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South Pittsburg vs Culumbia Academy (Grider against this Lansdell man)

Roy Dillard

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I was going to post that earlier.  I read it this morning as I got up and thought it was interesting.  Also I thought that it was the mark of a good coach.  I've said the same thing about Vic for a long time, he doesn't have a "style" that he sticks with.  He will use whatever offense he has the talent for and will switch it up to match.  For some reason there are a lot of people who think he is a "wing-T man" who switched to the spread before going back to the wing-t.  They forget that he ran the I formation during his early years while winning it all in '99.  He didn't switch to the wing T until a few years later when we had so many running backs that he had to get them all on the field. 

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I was going to post that earlier.  I read it this morning as I got up and thought it was interesting.  Also I thought that it was the mark of a good coach.  I've said the same thing about Vic for a long time, he doesn't have a "style" that he sticks with.  He will use whatever offense he has the talent for and will switch it up to match.  For some reason there are a lot of people who think he is a "wing-T man" who switched to the spread before going back to the wing-t.  They forget that he ran the I formation during his early years while winning it all in '99.  He didn't switch to the wing T until a few years later when we had so many running backs that he had to get them all on the field. 


Good post.    Grider is a winner and has always put together a great staff.


I went to a couple middle school games this year and the coaching talent on the sidelines is unreal.

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Roy Dillard


I garuntee you Grider better be making our boys lift weights this week so they will be real strong on Friday. That Lansdell man will probably try to throw some hail marrys even though he don't have that real good pass butcherl catcher. Grider better get our boys in a prevent defence. You think im joking but im not.


You know what Roy I think it's exactly what we need to do.

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Roy Dillard


I garuntee you Grider better be making our boys lift weights this week so they will be real strong on Friday. That Lansdell man will probably try to throw some hail marrys even though he don't have that real good pass butcherl catcher. Grider better get our boys in a prevent defence. You think im joking but im not.


You know what Roy I think it's exactly what we need to do.

Roy, have you looked at your Road Atlas to figure out the best route to them CA Circle Fly fellers stadium?
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