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New 32 team 6A Proposal


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Can we order these for our banquet?

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I think your way off base here. Nothing denotes "super league" by enrollment.

It would takes time But do you really think if alcoa wanted to play in the top 32 the TSSAA would stop them. Also by allowing the teams in the top 32 to go down for teams that want to play up essentially they are trying to get the better teams to want to play up with better competition and keep the other schools happy in lower classifications that are getting beat by the powers at be. Essentially what we are heading towards in high school athletics all over America is that size of school is no longer a good determination of what level team should play at. This is a radical idea but I believe you will see more of this as prep Athletics develop over the next several years. Why should certain schools that are dominating classifications not move up and play against teams that will challenge them and make their program better. Bigger schools and bigger gates mean bigger games and more media attention and therefore attract more athletes to their's to their schools. If the privates get kicked out the super 32 would be a good answer for the public schools that will then become the villains of the smaller schools that are getting beat. So in reality I think you are the one that is really off base no hard feelings.

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If this goes through.  I think an interesting scenario would be to seed the teams #1-32 and allow them to play whomever in the playoffs.  If it happens to be 2 schools from opposite sides of the state, Let there be a neutral field that the teams could play on in the middle of the state on Saturday.  That way it is truly a dog fight, and you get one heck of a championship game, and not a great semifinal on one side.  The schools in the top division will need to be made aware, that they may have to travel come playoff time.  Just a scenario, that will probably never happen.  But think of how interesting the playoffs would be then.

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I have been sick at my stomach ever since I heard about all of this simply because it's stupid but the world we now live in seems to never surprise me and let something like this happen. I read these comment and it's like most people have already accepted this and asking scenario questions. I myself like high school football the best but now it's going the same way college and pro are, to big for it's own britches and ran by idiots. If this plan goes through I as a long time football fan can see why I might want to start staying at home on Fhttp://http://i61.tinypic.com/ejy3vl.jpg[/iMriday Nights and just watching television. 

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It would takes time But do you really think if alcoa wanted to play in the top 32 the TSSAA would stop them. Also by allowing the teams in the top 32 to go down for teams that want to play up essentially they are trying to get the better teams to want to play up with better competition and keep the other schools happy in lower classifications that are getting beat by the powers at be. Essentially what we are heading towards in high school athletics all over America is that size of school is no longer a good determination of what level team should play at. This is a radical idea but I believe you will see more of this as prep Athletics develop over the next several years. Why should certain schools that are dominating classifications not move up and play against teams that will challenge them and make their program better. Bigger schools and bigger gates mean bigger games and more media attention and therefore attract more athletes to their's to their schools. If the privates get kicked out the super 32 would be a good answer for the public schools that will then become the villains of the smaller schools that are getting beat. So in reality I think you are the one that is really off base no hard feelings.

No hard feelings at all. I still think you are way off the mark though. Why would a team such as Alcoa play tougher competition when the road to the championship would be easier to stay put? History does not side with a team wanting to play tougher teams to what some term as improving. It rather shows that teams want to win. Maryville did not move up to play in 5A, they won where the TSSAA put them. And won quite a bit right there. Brentwood Aca back in the 80's never moved up to AAA but continued to win in AA. Which is more relevant, a team that plays tough competition or a team that wins consistently? It is all about the state title! Playing with the so called Super 32 means squat if I am winning state titles in another league. That is just the facts.
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No hard feelings at all. I still think you are way off the mark though. Why would a team such as Alcoa play tougher competition when the road to the championship would be easier to stay put? History does not side with a team wanting to play tougher teams to what some term as improving. It rather shows that teams want to win. Maryville did not move up to play in 5A, they won where the TSSAA put them. And won quite a bit right there. Brentwood Aca back in the 80's never moved up to AAA but continued to win in AA. Which is more relevant, a team that plays tough competition or a team that wins consistently? It is all about the state title! Playing with the so called Super 32 means squat if I am winning state titles in another league. That is just the facts.

   I agree with you. Teams that can bring home the Gold in whatever class are fine with it. If you only had one or 2 state champions, it would be different,,but thats not the case.

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Lets go from 6 to 6 classifications.   

Actually  5 and a half. I'd much rather they leave it as it is. Someone really had a brainstorm. Sounds like something I would have come up with during the wacky weed days.

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If we want to get serious about this lets do it. Have a set of 5 criteria over every classification that would provide for the best 32 programs to compete for one state championship. People say enrollment, but what they mean is I'm sick of playing all these teams that put more value on their football program and make me look bad. Every team not in the top 32 would give 5% of gate receipts for every game to keep all the good teams out of their classification. This would be divided among the top 32 to offset travel costs. Criteria would be:


1) Playoff Record for last 5 years


2) Overall Record for last 5 years


3) Operating budget


4) Commitment to Football (facilities, equipment, coaches salaries...etc.)


5) Minimum of 3 or 4 k attendance at home games


Formulate and rank a list of 50 teams. Go down said list and invite 1 then 2 then 3 and so on. 1st 32 to accept are in the top 32. Put up or shut up time.


If not this then go to 4 or 5 classes and realize that the world is not fair and you may have to put a little more into this if you really want to be successful!




I've got to give you a big kudos for at least stating an altenative plan. I've read your grips and complaints and when challenged you produced at least what is considered sentient thought towards a solution,


However, there are flaws in each of your criteria that won't even allow this plan to be considered. But, at least you tried.


I've said this before and I will say it again. There is no solution that will please the masses. IF ... if you can please at least 35% to 50% of the people who follow high school football, then you have succeeded. My only criteria in any playoff/classification formula/format is that subjectivity be removed from the selection process when post season teams are selected. You can have one big classification or 20 ... I could care less. Just leave any form of subjectivity outside the selection process.

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We just need to bite the bullet and implement a system of promotion and relegation like the European Football Leagues (soccer for APB). From the wikipedia:


In sports leagues, promotion and relegation is a process where teams are transferred between two divisions based on their performance for the completed season. The best-ranked teams in the lower division are promoted to the division above, and the worst-ranked teams in the higher division are relegated to the division below. In some leagues play-offs or qualifying rounds are also used to determine rankings. This process can continue through several levels, with teams being exchanged between levels 1 and 2, levels 2 and 3, levels 3 and 4, and so on. During the season, teams that are high enough in the table that they would qualify for promotion are sometimes said to be in the promotion zone, and those at the bottom are in the relegation zone (or, colloquially, the drop zone).[1][2]



PS: Is anybody else having trouble with the Coach T website. I've logged on from three different laptops with three different IP addresses and it looks real bad with extra fonts at the top of the page and in posts. I've seen a lot of double and one triple post (Barney) today.

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Turf fields, jumbotrons, ESPN, Thursday night games on WVLT, TSSAA.......High school sports used to be the purest form of competition there was, but times are a changing, and IMO, not for the better.

We all know what TSSAA is after.....money....but they aren't any different than the rest of society today.  They call it "advancement".

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