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Round 2: Oneida @ South Greene


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5 hours ago, orngnblk said:

First post in a while and not gonna post much here out for awhile.The situation and therapy I'm having to go thru is brutal and I just cant get into football mode again,some on here have been keeping up with other methods,I do read this tho gives me some entertainment while healing.Im pulling for those Indians till they get sent home and that may be this week sounds like Oneida just cant find the clutch to shift into overdrive.Good luck my friends from Oneida and Hampton hope you all have a round three.Hampton I think has the upper hand right now in my opinion BUT I'm still pulling the the OnW.

1A - I'm a Cloudland Highlander the rest of their ride,Way to whip a once 1A powerhouse and didnt even look back!If some changes dont come our program will be a garbage truck.I think Cloudland has the stuff to get the Semis but that will be it without some help from above.LOL!

Good luck to all teams and keep them all healthy!

Greenback will always be my second team. Sorry uknoit, you're just too fun to hate :lol:

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24 minutes ago, Spike016 said:

Spot on Romans! You know your ball. We have talked about it at Oneida games. Meigs is the leader in the clubhouse and honestly I don’t even know if it’s that close with anyone else. 

My guess is ,its soooo close they are apt to lose this week.

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6 minutes ago, TigerNation said:

Very well could lose this week or the next. 3 very good football teams left in our quad with us.

Thats a fact, won't be a shame for any of you ,its  just 4 really good teams. Guess on paper ,you guys are the favorite but won't have anything to do with paper these next 2 weeks.

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11 hours ago, Spike016 said:

I haven’t cried in a long time over a football game my friend.  The only difference in South Greene and Oneida is South Greene got caught cheating and  that’s what they are known for. South Greene Chain Yankers sounds more fitting than Rebels. :popcorneater:

If y’all fairly no chain yankin no sneaky stuff clearly beat us Friday night I’ll say congrats and move on. However I’m not the only guy that has this opinion on SG. 

We clearly beat you last time also we ran the ball at will and threw it whenever we felt it was needed… Also our quarterback this year threw the game winning touchdown in that game on a double pass. Should be interesting but you got beat straight up 3 years ago on rebel hill but if it helps you sleep better at night …. And opinions are like buttholes everyone has one and they all stink and maybe even still a little hurt.

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On 11/5/2021 at 9:00 PM, Spike016 said:

Oneida got the W against a scrappy CG team in round 1. They played well enough to win but wasn’t their best game this year. They will travel to the land of the chain Yankers! Can Oneida go and upset the Rebels in round 2?? 

Let’s Git It On!!

Oneida ain’t gonna be able to stop Luke Myers. Y’all gonna wish you lost last week. Oneida??? REALLY?! At halftime y’all are gonna be saying I-neida cigarette. I see a blow out in the foreseeable future. My prediction is 44-6. WHERE EVEN IS ONEIDA?!?! 

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