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Question for 1A fans that want a split

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Awesome! Is there a code? Since I and my whole family and most of my friends are habitual cheaters and hypocrits, I don't want to work hard to get to level 3!


p.s. Can you get that game on Gameboy, or does it take a console?? :P


Another comment that the almighties make that is joking but not hurtful. A public person makes comments like that thet are crazy and insane and should thrown in jail for ruthless accusations and lies.

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Another comment that the almighties make that is joking but not hurtful. A public person makes comments like that thet are crazy and insane and should thrown in jail for ruthless accusations and lies.



Interesting...since the only people mentioned in my joke were me and my family and friends...I wonder how you knew I was referring to your posts? I guess we all recognize what you were saying in them, even you.

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Interesting...since the only people mentioned in my joke were me and my family and friends...I wonder how you knew I was referring to your posts? I guess we all recognize what you were saying in them, even you.


Again just because I'm from the public population, doesnt make me less of a person. I'm not an idiot, I understood both of yalls cutdowns. We may be poorer but we are not as stupid as you think we are.

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Again just because I'm from the public population, doesnt make me less of a person. I'm not an idiot, I understood both of yalls cutdowns. We may be poorer but we are not as stupid as you think we are.

You may as well quit arguing with these guys , they are going to defend their position to the utmost degree, which I respect cause that is basically what you and I and all of the other public school supporters are trying to do , BUT they will take everything you say and twist it into something you didn't say or even imply, to help defend their case or demean you. Some of them will even go as far to try to turn it into a racial debate, I said they should play in their own league and was called a racist , which is not only EXTREMELY untrue but is also very judgemental which I was taught in my small , humble little church was wrong. Take my advice and do as I did and quit posting on this board for a while and calm down a little , listening to these people tell you what your opinion should be , and them telling us how stupid and ignorant we are to their private school ways , will really get under your skin and they will finally get you to say something you don't really mean and then they will really come down hard on you. Privates have an advantage over small 1A and 2A publics , large publics in heavily populated areas have advantages over small privates , ex. Alcoa , one of the very few. they will never admit this but it is true and they know it. For now we will have to just deal with it wether we like it or not , cause money makes the world go round and it makes the T$$AA happy and since privates have the biggest part of it they are gonna win most of the battles with the powers that be.

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You may as well quit arguing with these guys , they are going to defend their position to the utmost degree, which I respect cause that is basically what you and I and all of the other public school supporters are trying to do , BUT they will take everything you say and twist it into something you didn't say or even imply, to help defend their case or demean you. Some of them will even go as far to try to turn it into a racial debate, I said they should play in their own league and was called a racist , which is not only EXTREMELY untrue but is also very judgemental which I was taught in my small , humble little church was wrong. Take my advice and do as I did and quit posting on this board for a while and calm down a little , listening to these people tell you what your opinion should be , and them telling us how stupid and ignorant we are to their private school ways , will really get under your skin and they will finally get you to say something you don't really mean and then they will really come down hard on you. Privates have an advantage over small 1A and 2A publics , large publics in heavily populated areas have advantages over small privates , ex. Alcoa , one of the very few. they will never admit this but it is true and they know it. For now we will have to just deal with it wether we like it or not , cause money makes the world go round and it makes the T$$AA happy and since privates have the biggest part of it they are gonna win most of the battles with the powers that be.

good advise, they will twist and turn everything you say

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Finally I am getting some support. Im never going to quit defending for the small (guy) public schools. Maybe, just maybe, someone will read these post and see the truth and will get something done about the split. They (most privates) dont want the split because then it will make it an even playing field. The comment you made about spinning words its absolutly correct. I made a post that I wanted my real christain friends praying for my children. They accused me of calling them unchristian. Crap, they aint even my friends LOL I dont believe they can get under my skin because I know the type of person most private people are. I have a lot of private school greatness in my family and I can handle them quite well. There day will come, I just hope it is before my boy gets to play.

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MP, a question for you... I know your issues with the public/private debate, but I am curious to know how you feel about urban vs. rural. I think that there are almost as many advantages/disadvantages there are there is with the private schools. This is not meant to deflect anything away from your feelings about privates, but I think there is a disparity between 1A publics as well and wanted to know what you thought.

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MP, a question for you... I know your issues with the public/private debate, but I am curious to know how you feel about urban vs. rural. I think that there are almost as many advantages/disadvantages there are there is with the private schools. This is not meant to deflect anything away from your feelings about privates, but I think there is a disparity between 1A publics as well and wanted to know what you thought.

It is a problem in that the urban private schools have a huge population base to draw from but if you are saying it is an urban-rural problem MORESO than a public-private problem then you are wrong. There aren't any 1A public schools in urban areas. There are 10 1A private schools in urban areas. It can't be an urban vs rural problem unless you have both urban public and private schools beating rural 1A public schools which can't happen.

Edited by larry
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It is a problem in that the urban private schools have a huge population base to draw from but if you are saying it is an urban-rural problem MORESO than a public-private problem then you are wrong. There aren't any 1A public schools in urban areas. There are 10 1A private schools in urban areas. It can't be an urban vs rural problem unless you have both urban public and private schools beating rural 1A public schools which can't happen.


Agreed. The urban vs. rural problem might affect 4A and 5A but public/private issues (thats a nice of saying it isn't it!) tend to be a 1A/2A and more recently a 3A issue in football and a 1A/2A issue in other sports. there just are not that many public 1A/2A schools in metro areas. :thumb:

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MP, a question for you... I know your issues with the public/private debate, but I am curious to know how you feel about urban vs. rural. I think that there are almost as many advantages/disadvantages there are there is with the private schools. This is not meant to deflect anything away from your feelings about privates, but I think there is a disparity between 1A publics as well and wanted to know what you thought.


I guess my question is what do you consider urban vs rural. Is MP considered urban to lets say Cornersville, but MP would be rural compared to Columbia. The difference between MP and Cornersville is about 80-85 students where MP to Columbia is around 1000 students. I dont know if that answers your question because in 1A I think public schools are rural and the privates have the advantage of haveing a "small" school in urban areas.

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