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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/2024 in all areas

  1. To quote the great American poet Dave Chappelle, “or, you COULD shut the @&$! up .” I don’t care if they recruit or not. I don’t care if Mr Jones funds the toilet paper yall wipe your arse with. I just find you in particular very tiring. You. Not Cleveland. Not Bosken. Not Knox. Not the 10 year contract or the home/home that didn’t happen, just you. As a matter of fact, after reading your posts for the last week, whatever Jones is or is not giving surely isn’t enough to deal with petulant people like you all of the time. Cleveland probably deserves more. You know what you’re like? You’re like the drunk at the bar that floats around telling people the same joke over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, then wants to fight everyone when no one finds it funny. oh wait…I think I’m supposed to type “hahahahaha” or “lol” after everything, aren’t I? That’s how your mentally deficient language works, right? Lol hahahahaha lol Do some math so your brain will overload and you’ll be quiet for a while. Let me help by giving you a problem; 2+2 Everyone let’s be quiet so he can concentrate. He’ll be back to wipe poo all over the walls again shortly. I have no problem with any of the points you’ve made. I have no issue with whether Cleveland recruits. Is funded. Isn’t funded. Doesn’t recruit. Partially recruits. Thinks about recruiting. None of it. Y’all do you. Y’all are the premier program in the state, and you’re doing something right, otherwise the program wouldn’t catch such heck in a message board full of anonymous posts. But YOU are obnoxious. Your son is a TREMENDOUS wrestler. But YOU, holy sht, I think everyone understands what it’s like to have bamboo shards shoved underneath their fingernails at this point. I feel for your wife or girlfriend. If you’re divorced, I understand why your ex wife left. I wonder how you actually reproduced, to be honest. Like, somewhere you found a woman that would lay with you and squat out kids. That’s amazing. Absolutely astonishing. Baffling, really. I give you credit there. With everything you have going against you, personality wise, the fact that you pulled that off is quite an achievement. So kudos to you, I suppose.
    5 points
  2. Summit over Cookeville 63-9
    2 points
  3. Personally, i see it as, there's no way Bradley beats Cleveland, none. Why risk the injury when the dual with Blackman coming up is FAR more important? Im not sure the lesson needing to be taught here is "dont quit" so much as it is "pick your battles" or " you live to fight another day".
    2 points
  4. DB gonna be a problem. Jakob gonna win the whole dual himself.
    2 points
  5. I had a great time....great environment......thanks to the nice woman at the entrance that let me in without a ticket after I told her I drove up from Atlanta....
    2 points
  6. This is despicable and sends the wrong message to the kids and parents. If at all possible you should absolutely never forfeit a match. People can say whatever they want but a forfeit because you may have the odds stacked against you is not the mentally tough attitude that kids need to have.
    2 points
  7. There hasn’t been enough talk about how good this Cookeville team is. In the past they have played selfish and not very good on either end of the court. Not this team! They sure are fun to watch. They play at a very high level on both ends of the floor. Lock down defenders and shooters all over the court! I expect them to make a run at a trip to the glass house this year. If you haven’t seen them play you need to check them out. They are really good!
    1 point
  8. Sorry guys. Watching recruiting go on all day.
    1 point
  9. Gonna make a football analogy for a few of my peeps on here. BC down 17-0 with abt 30 seconds left in the 2nd quarter, facing a 4th and 20 from their own 25 yd line. Do you go for it bc you "may" score? NO, you punt and hope to take it to the half down only 17-0, possibly make some adjustments, hopefully execute better and come back in the 2nd half with a better chance to win than if you were to have went for it. BC advanced AT LEAST one more "game" further in the "playoffs" possibly in part to their staff being focused on the big picture instead of a single (play) match that very easily could've been detrimental to the team (injuries, morale, etc) accomplishing another goal. Now, they have the opportunity and somewhat decent shot at a silver trophy. Will they be able to earn it? Probably not, but I guarantee you it's a whole lot better chance than most teams have next weekend. Add in the fact of being on the side opposite Cleveland, their chance of advancing to the finals could very well be better than a couple of teams that are better than them. FYI- Next weekend, BC will be facing the exact same situation except this time it's getting late in the 4th quarter and their playoff hopes are on the line. DON'T expect any more "punts".
