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Now that MTSU is looking for a new Head Coach could Creasy be their man.


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3 hours ago, BobbyB said:

Do you know what public high school football coach makes?


Ruco Pay Scale

- Head Coach makes 20% of a B.S. with 5 years experience added to his Teaching salary


So approx 80k if he has just a Bachelor's Degree - More like 86k if a Master's etc


Not near enough considering the amount of work put in. 


Edited by 422PT
found info i needed
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On 11/28/2023 at 3:28 PM, Blaze45 said:

I don't think he would take it. He has what I believe is 2 more years to have his tenure in order to draw retirement from Tennessee Teachers assoc, and that would also allow him to coach his son's senior season. At that point I could see a bidding war in the private schools for him. He would maintain his retirement and benefits, plus get paid a ton to do nothing but coach.  

Good point Blaze, but with MTSU being a state school, all faculty & coaches there are also likely under TCRS as well. So his retirement could just probably transfer right over, and be even better, given increase in salary. I don’t think being vested in TCRS is contingent upon his tenure at the local high school level, given that TCRS is a state retirement benefit, extended not just to teachers, but all state employees.  

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2 hours ago, MidTennFootball said:

I'd take him over who they are hiring 

Dang!  I'm with you.   I remember my very first impression of him at Vandy in his first game.   "That man is in over his head".   My impression never changed.   Four years tops and we'll be having this discussion again.   Maybe Creasy will get the job then!:lol::lol:

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