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TSSAA meeting live today at 1:00 PM (Central)

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3 minutes ago, Goldenpride said:

Sorry about the double reply, but you’re correct here. In fact, who would want to wear a mask in the heat for a full football game? Middle school teams play an 8 game schedule. I hate it for the middle of the road teams that can get hot at any moment late in the year and upset some teams. I also hate it for us, (Peabody) like I said we will be young... I’m still confident we can make the playoffs, but a young team is bound to have a bad night. Either way I’m supporting the kids because at the end of the day it’s about them

good thoughts. TSSAA is immune to anything unless people refuse to comply. its risky and ballsy at the same time to do that, but when gluttonous monstrosities take without being challenged, in this case, freedoms, they will just take more. next- temp checks and vaccines to watch. for kids and fans. think they wont do it? ok 

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10 minutes ago, GeneralForrest said:

its going to be a mess. the whole season. this entire premise is laughable. i am a little surprised and the seriousness with which the TSSAA is being viewed here. We are ripping the high school football season apart and turning it upside down over a virus that is very mild statistically to kids. masks outside is even more ludicrous. are they gonna have nannies and karens monitoring masks in the stands? what an ugly turn. and forrest is down and will be lucky to win 3 or 4 games. my views have nothing to do with that.  in fact the fans of good teams should really be annoyed. this is gonna turn the season into a crapshoot. have 1 off game and be done for the postseason. 

Outdoor masks are ludicrous. TSSAA honors the governors decree but overrides county mayors who disagree with a mandate. I bet some county mayors step up and say masks are optional in their counties. Mask nazis at the gate will be required. How did today's meeting affect middle school football? When will we have a schedule to even know who we play? 

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7 minutes ago, GeneralForrest said:

why do u think that. if anything id be more irritated. TSSAA gonn TSSAA

im interested in your hypothesis tho. 

I don't think you ever are NOT irritated. 

Just my opinion.  

If Forrest had a legitimate chance of something special this year I believe you'd bend over backwards to see it to fruition.  Just thinking out loud General.  

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18 minutes ago, Southtowner said:

I don't think you ever are NOT irritated. 

Just my opinion.  

If Forrest had a legitimate chance of something special this year I believe you'd bend over backwards to see it to fruition.  Just thinking out loud General.  

what does that have to do with TSSAA's decision today. u arent above talking out of your rhymes with glass dude. 

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17 minutes ago, Sidelinehustler said:

That is going to be a serious financial hit for booster clubs. Everyone is making a huge issue out of having to wear a mask when the survival of many programs depends on concession revenue. 

Will be interesting to see what happens. I don’t like the fact of no concessions but I have no problem wearing a mask. Guess the reason for no concessions is the fact that people  would take their masks off to eat and drink.

Edited by pioneer42
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17 minutes ago, Sidelinehustler said:

That is going to be a serious financial hit for booster clubs. Everyone is making a huge issue out of having to wear a mask when the survival of many programs depends on concession revenue. 

Yes, like this will hurt a lot of programs, and could impact them in a huge way moving forward. Not just football, band, cheer, clubs and etc.

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1 hour ago, GeneralForrest said:

what does that have to do with TSSAA's decision today. u arent above talking out of your rhymes with glass dude. 

It had nothing to do with TSSAA's decision today.  It had everything to do with my opinion that if Forrest were in the running you'd be singing a different tune.  You asked for my hypothesis and I gave it.  

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Concerning concessions:

Concession stands are discouraged because they tend to invite gatherings of people in close quarters. If a member school chooses to operate a concession stand at a contest, signage or other appropriate markings must be in place to encourage customers to maintain physical distancing while standing in line. Where possible, schools that choose to operate concession stands are encouraged to arrange for call-in orders in order to reduce the number of people gathering to stand in line and to limit the number of concession workers. All concession stand workers must wear facial coverings and must maintain as much physical distance as possible in the confines of the concession stand.  

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