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Maryville plays Morristown-East in the 2nd round of the Playoffs


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As much as I love high school football there are more important things. The Maryville family has lost another one. Would everyone please lift the Harper family up in your prayers. Abbie Harper has passed away.

Heartbreaking news that hits close to home. My prayers are certainly with the entire family.

Edited by Norman Dale
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I will try to lay low about the concession stand from now on but I do want to throw in this last one though. Do you all remember the guy that was selling hot dogs outside the gate a few years ago and he was always covered up with business? I'm sure the school must of made him quit but what I'm trying to say is the guy sold a great product and people bought them like hot cakes and that's all I'm trying to do is open people's eye's that are over that operation. When I see how that thing is run I think of a bunch of kids with a kool-aid stand and that is the mentality up there and when we go to away games we look bad when you compare us and them. I have the image of those two hot dogs that looked like Slim Jim's laying on a bun burnt into my mind and I will never forget it.  I'm sure when I die and my life flashes before me that will be one of the things I will see. Now next year there will be a new Barbecue place right across the street form the high school that I'm willing to bet will cut into the concession sales big time unless someone thinks like a business person instead of a kid w/ a Kool-Aid Stand. Anyway I think we will win this week 42-14 but the game will break loose midway through the third quarter.


Does anybody else actually care about the concession stand like this?  BS, your obsession with the concession stand is super weird.

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I have known Kenny Harper a long time. And he like me has daughters, which I'm sure that he like me, loves more than himself. There are no words to describe the pain that they are experiencing now. I ask the entire Rebel Nation to ask the Good Lord to comfort them through His Holy Spirit and that He could find some way for me to be used by Him, to meet their needs in this difficult time............

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I have known Kenny Harper a long time. And he like me has daughters, which I'm sure that he like me, loves more than himself. There are no words to describe the pain that they are experiencing now. I ask the entire Rebel Nation to ask the Good Lord to comfort them through His Holy Spirit and that He could find some way for me to be used by Him, to meet their needs in this difficult time............


 Amen Starz , Kenny my Prayers are with you and your Family Buddy . There is nothing harder on this Earth than Losing a Child . I lost my Son Korey in 1991 and I never would of made it without the Lord's help  . This is the Phillips that Graduated with you Kenny , please let me know if you need anything at all Brother , and I will Pray for the Lord to give you Strength and Peace . 

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I hate to bring this up tonight but who ever is in charge of the concession stand let the Chick-Fil-A's run out thirty minutes before the opening kick-off and what beats all is the crowd was very small at that time of the evening due to the rain. I even saw one man down from me that was so hungry that he caved in and bought a hot dog only to eat half of it and throw the other half away. I also noticed a hand written sign on a wooden post as I came in the gate with all of the stupid rules on it that looked like a kid made from one of the elementary schools. What retarded Do-Do Bird thought that one up. If it hadn't been raining as I came in I would of taken a picture of it to post on here. Well anyway I predicted us to win 42-14 but I wasn't to far off, final 49-7.

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Murvil did not come out slow. They looked real good. Defense did not alliw a first down until game was outta reach-and I think it was on a penalty. #22 is a good RB.


Great experience gotten by alot of young guys last night.


The murvil stands were as empty as I have ever seen them with a varsity game going on. There may be something to this loud-speaker, too many rules, concession stand theory.

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