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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/15/2019 in Posts

  1. Lee and I began releasing our region preview shows today. We began recording last night. We've broken each classification down into 3 separate videos to make accessing your area of interest much easier. Today's release cover's Class 1A regions 1-4. We've decided to make a video for each side of the State in each class, then do a "Top Ten" video separately. Either tonight or tomorrow, I'll upload "Part II" of Class 1A which will cover the West side of the State. I hope you guys enjoy the video's and by all means, please subscribe to the channel if you enjoy the content. We'll begin our "LIVE" shows in week one as the season starts. Looking forward to another great season of football coverage on The Friday Main Event! Here is a link to our first Region Preview Show this season: Friday Main Event Class 1A East Region Preview
    3 points
  2. Actually you'll just troll me until the playoffs start.
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. Got a message from QueenBee. She says she is very sore but getting around pretty good.
    2 points
  5. Ravenwood must have superior garbage service? STARS better get to work.
    2 points
  6. There is still a lot to be seen out of this group.
    2 points
  7. I'll give you that. But you tell me was a Mr football winner carrying the ball on that 2-8 Stratford squad like on Riverdale? PC wouldn't have beat them. And I'll even take it one further, the staff that coached that Stratford team had only been together a matter of weeks before they beat the all mighty Pearl Cohn... That's a disgrace. No bigger talent collecting staff in this state. And get smoked by some dudes only been together 6 weeks. LOL Now what you got?
    2 points
  8. You asked a question based on what you have heard on here. You don’t know if the transfer that have come to Greenback fill a need or not. You only assume they do based upon what other posters from other schools not named Greenback are saying. There is a reason o&b responded to you the way he did. Your insinuations is a cheap shot at those kids and the Greenback program. No one knows why those kids came to Greenback and if the were recruited to fill a need like so many people say. I’ll say the same thing to you that I said to bass. You don’t even know their names so how could you possibly know that they “fill a need”. Yet you accuse me of running down other teams. You may see me give other poster grief, and most of the time deservedly so, but you won’t catch me taking cheap shots at kids and programs like you just did.
    2 points
  9. Saw where Jayln Foster and Joe Travis were named to Murphy Fair’s preseason all-state team as a RB and DB, respectively. I tend to agree. Could be a special year for those two.
    1 point
  10. They are not toys they are young men trying to improve their previous situation. We are fortunate they chose Greenback to do so.
    1 point
  11. What kind of mess is this? I had to read four different teams in my Murphy Fair book to get a synopsis on that Ryan man team. You think im joking but im not.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. I sorta feel that this offseason there was a high school draft and Greenback had all the draft pics.
    1 point
  14. Appreciate you checking it out. Good luck this season.
    1 point
  15. I'm sick from reading your mess. I'm glad you're not the Coach.
    1 point
  16. OK, but WHO is providing the jobs and where are they? WHO is buying them the homes and WHO's name is the deed in, and finally WHO is providing the scholarships to what school? So many questions and NOBODY is giving a straight answer to any of them!
    1 point
  17. That's impossible! Roy said "you can't play with a broke arm. Are you stupid?"..
    1 point
  18. I don't need you to acknowledge what I am saying. Who you trying to convince? It was the worst loss in PC history I'm sure. If anything it exposed the coaching staff as being incompetent.
    1 point
  19. One of those runs? Sthu.... 6-4, 5-5 teams go one one of those runs.... Not 2-8 teams. That was maybe the biggest upset in the history of Tennessee high school football. The staff had only been together about 6 weeks.... Gthoh You aint lying. PC lost all credibility losing to a 2-8 team and became an even bigger side show than previously. There isnt a more talented team in the state that always fails. There are a number of staffs that could take that talent and do something with it every year.
