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Yep. Warned him. He is gone. Let me know if he reappears under another name...and ip address.5 points
Appreciate you keeping an eye on it, yesterday I was thinking he had gone a little far.2 points
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2 points
The 300 other schools also have unbelievable CTE programs we just count students differently. This is like saying Trezevant had an excellent grading program in 2015-2016.2 points
Could be because of the 10,400 views. The more views the better your product.2 points
Facts! This one and the one about Westview running up the scores are the WORST!2 points
Yes and I understand overall has been 2nd tiebreaker forever, these teams are all pretty even hate to see one of the 5 miss!2 points
Kirk Williams is the only coach to ever win a playoff game at GHS. They only have 4 district titles and the last coming in 2005. 0 state titles and they've been playing football for 100+ years. Hate to beat a dead cat... but tradition is a stretch, have they played football for a long time yes, but tradition... An outside coach may be what's needed.2 points
And then to try to take the moral high ground yesterday and say we’ve been having internal discussions and we have agreed to move up in volleyball. They knew those numbers the entire time and were going to do nothing about it. The only reason they had those discussions is because your were exposed by Trenton and volleyball is an inconsequential sport and not because you felt bad about it2 points
2 points
You're pathetic. No class, just like the entire Alcoa football program. That's what that program has always been and always will be. It comes from the top down. But that's okay. Maryville will continue to win and lose with class.2 points
1 point
Warbritton and Eubanks proved they maybe the two hardest runners in 2a or any other classification tonight!1 point
Get this man outta here he is horrible, stupid play calling,no defense,he will not run the ball to save his life, Chris Smith need us an we need him,week 10 we getting worse,u can't win them all but dam he play to lose,no adjustments,we lose simple, just give whoever the rb the ball an watch him just get ten apop, embarrassing1 point
Congrats to Maryville players and coaching staff on a hard fought win Once they figured how to expose the freshman cb for the Ads it was game over Coach GC and the staff proceeded to make no adjustments whence the outcome Ill chalk it up to first year head coach and hopefully they learn moving forward1 point
The spotting of the ball seems to be their biggest issue. There’s been some pretty soft penalties called on each side as well, but the spotting has definitely been awful1 point
1 point
My thawts onn tha gaim 1. Evurtime Mairvul and Farrah-gut play hits allwaze a battull 2. Deep post wuz thair all nite and W-5 maid'em pay c. Steal lotts ov emproovmint two bee maid d. Vurry vurry nice baick shouldur thro bye W-5 fer a td 5. Eye wushed eye wuz a littull bug onn tha wall inn Mairvul's lockhurume att tha haif1 point
Refs also having trouble spotting the ball, kick out of bounds should put them at the 35, not 39 lol1 point
Nevermind terrible take on being competitive…congrats to HV on a great season so far. Really like their coach and glad to see them having some success.1 point
1 point
Noble's setups are so dramatic. "Now T Roy here's why that mistake could result in world annihilation..."1 point
1 point
Thanks coacht. Trash talk is one thing. What he said to rebelwoman87 is uncalled for.1 point
Amen brother. Funny how fast some are taking shots and are clueless.1 point
the precipitation will determine how much live posting i do. not tryin to keep my phone wet all night. but ill def be here after1 point
Much appreciated, we're gonna be pretty banged up but I'm hoping for the best1 point
1 point
Probably the cutoff 😂 you should ask the Milan guys what happened in 4a 😂1 point
Kirk was here a long time and did a great job. Many schools don’t have State championships in FB although they did have a runner up in ‘04. I stated originally they were never a powerhouse but doesn’t mean GB doesn’t have tradition, they were a tough and formidable opponent for many years. Up until recent as stated. Made the playoffs every year but once from 1994 to 2010…with 2 Mr Football’s while there were still privates in 3A and at a time when this area was good as any area in the state with Spfld, WH, East Robertson, Portland etc. As for 100+ years go check how good GB was in the 50’s and 60’s before TSSAA playoff existed specifically early 60’s… outscored opponents like 651-47 in a two year stretch and won 24 straight games. And were something like 90-23 in that 12 year stretch.1 point
That team had to face three sweater vests before taking on South Pittsburg in the semis. Friendship Christian, FRA and Knox Catholic.1 point
1 point
Excellent call by coachT. Barneysox2007 always brings outstanding content to the coach T messageboards. Now at 11.2k views. Although Barneysox2007 still has trouble guarding my crossover. Tee Hee Hee1 point
GAMEDAY!!! It looks like it’s going to be a WET WET one at that! If anyone is traveling to Lewisburg, we don’t have a major selection of food!!! Mostly Mexican cuisine. We have a few mom and pop BBQ spots that are pretty good but small venues. (Burgers and Que, Time To Eat, Mopeys) all of these have GREAT food. SAFE TRAVELS to you ALL that make your way here! See y’all in a few hours!!!1 point
Seems pretty relevant to me. Facts are Milan did everything within the rules, if they didn't you really think the other 11 members of the BOC are gonna cover it up? Smh1 point
If Marshall Co. can keep emotions in check this will be their game. Weather could be a factor for both. This could be the game of the year.1 point
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I could have very well been your room mate had there been cameras LOL.1 point
I think it will come down to who can run the ball better. I know both teams can throw it but the running game will decide this one. And cland is far from being mighty this year1 point
1 point
As of right now if Rhea wins Friday. Rhea would finish 2nd regardless what happens with the BOC tomorrow. If the BOC grants Howard a win tomorrow then could be interesting. If Rhea loses in that case and Howard wins against Ooltewah, then Howard would get into the playoffs. If East Ham wins and McMinn wins then East Ham wins the region Mcminn would be 2nd Walker Valley then Rhea or Howard If McMinn wins and Rhea wins. It would be McMinn, Rhea, Walker Valley, and East Ham. If Walker Valley wins and Rhea wins. Then WV Rhea East Ham, McMinn If WV and East Ham win then it would be WV, East Ham, McMinn, Rhea or Howard.1 point
1 point
It’s a shame Peabody is going to miss the playoffs when Riverside was cheating against them. Very obvious that Riverside isn’t the same team without their helmet communications.1 point
1 point
The WR that made that catch def didn't look like a 8th grader doing it. Not every day Oakland has a QB in their feeder program that can sling the ball like that1 point
White House has a coaching problem. I've watched every game to date. 6 games in and the play calling isn't getting better, but worse.1 point
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