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Ricky Bowers Ejected


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First, I am in no way a Ricky Bowers fan and I have worked the chains when we have played them and yes it seems his primary job is to be in the refs ears. With that said if they didn't like what he was saying during the game then that's when he should have been ejected. This is not the only thing that the refs should have criticized about. How do you stop the game, make a kid sit a play because their shirt wasn't tucked in. What a joke. Just so happened it was the starting tailback. Nothing wrong with making them,tuck,in the jersey but to make them miss a play. Something going on. Not sure what your saying about if it were an inner city coach, everyone is inner city compared to Ensworth, it's $30,000 just about to go there. I don't see any other school having to deal,with this issue right now. That ref is wrong and everyone knows but since people dislike Bowers so much it's ok, but really it's not.

Not that it matters - an Ensworth player was sent to the sidelines on three occasions during this game due to a jersey not being tucked in.

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Not that it matters - an Ensworth player was sent to the sidelines on three occasions during this game due to a jersey not being tucked in.

Does seem extreme.  Does anybody have a "Rule Book?"


When you lose your helmet, you sit out a play.  But there's some logic in that - you may have an "equipment failure" that needs fixing.


Maybe some all-encompassing rule states that if any part of your uniform or gear is amiss, you have to sit out a play to correct it.

Edited by owlbooster
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The only thing that makes sense is that the white cap is also a minor league baseball ump. Other than that I am still lost.


Paul wade does not use abusive language either. I promise you that.


Where things get interesting is if ensworth lawyers up. They can no doubt do it. And might to prove a point. The TSSAA better get ready. Ensworth could bust their budget in lawyer fees. Ricky and Paul's character are being challenged here. If they can prove that they have taken a hit in the reputation category then it is fair game.

Edited by truthhurts
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Does seem extreme.  Does anybody have a "Rule Book?"


When you lose your helmet, you sit out a play.  But there's some logic in that - you may have an "equipment failure" that needs fixing.


Maybe some all-encompassing rule states that if any part of your uniform or gear is amiss, you have to sit out a play to correct it


I never saw the jersey rules enforced this season, and according to people at the game it was only enforced on Ensworth players.  Not shocking based on everything else the officials did.  


I even heard that BA was contesting the ejections on Bowers and Wades behalf because  some or their coaches witnessed the entire incident and know they got screwed.

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I have criticized Coach Bowers in the past , but the Film where the Ref does his Baseball style ejection along with his screaming "you're bumping me you're bumping me " ( It reminded me of a little 7 yr old kid hollering out for his mommy to hear ) .... I was totally shocked to see just how Calm and Cool Coach Bowers was ... seriously , most Coaches being confronted like that by an aggressive Ref would of been going NUTS !! How anybody can watch that Video and not put all the Blame on that Rogue Ref .... well I just don't get it . Ref gets suspended too .... whoopdee doo ...


 Ensworth got Shafted , but I believe just like BaylorBigDog that this will do nothing but Motivate Ensworth to no end ... MUS would probably end up being better off with Ricky on the Sideline ... nothing motivates high school kids more than feeling like they got shafted by the man . 

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Does seem extreme.  Does anybody have a "Rule Book?"


When you lose your helmet, you sit out a play.  But there's some logic in that - you may have an "equipment failure" that needs fixing.


Maybe some all-encompassing rule states that if any part of your uniform or gear is amiss, you have to sit out a play to correct it.

I think there is such a rule. However, in this case, it was enforced several times against only one team (several BA players clearly had their jerseys out; which is normal, especially for linemen) and in a very curious way. Normally, the ref will tell a kid to tuck his jersey in immediately after a play, the kid will stuff it in his pants while huddling or lining up if no huddle and be ready for the play. In this game, the ref in each instance waited until Ensworth had lined up, was set, and was ready to snap the ball, ran in while blowing his whistle and sent the kid off with no chance to tuck it and stay in the game. Quite odd.

Edited by RedRobin1
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Not accurate.  It's even in the article in the Tennessean.


"According to the National Federation of State High School Associations’ rulebook, officials retain jurisdiction “through the referee’s declaration of the end of the fourth period or overtime.â€


On the Deadspin video after all of the chaos of the play etc, the white hat goes to the field and puts his arms out signaling the game is over....shortly thereafter one of the officials throws a flag.  They have NO authority at that point to throw a flag....game is over.  At that point, if anything happens it is the coach's, administrator's and if neccessary the police's responsibility.


So, in my opinion, Coach Bowers will get to coach in the championship due to the exception of a misinterpretation of the rules



The referee has jurisdiction until the game ends. Since there was a flag on the final play of the game (albeit a dead ball foul), the game would continue until the penalty situation was resolved. Beyond that, an official can file an "Unusual Incident Report" on any situation he is aware of, even if the game is over.

Blazeburnin, actually very accurate. KWoodroof obviously has seen the handbook also.

The head referee decides when the game is officially over, period.


With that being said, it was obviously an overblown situation by the official. The problem is that there is no recourse for bad officiating. They do not answer to anyone.

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I can see Ensworth succeeding from the union over this deal.  Ricky and Co.  will probably show up, coach the game, and then announce they are leaving TSSAA after they win the title.  


While I think Coach Bowers can be an egomaniac, I can agree he did not deserve this kind of treatment.  Furthermore, I can't find anything on why Wade was ejected, and I can't find him anywhere on the video.  All I can see is Ensworth assistants attempting to control the sideline, and I'm far from an Ensworth fan.  


Ensworth at the end of the day will benefit out of this deal.  The more publicity for the E, the better, and I hope they stick it to TSSAA.  

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