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Enrollment Numbers are Out....

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I don't see any problem if Alcoa decides to stay in 2a, they don't have a moral duty to play up in 3 or 4a. The only disadvantage I can see in staying in 2a would be the players getting proper recognition from recruiters due to the lack of competition. Yes I know Alcoa plays Maryville every year, but week in and week out, the starters will be pulled by 3rd quarter and they won't face any challenge to show their skill level. Sure they may get noticed at camps, but seeing is believing when you compete against like kind competition.

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         He don't really mean it. If that were the case,I'm sure Boyd could have scheduled them any year they wanted  to. As a matter of fact, not one of the projected 2a schools have went out of their way to get Alcoa on the schedule. That wouldn't be bravery,more akin to stupidity.

Yeah,who wants to lose 62-8 at home

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We usually get along well and I usually like your posts, but this one need some rethinking....It's IMPOSSIBLE for small county schools to "man up" and play with schools like Alcoa in football! That's a crazy statement. Most 2A county schools usually play the same 11 on both sides of the ball for four qtrs....And that's because we HAVE to.


Back in last season's basketball threads you told me Mem Mitchell  (Dropped to 1A) only got bigger when they went to their bench...And the talent on their bench was as good as the starters...Now, I like your program, coaches and players but did you see anyway, anyone in 1A was gonna beat you last season? We gave you the best game we could with pretty much the same 5-6 players.


Now, convert that same situation to the football field...its belittling to tell small county schools, with ole home boys to "get better" and "man up" against teams such as Alcoa...You're talking apples and oranges

I see the talent point and you are correct but that does not give any of us a reason to complain about them dropping to where they are suppose to be. Trezevant is now in 2A also and in our league and I am glad. That will make us better trying to get to their level.

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I don't see any problem if Alcoa decides to stay in 2a, they don't have a moral duty to play up in 3 or 4a. The only disadvantage I can see in staying in 2a would be the players getting proper recognition from recruiters due to the lack of competition. Yes I know Alcoa plays Maryville every year, but week in and week out, the starters will be pulled by 3rd quarter and they won't face any challenge to show their skill level. Sure they may get noticed at camps, but seeing is believing when you compete against like kind competition.


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I see the talent point and you are correct but that does not give any of us a reason to complain about them dropping to where they are suppose to be. Trezevant is now in 2A also and in our league and I am glad. That will make us better trying to get to their level.

        If thats the attitude we need ,just drop classifacations all togeather,put the big privates back in and lets play ball. It don't get much steeper than this anyhow, Classifacations were started to level the playing field,there is NOTHING level about this deal. No one is saying Alcoa  is doing anything wrong, the TSSAA is the one to blame.

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I see the talent point and you are correct but that does not give any of us a reason to complain about them dropping to where they are suppose to be. Trezevant is now in 2A also and in our league and I am glad. That will make us better trying to get to their level.

It's not directed at them IF that's what happens....It's the ignorant TSSAA that cant get their heads outta their rear-ends!

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This newest system is just another mess in the TSSAA's screwed up system. They keep avoiding the problem and the issues. Just kick all the privates into D2 and make anyone with open enrollment have a small multiplier and be done with it. When I say small I mean like a 1.3 or something.

It will be interesting to how they vote and to see if this multi-headed beast comes to life!

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This newest system is just another mess in the TSSAA's screwed up system. They keep avoiding the problem and the issues. Just kick all the privates into D2 and make anyone with open enrollment have a small multiplier and be done with it. When I say small I mean like a 1.3 or something.

They have studied the public and private thing for 20 years, it took about 10  seconds to come up with this brainstorm.Someone smoked one to many.

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