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That McCurry mans fieldhouse

Roy Dillard

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What kind of mess is this TTP? Here are some facts. 1st, your current administration allowed the football program to land in the clink, Mac 1st few months on the job and proclaimed ignorance! 2nd, several of you Jasper fellers came on coacht yapping and putting SP in general down while proclaiming how classless the vandalism was. 3rd, pictures of the vandalism quickly surfaced around SP and instantly it was obvious to non wearing rose colored glass wearing folkes it was not students or anyone from SP. Specific students were attacked, specific parking spots were targeted-no one from SP would have known. 4. OP stated early it was in house job. 5. This field house painting attempt to motivate was used at previous stops by the coach. 6. The newly acquired coach surely did not dream this up by himself. 7. The baseball coach & other Jasper football coaches were seen eating breakfast in Kimball very..... early the morning of the vandalism. 8. Important evidence was removed from premises before authorities arrived. 9. The coach photographed buying spray paint in his Jasper purple. 10. For Jasper folkes to think or allow this guy to shoulder all the blame is as classless as the original mess. All these points addressed sit back and take your payback medicine because unless the coach arrested is a fool, he surely realizes he has been thrown under the bus as the outsider non-Jasper guy and will sing and it won't be Jasper's new alma mater song "Rose Colored Glasses"...........


But this junk remains????

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This just in, Clay Travis from outkickthecoverage.com has just posted his top ten dumbest TN high school football fan bases and Marion County has been voted number 1.


You edged out Hartsville. Of course, if Hartsville were to lose in the near future they can easily reclaim the throne. It will depend on how early they hit the shine and how loud the banjo music is near the creek.


The National Guard has already been put on stand by in case Hartsville and Jasper meet next week. In related news if they were to meet there will be a Mullet and Meth festival just outside the old Paynes Country store at the 4 way stop. Marshall Mathers will be performing and Grunt and Hillboy will be thumb wrestling.

great post. I lol'd a couple of times
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so, let me guess. Old Pirate puts false information on here. I tell the truth about some things and my post is deleted. This whole sight must be run by SP people.

Let me ask you a question.  I was talking to this man at Ronnies red eye and he told me that Burnett man had pictures of this Schmitt man buying the paint that he and most likely others used to paint that McCurry mans fieldhouse.  I garuntee you that is enough to put him in that Burnett mans jail.  You think im joking but im not.

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