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Maryville vs. Dobyns-Bennett TSSAA 6A Quarterfinals

Red Rebels

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It's great to be a Maryville Rebel my friends. Great game from Shuler and Prevo. The execution of the game plan was spot on. Looking forward to Siegel.

Congrats Maryville and looks like you got a big break when you face Seigal - according to the Tennessean Mr fottball Finalist QB Stockstill exited 4th quarter 9 mins left in game and was on sidelines with crutches ( right knee injury )

tough tough break for Seigal and the Stockstill kid- have to feel bad for him-

seems Maryville catches a break - didnt last year the Riverdale QB get hurt beand you faced there 2string QB ?

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SS she haid a buckitt urlee-er......Ewe mighta reeched inn that buckitt wif a hand wif 6....5 fangers and drawed baik a nubb..... :rolleyes:


Have never spent much time on a Maryville thread. Have seen STARSNBARS on here a few times before this DB-Maryville thread but this is the first week I have had the full force of his comadeee. I have to say this is some of the funniest stuff on the enter-nets.

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For what it's worth, Siegel quarterback Brent Stockstill left tonight's game against Riverdale with a possible ACL injury. Was on crutches on the sidelines after the injury.



Shame - very good kid and a winner-

hoping he will be okay for the game next week, if not WE all get cheated as it would have been fun to watch him play

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Congrats Maryville and looks like you got a big break when you face Seigal - according to the Tennessean Mr fottball Finalist QB Stockstill exited 4th quarter 9 mins left in game and was on sidelines with crutches ( right knee injury )

tough tough break for Seigal and the Stockstill kid- have to feel bad for him-

seems Maryville catches a break - didnt last year the Riverdale QB get hurt beand you faced there 2string QB ?

No offense, but Maryville woulda beat Riverdale with their starting QB last year. That game wasn't remotely close.

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For what it's worth, Siegel quarterback Brent Stockstill left tonight's game against Riverdale with a possible ACL injury. Was on crutches on the sidelines after the injury.

This is truly a tough one for this young man and his team. My son went down as well tonight with a possible ACL injury. Prayers out for stockstill that he maybe restored and that no other players for the remainder of the playoffs and championship games be seriously injured.
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First off Prayers are going out to #39 Haden Townsend , like others have said , he is the prototype Maryville Football Player ... all heart and soul . I really Hope Haden will be able to play again soon , It tears you up to see a young man who has worked so hard get hurt like that .


It was Great Meeting SweetScience and Red Rebels , You got a seat with us anytime you want to Sweet !!


I'm not surprised to hear about the band really ... I know DB has tons of great fans , but the one sitting right behind me who wanted to cry about the Refs all night .... really man .... do you really think the Refs are the reason Maryville has won 9 State Championships since 2000 , 14 overall , and the last 2 in 6A ??? Really ?? You want to sit right in the Middle of the other team's fans and go on about the refs .... the arrogance to do that just amazes me , and Maybe the Band Director also thought he was above us Lowly Maryville people .


Orangeandwhite ... Ya our Boys did read some of this Crap ... I guess maybe you should of worried about it after all . I really do want to like you guys ... I really do , but a lot of you all wanted to act to us like the Greeneville trolls do to you all . Talk big and bad and Tough and act like Maryville doesn't deserve your Respect ... Amazing some of you all choose to do that when you have those Clowns up there being Disrespectful to you . Maryville fans will be nice , respectful , and Humble to you guys , unless you want to come down here and act like we don't deserve your respect .


What's funny about you guys is the one guy who actually sees things the way they really are , is the guy a lot of you all want to give a hard time . Waco thought it was ridiculous for you guys to be disrespectful , plus he can actually look at your team objectively , yet he is given a hard time for doing that . Now you guys can get back to blasting Waco and wanting your coach fired , maybe if we meet again next year some of you guys can then act like you been there before .


Onto Siegel ... I've heard one of their Players was hurt tonight too , that's a dang Shame , I hope both kids will be ready to play by next week .

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Thanks PEP , MHS82 and others for your concern and compliments for Haden , he is mine but he has played his heart out this year as have his team mates. We have an MRI scheduled for Monday morning and I hope for his sake that it is not as bad as they think. Please pray for his spirit to be lifted high no matter what the outcome.

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This is truly a tough one for this young man and his team. My son went down as well tonight with a possible ACL injury. Prayers out for stockstill that he maybe restored and that no other players for the remainder of the playoffs and championship games be seriously injured.


I really hope it comes back this is not true Greyrider .... for the Young man from Siegel too !!! Prayers up for both Young Men !!

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First off Prayers are going out to #39 Haden Townsend , like others have said , he is the prototype Maryville Football Player ... all heart and soul . I really Hope Haden will be able to play again soon , It tears you up to see a young man who has worked so hard get hurt like that .


It was Great Meeting SweetScience and Red Rebels , You got a seat with us anytime you want to Sweet !!


I'm not surprised to hear about the band really ... I know DB has tons of great fans , but the one sitting right behind me who wanted to cry about the Refs all night .... really man .... do you really think the Refs are the reason Maryville has won 9 State Championships since 2000 , 14 overall , and the last 2 in 6A ??? Really ?? You want to sit right in the Middle of the other team's fans and go on about the refs .... the arrogance to do that just amazes me , and Maybe the Band Director also thought he was above us Lowly Maryville people .


Orangeandwhite ... Ya our Boys did read some of this Crap ... I guess maybe you should of worried about it after all . I really do want to like you guys ... I really do , but a lot of you all wanted to act to us like the Greeneville trolls do to you all . Talk big and bad and Tough and act like Maryville doesn't deserve your Respect ... Amazing some of you all choose to do that when you have those Clowns up there being Disrespectful to you . Maryville fans will be nice , respectful , and Humble to you guys , unless you want to come down here and act like we don't deserve your respect .


What's funny about you guys is the one guy who actually sees things the way they really are , is the guy a lot of you all want to give a hard time . Waco thought it was ridiculous for you guys to be disrespectful , plus he can actually look at your team objectively , yet he is given a hard time for doing that . Now you guys can get back to blasting Waco and wanting your coach fired , maybe if we meet again next year some of you guys can then act like you been there before .


Onto Siegel ... I've heard one of their Players was hurt tonight too , that's a dang Shame , I hope both kids will be ready to play by next week .

This one makes me want to get out the ol proverbial :popcorneater:

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