    1 point
  20. Really got to learn to check before you make incorrect statements... I already posted this on Facebook when it was claimed but wanted to get it here too so everyone could be aware. Went back and checked my records, it has happened 3 other times where TN HS teams have had 2 individuals in same year 1) Brentwood - 2009 - Cameron Croy & Blake Thomas 2) CBHS - 2010 - Kaleb Baker & Tate Robinson 3) Father Ryan - 2015 - Trey Chalifoux & Eli King I haven't updated my spreadsheet for TN records with 2018 but it didn't happen that year from my recollection. There may have also been a year where Baylor had two but may not have counted for TN with Khamari Whimper since he reprsented GA. My gut feel says he may have overlapped with Murphy or Reiniche one year.
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. According to Roy that was supposed to take 5 years to heal up
    1 point
  23. Good show. I'll add that Sanders is 100% for SP and just got out of the Manning Passing Academy.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. I garuntee you it says that Shadowens man is sending all his boys to that Ryan mans field. What kind of mess is this? I garuntee you I aint joking either.
    1 point
  26. my son was about that size that just graduated. Any players that size that can move are a force on the field when they need to be.
    1 point
  27. He means we have no clue what type team we have yet.Dont put words in his mouth or you will end up in his attic!
    1 point
  28. TN is a weird state as it has it's designations. East TN and then you have NET. Anyway as far as other local teams go, outside of South/TN High/Science Hill/Crockett making the playoffs the other teams don't really have a lot to talk about.
    1 point
  29. Powell is the best team money can buy! They make private school recruiting look tame! They will be more than a handful for everyone they play. They should win the state championship unless they're derailed by the TSSAA
    1 point
  30. Must of came out before the Free Agency market opened.
    1 point
  31. Hi, Apostle. If I understand your point correctly, I take away that this team finished in line with previous years. Adding the MVP libero, the K2 kid, and the Rutherford County kids, plus upgraded training from the Sports Performance model would have made your expectations higher, right? TT has made that point that you're going to not only keep that group intact for next year, but also see additional defections of 3 or 4 kids from Alliance top teams, which is very close to the # of kids you felt were worthwhile on the Alliance team. Maybe next year this group will break through.
    1 point
  32. You guys got upset by Riverdale in 2017 playing a cupcake schedule
    1 point
  33. 2-8..... Stratford. You... Lost... PC is hot garbage. All facts. That couldn't have been a more embarrassing loss. Talking about right now.
    1 point
  34. We are the cousin Eddies in D2. The crapper is full and we will let them all know it. Hahahaha.
    1 point
  35. You are barking up the wrong tree Crow. 1. Kev-O never took a shot at Anderson Co's High School Kids and how you think that i have no clue. "AC at #1 now thats funny haha" says nothing about the kid's at AC. You also must not know the trash talk that has went on between AC and Greeneville the last 2 years and especially last year with a nice big sign that said "We don't play Daddy Ball around here" referring to Caine and Cade or the Fax that was sent saying "Enjoy Thanksgiving at Home- Love AC" the week the 2 teams met in the quarterfinals just for Greeneville to put a running Clock on AC in the first half on their home field. AC barked up the wrong tree and the Devil's put a thrashing on them
    1 point
  36. Let me be the first to welcome you to Coach T! This will be a very good season and who knows what the ceiling will be for this squad! I like what I'm seeing so far
    1 point
  37. Hey guys, new to the forum. Heard about this place and post from a friend. Can’t wait for the season. Have been a huge fan of the Patriots for a long time. This is going to be a special season. GBR!
    1 point
  38. Weak comeback, like I said 3 A! How many times should I have to repeat that nonsense
    1 point
  39. Hard me to see us in the top 5 too. Jackets have lost some good players to graduation the past two years
    1 point
  40. Yep. Was told last night that there is definitely a connection there and that Bernard is awaiting something to his his desk.
    1 point
  41. Congrats on getting a invite to the 2020 Army All American Bowl.
    1 point
  42. You all have a fan in Greenback!I hope you all get back there again its a tall order but heck no one thought you all would make it in 17.Good coaching and great fans and the boys play with heart!
    1 point
  43. Champagnat Catholic: 2018 - Lost in the 2A championship game 2017 - Won the 2A championship game 2016 - Lost in the 2A championship game Sounds like a pretty good program!!! I'm gonna miss seeing CPA play you guys this year though...
    1 point
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