    1 point
  10. there is a bit of a predicament. The only criteria in bracket placement is returning medalist as region winners, and then, being the opposite of someone in your region. Cleveland, Halls, and Dobyns should be seeded 1-3.. which would put Cleveland on top and Halls/DB on bottom. With Bradley and Cleveland being in the same region, Bradley would also go to the bottom. that leaves one slot left for the bottom, but we have two sets of teams from the same region left to place…Summit/Brentwood and Arlington/Bartlet. My assumption is, to avoid two teams from the same region being on the same side, DB would get moved to the top side with Cleveland. making it: Cleveland, DB, Summit/Brentwood, Arlington/Bartlet Halls, Bradley, Summit/Brentwood, Arlington/Bartlet
    1 point
  11. So the stage is set how will the teams fall. DB Halls Cleveland Bradley Summit Brentwood Bartlett Arlington 3 pairs from same region, both returning state champs (A and AA), 3 teams seeded, and returning state runner up unseeded. Make take some time for that random draw to compute.
    1 point
  12. Bartlett over Northwest Arlington over Clarksville
    1 point
  13. Let the parents and families on the field. It’s a great way to get the extended family to buy into the program. The pictures after losses bother me too, but the game is over. Sometimes an old grade school friend or distant family member is on the other team and pictures are good. Other times, people don’t know how to act.
    1 point
  14. They’ll be there and they’ll have a chance. Little known fact….Max and Titus leaving wasn’t the end of DB. Did it hurt our chances….sure. They def have a chance of making the podium. I heard they might even have some transfers coming in next year so look out for that!
    1 point
  15. Actually your Principal is from Clinton. And was a pretty good ball player there. Yes he was at Oak Ridge for a spell but not really coaching. You'd think Scotty could help with the coaching situation.
    1 point
  16. I disagree. There are times as coaches you place the health of your kids above all else. Sickness? Injury? We don't know what is going on and i agree with FargoStrut. Kids could be hurt, sickness could be going around. They may be banged up and just want to get healthy. If you just recently wrestled and it wasn't competitive, all you're doing is taking a beating for the sake of pleasing the ego driven fans/parents. We know what the result will be. Go ahead and focus on individuals if you want. See it all the time in D1 college where guy medical FF out of tournaments to save themselves wear and tear.
    1 point
  17. Mason is this you Lol
    1 point
  18. If I were a coach and my team lost the last thing I would want to see is one of my players doing a photo shoot with the family and friends like nothing happened. I would just tell my fan base we treat losing a game like death and nobody goes to a funeral doing that crap out of respect and I expect that out of you and my players. Doing stuff like that goes against everything known to man if your trying to build a winning culture.
    1 point
  19. Central trying to hire a coach has become a fiasco. From the very beginning there has been no leadership on the interview process and it’s no wonder why so many coaches have turned them down. It is truly embarrassing
    1 point
  20. With all due respect to everyone involved, I believe the message was sent and received a couple weeks ago. I have ZERO affiliation with BC and was merely speculating as to why they would forfeit. When your "best case scenario" is losing in the 50-12 ballpark range and coming away with everyone healthy (could very easily lose 70-0 and have one or 2 kids get injured), you "punt" on the dual and take your chances with a completely healthy region runner-up team and hope like heck that you can knock off the opposite region's champ for the opportunity to go to the state tournament. One can only assume that the BC coach and his staff made a decision that they felt was in the best interest of their team. I would COMPLETELY agree with you if their dual was semi-competitive a few weeks ago, but gonna have to disagree here.
    1 point
  21. He's baiting you to think that Matt McConnell is going to be the coach. Could very well be, but I trust this source about as far as I could throw him. McConnell is an outstanding offensive coach, but he doesn't strike me as the type to be subordinate to anyone and it's been strongly insinuated that others will have a lot of input on the direction of the offense there.
    1 point
  22. No one truly understand what they are getting into if they take this one.
    1 point
  23. This seems right. Man has outperformed all expectations and now the modern social media mindset has kicked in. If it can happen in Rhea county, no place is immune.
    0 points
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