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Maryville (4-0) @ Science Hill (3-0)


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Barney---No, I live in Cary,NC -just moved from Maryville in 2011, but I get both the Times and the Sentinel by internet. I  probably read both papers before most of you in the mornings. I try to log on the papers in the towns Maryville is playing.-fun.

I went out for Spring practice when I was in the 8thgrade and I could  outrun anybody on the team at that time.But , I was very poor and took a job in the afternoons at JC Penney--so good bye football. My later sport record was a member of the champion cross-country team of the European Theater in WW2.Funny story. In Korea I sparred with a former world boxing champion. didn't do much damage,but   did find out all the cartilage was gone from his nose.

Two weeks after we got to Korea, he got the Silver Star for action on patrol. LeRoy Rogersknows about stuff like that.

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Ha... that's "The Johnson City Way" 

like they say on the commercial

You are certainly a class act.


 I have a son on the football team at SH and I live in Johnson City.   Both my son and I respect the people of Kingsport and the athletes of DB and making a racial/ethnic/sexual slur is not how we conduct ourselves and certainly is not the "Johnson City Way".  


However if  making that kind of statement about the young men that play football at SH somehow makes you feel better about yourself perhaps you should spend more time looking in the mirror and less time typing derogatory comments on this site.  Perhaps if you do that you can figure out why you turned out they way you have instead of someone your parents and community could be proud of.


Go Toppers!

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Barney---No, I live in Cary,NC -just moved from Maryville in 2011, but I get both the Times and the Sentinel by internet. I  probably read both papers before most of you in the mornings. I try to log on the papers in the towns Maryville is playing.-fun.

I went out for Spring practice when I was in the 8thgrade and I could  outrun anybody on the team at that time.But , I was very poor and took a job in the afternoons at JC Penney--so good bye football. My later sport record was a member of the champion cross-country team of the European Theater in WW2.Funny story. In Korea I sparred with a former world boxing champion. didn't do much damage,but   did find out all the cartilage was gone from his nose.

Two weeks after we got to Korea, he got the Silver Star for action on patrol. LeRoy Rogersknows about stuff like that.

Carolinarebel here is a close up of the team from 1939. So that history won't disappear from us and cheat us from losing the names of these men that played football in 1939 would you be able to take the names from the photo I had earlier and put them with the right face in an enlarged picture I scanned and blew up. All 32 names are there on the other picture but sadly their not in any kind of order.5u4n7m.jpg

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I know this thread isn't about the 1939 Rebels but nice to revisit with someone that knew these men and was a part of the school in those days. When those men are all gone so will the stories we will never get a chance to hear again.  If your a true Rebel Fan as I am this is a very great opportunity to hear from someone that was there in 1941 the last time we played in Johnson City so this really does all tie together.f4464m.jpg

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hey you got an annual from 1985? my was lost in a move bout 20 years ago!! Go Red Rebels!!!

I'm sorry Spank but I didn't have many after the late 70's. Most yearbooks that I have bought have been from estate sales and ebay from people that had no longer had use for them. I started doing research on the school football history a few years back. I also knew a lot of men that were on the first team Maryville ever had but I was to young then to realize what I do now.

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Barney---Long ago and far away ,the Rebels (oops , I mean Red Elephants)set off to play Loudon. ,Lenoir City,Sweetwater,ot Somebody. On the way they picked up a ringer and let him play in the game. Needless to say, they were suspended. Can you imagine that happening today.

Do any more of us old fuds remember that?

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I know this thread isn't about the 1939 Rebels but nice to revisit with someone that knew these men and was a part of the school in those days. When those men are all gone so will the stories we will never get a chance to hear again.  If your a true Rebel Fan as I am this is a very great opportunity to hear from someone that was there in 1941 the last time we played in Johnson City so this really does all tie together.f4464m.jpg

Barn thait iz a goodur pic.....Can see tha old west wang ov Mairvul Hi (aka Tha Smokin' Hole)......Eye see tha giant oke tree att the cornur ov Cedar Streat and Lorrunce Ave......Thait tree iz thair twoday and iz one ov tha biggust okes inn Tinnersee and hit wuz a good sized tree 76 yeer ago......... :popcorneater:

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You are certainly a class act.


I have a son on the football team at SH and I live in Johnson City. Both my son and I respect the people of Kingsport and the athletes of DB and making a racial/ethnic/sexual slur is not how we conduct ourselves and certainly is not the "Johnson City Way".


However if making that kind of statement about the young men that play football at SH somehow makes you feel better about yourself perhaps you should spend more time looking in the mirror and less time typing derogatory comments on this site. Perhaps if you do that you can figure out why you turned out they way you have instead of someone your parents and community could be proud of.


Go Toppers!



The DB few don't know how to act in public since their beloved streak is toast. Now they just troll and insult hoping everyone sees them as relevant or funny.

Edited by TicketToRide
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