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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2021 in all areas

  1. The amount of crap being spread on here is thick .Times are changing around the Pirate Ship, either get on or get out!
    4 points
  2. I support all the local teams, but we just hired John madden to beat the lookout valleys? All gas no brakes. I guess that is true if you clear the track of obstacles. I know for a fact those folks around the court house will have a pretty good team this season, I guess someone thought they would lose fans if they lost to them their first year as HC.
    4 points
  3. Dropped MC. Man that's a good game to play in as a player. I guess adults with agendas are more important than the kids.
    3 points
  4. I personally think it's a horrible decision. Too much history and tradition. They'll say we're scared of what's coming in the next few years. We'll say it's because of last year. Either way, this has been the most screwed up year in history .
    3 points
  5. CORRECTION, we wanted to PLAY. It was SOUTH PITTSBURG that canceled they game. They called us.
    2 points
  6. Quit pretending. We know your real name is Jasper Dillard.
    2 points
  7. Jasper and Whitwell should always be on the schedule no matter how good or bad. I like the addition of North Jackson.
    2 points
  8. Coaches, I have created a form sheet and spread sheet for listing Tennessee Tournaments. There will be two links. The first link will be to fill out your information. The second link will be to view the spread sheet. I hope this will be an easy way read way to see where all the 2021-2022 tournaments will be. You might have to copy and paste these links. 1. fill out info: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=qmF0dn9znEScCOpe_cPQuxF9-OnKOoNKj6HT21TSc3FUOEpYSEdVQU5CUjFTUUpYNEQyNkxSWDZEVy4u 2. view spread sheet: https://ccsdtn-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/ricky_woods_ccstn_org/EbVUQDYrrHlLtGbe2rz2kz4BV9omBbrt2kd8ymv9uYdqow?e=ZyU5pW Thanks, Ricky Woods Harpeth Wrestling Coach
    1 point
  9. Y’all just better hope Roy Diltard doesn’t find out about this big pole. He will be on it worse than he is on Murphy’s pole!!!
    1 point
  10. I'm not really terrified but I think it would've been interesting series again because MC is about to go on a run for quite a while. I do think it benefits you guys to drop us for the foreseeable future though.
    1 point
  11. I'm not really enthused with it Scallywag. Especially if Jasper ain't on there. But I can learn to live with it IF that's the route we need to take. Captain Jones has a vision for the Pirate Program. A very long term vision. And it terrifies the jailhouse folks. I have put my trust in the Captain and shall put all my efforts and support behind him. P4L.
    1 point
  12. You are so scared of Captain Jones and what he brings to the SP program that you have created a whole new persona. You are doing this because you are so frightened and really have no other recourse but to bash SP while pretending to be one of our own.
    1 point
  13. Not gonna argue semantics with you. You’re a daddy grider guy and that’s fine but we ALL know how he ran the program. It was more a comment to tricky Vicky’s win at any cost mentality than a condemnation of the program itself but then again you were drinking the kool-aid. Brick by brick right rlh?
    1 point
  14. That's a valid argument, but if some of you Jasper fellows stop real fast, you may get BPM's head up your wazoo.
    1 point
  15. Nope he is referring to SP Chicken Jones. Embarrassing as a fan. The least we could have done was have an excuse. Now everyone on Coach T knows we're just yeller.
    1 point
  16. Are you sure you are a Pirate. Calling your own coach yeller is reason for me to skip over future post. Unforgivable for me...
    1 point
  17. I didn't realize a coach t poster that has been on this website loner than me and PowerP. You have us beat by a month. For sure, we have seen some crazy thing's at SP. And as far as the two North Marion teams, yes for sure. I would have said no to Jasper if they hadn't agreed to come to SP and play this year, but they did agree, so IDK what's going on. Just put a schedule out there and if the Good Lord's will and I'm alive my family and me will show up because we've been supporters a very long time.
    1 point
  18. The school board should require all 3 schools play each other.
    1 point
  19. Boyce Smith , Springfield 1928 -1972 . His record of 288-116-34 may look not as impressive as some others , but he only coached three seasons when the playoffs were started in 1969 , in his era most seasons were the regular season and a bowl game. He was inducted into the Tn. Sports Hall of Fame in 1975 , the National High School HOF in 1979. He also played a stellar schedule every season playing Midstate powerhouses along with annual games with NIL powerhouses M.B.A. , Father Ryan , Issac Litton and several others. He had six undefeated seasons a bowl record of 10-1-3 and several of his teams were bowl eligible but didn’t chose to play. His coaching tree has three Head Coaches with State Championships in Tn. and Ky. and his 1937 team was featured in Ripleys Believe it or Not . Boyce Smith was one Tennessee’s greatest coaches of all-time.
    1 point
  20. Is this a joke??Or is this really a South Pitt football schedule??
    1 point
  21. We now have a powder puff schedule.What kind of mess is this? Better stock up on the cannon balls for the home games.This will be the weakest schedule in modern History.SouthTowner What you think about this JV schedule?
    1 point
  22. Looks like South Pittsburg is changing their schedule to ensure easier competition this year, getting rid of anyone who might beat them lol.
    1 point
  23. My kitty pool busted last week. Thanks for reminding me. You cant talk about that. We kicked your tail the last time yall werent scared to play us.
    1 point
  24. True. But we ain’t running around snitching on other valley teams for petty stuff either... sooo we both weak and lame I recon
    1 point
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