  Just like family would. I'm a fan who really watches for feel of the game type stuff. @Salem is the X and O guy and he loses me in about 10 seconds with his knowledge. The last coach did baffling things in every game, didn't connect with the kids, and seemed to spiral with criticism. He did get the team to 2 quarters, but believe it or not, with the division Forrest was in, those were both underachieving years. Now we share the region with Fayetteville, Marion Co., Cascade and Cannon Co. None are pushovers and the first two of those have hardware cases with Gold and Silver. 

That's it. Nothing fancy. Just, make this your best school yet. We are hungry for it. For all the good things you've done, be even better here. You're in a family, and every family member has their role to play. 


The General






This is the greatest thing I've ever read...I mean I dont have a dam clue wth is going on with this, but it was amaze ballz to know it was written.  You should email him this.   [email protected]

Carry on Nathan Bedford Forest!  

Edited by LarrySmellsTidwellsTrap
Adding info.
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21 hours ago, GeneralForrest said:

Who knows if he will ever see this. Maybe someone will share.  I'm sure there will be disagreement with some of this too.

Other than the obvious South Pitt/Marion folks, I think Forrest has some of the best people here. We are tough on our coaches and even occasionally players, although we try to limit criticizing kids unless it's constructive or just matter of fact (Johnny fumbled, etc.). As for Coach Palmer, a lot of this he will have heard by now. That's ok. 

Here goes- 

Dear Coach, 

Welcome to the Forrest community. I myself live near Cookeville. There are a bunch of us far and wide. The Rock is a special place. The folks in charge of these decisions felt you were and are the best man to lead this program. There won't be any shade from me on that decision. You're welcome here, and as far as I am concerned, you're a Rocket for the rest of your life, regardless of your tenure. 

The families in Chapel Hill are some of the best people on Earth. Sure, like families, we bicker and gossip. We aren't perfect. But we defend our own and we love each other. We have each others' backs. And we will have your back. 

The kids. Where do I start. I'd say learn about the McClendons. That's the epitome of Rocket football. The McClendons and the teammates they played with. Forrest, with a McClendon, beat teams like 5A Page (they were 4A then, in 2016), Tyner. Meigs. Lewis twice, the best Watertown team in the last decade, and more. They also reached 2 quarterfinals in the last 5 seasons. The toughness is second to none. Here's a bit about those boys. 

Tyler- Class of 2014. Running back, linebacker, D line and state wrestling champ. 

Zach- Class of 2015. Running back and linebacker. 2015 Mr.Football runner-up. 

Nick- Class of 2020. Running back and linebacker. 2 time state wrestling champ.  

Micah- Class of 2023. Running back. Defensive back. 

Each seemed better than the previous. They were all connected by DNA, and yet each seemed to add to the previous ones stats, accomplishments, toughness, and will.

Tyler resembled a freight train in motion. Zach was impossible to bring down. Nick threw up a gallon of vomit then went in and scored the winning touchdown against Summertown then had an appendectomy that night. Micah was paralyzed on 9/11/2020 while making a tackle, and his heroic comeback brought the town together, and is perhaps the McClendon family's greatest achievement. They are a special family, and you can't know the Rockets without knowing the McClendons. 

2 recent former coaches have gone onto impressive careers elsewhere. We don't want you to do that! Coleman went to Summit and won a state title in 5A. Kriesky went to Centennial and now Blackman, and has been to semis. And of course there is Murrey E. Holton. I'll trust you to do your own research on him. 

This team is driven by kids named Hill, Bell, Cantrell, Fields, Grissom, Patrick. Tincher, Allen, and more. The last 3 middle school teams (next year's freshman, sophomores, and juniors) went undefeated in middle school- 23 straight games, and won 3 straight championships with Coaches Johnson and Russell and their staff.  

The school has run Wing T since Moses was in short pants. Changing to a west coast style will be challenging, but the kids will work hard. And they will hit. And play defense.  

There's some stuff out there about your past. Guess what. We all have a past. I think for the most part people will mind their business, and sincerely hope and pray for your success. They will want the kids to win a lot and score a lot and play hard defense and special teams. They will also want their kids to became better young men, from being in your program.  

I'll try to be optimistic for the most part, while at the same time calling out any head-scratching decisions.  Just like family would. I'm a fan who really watches for feel of the game type stuff. @Salem is the X and O guy and he loses me in about 10 seconds with his knowledge. The last coach did baffling things in every game, didn't connect with the kids, and seemed to spiral with criticism. He did get the team to 2 quarters, but believe it or not, with the division Forrest was in, those were both underachieving years. Now we share the region with Fayetteville, Marion Co., Cascade and Cannon Co. None are pushovers and the first two of those have hardware cases with Gold and Silver. 

That's it. Nothing fancy. Just, make this your best school yet. We are hungry for it. For all the good things you've done, be even better here. You're in a family, and every family member has their role to play. 


The General






well said General...and i know the McClendons through my sons who play football, baseball and wrestle at Eagleville...it was a horrible night when Micah got injured...it was the very next week after we played them at Forrest. I remember the big get together we had at the park, all of Eagleville and Forrest were there to help raise money to help the McClendons...hope this new hire does well for you guys. hope he does his homework!

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