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  1. You’re the one that brought it up, i don’t see 1 Fulton fan saying anything about it . I can name 3 players that’s on Central’s team that’s in AE zone . One being my cousin , so come on with it ..
    3 points
  2. I’ve learned in life some leaders avoid making those tough decisions, so the blame can’t be placed on them.
    3 points
  3. Watertown, the armpit of Wilson County!
    2 points
  4. I guess the Elite Mental Warrior found out how to create another account LOL.
    2 points
  5. Top 3 maybe 4 are a lock to stay there all year unless R5 metro starts slinging the pigskin. If so, I'd put PC at 2, Covington 3, Red Bank 4, Loudon 5. After that it doesn't matter much. Alcoa is the best team in Tennessee this year most likely. The rest of us are fighting for a silver ball.
    2 points
  6. I have no problem with teams getting transfers. I do have a problem with fans crying orchestration for a year but are ok with their own team doing it.
    2 points
  7. Thanks a Bunch,We working on it.
    1 point
  8. Pirates had chance to host game I hear but the Jackets declined. Heck, they would have made more money at gate playing at our place.
    1 point
  9. I was shocked to see Roy’s goat herd not in the top ten.
    1 point
  10. Our lunch ladies serve up a lot of pancakes. So I'd have them a bit higher ranked.
    1 point
  11. I'm gonna go opposite Mike. I think Cornersville will pull this one out being at home.
    1 point
  12. I got news for you brother, I been to Watertown.....you got 1-3 lol.
    1 point
  13. You TC turds would be honored to hear from someone so distinguished, classy, and wise as me or anyone from Watertown for that matter!
    1 point
  14. AE the last few years have been successful and competitive even to alcoa . True they don’t recruit like other schools do . However, if all the players that were zone for AE went to AE then they would be a powerhouse like alcoa.
    1 point
  15. I knew there was a reason my headache's have stopped!!!!
    1 point
  16. Agree! That Ray Banner kid is one of the leading rushers in the state! He is a difference maker!! I tend to think, without him, it would have been a very even game. Regardless, though, to be competitive and show some good things in their first ever game...that’s a very good sign! I have zero to do with that program by the way. I’m thinking their future is bright despite the haters and the naysayers. Seems like they are well coached and have some good talent already.
    1 point
  17. They have been more successful then some teams in Knoxville. They may not have won a championship in years like Alcoa but they have had a winning seasons.
    1 point
  18. I agree with you, Bledsoe had a pretty good team last year, and played Tyner close for a while, but IMO Bledsoes best play maker graduated. I think Tyner by 14.
    1 point
  19. Terrible??!! They played good defense and stayed competitive...in Game 1 of their entire program!!!! Good grief. I sense some hate and certainly a lack of respect/understanding.
    1 point
  20. I'm probably the most likable guy on here.
    1 point
  21. Wouldn't have to endure it if you or Roy weren't the initiators of said affair. Either way would be nice to be able to personally configure who's posts you wanted to see and who's you didnt. There also is no fret, last year it was weeding through pages of garbage orchestration talk just to find some good football talk. YepReconSo
    1 point
  22. 1. South Pittsburg 1st string 2. South Pittsburg 2nd string 3. South Pittsburg 3rd string 4. South Pittsburg Middle school 5. South Pittsburg Cheerleaders 6. South Pittsburg parents 7. South Pittsburg lunch ladies 8. South Pittsburg Grandparents 9. South Pittsburg Pre-K 10. South Pittsburg nursing home Everyone else is in a tie until someone knocks off one of these teams. South Pitt has a good team every year and deserve the number one spot. This is not to say that other teams dont have good years or a couple good years. We all know that every year everyone is talking about South Pitt and what they got. If you're going to state, then you gotta face them sometime.
    1 point
  23. Class 5A Record Pts Prv 1. Knoxville Central (15) 2-0 150 1 2. Summit 2-0 133 2 3. Knoxville West 2-0 121 4 4. Powell 2-0 98 6 5. Oak Ridge 1-1 75 3 6. Gallatin 2-0 74 7 7. Beech 1-1 57 8 8. Rhea County 2-0 49 9 9. Henry County 1-1 37 5 10. Dyer County 2-0 14 NR
    1 point
  24. I'd bet that if you polled the Irish team that they'd be 100% for playing. It's a shame that when making decisions regarding what's "best" for the kids, that both sides of the issue aren't always considered. On paper, the "if there's the possibility that one of the kids get's exposed, we just won't chance it" stance is logical... when you consider the sheer amount of effort and preparation that teams go through, and the emotional turmoil from seeing everyone else's life somewhat returning to normal while you are not allowed, the risk looks to be worth the reward.
    1 point
  25. I'm betting Region 3 has three teams that are of near same talent level. Bledsoe Tyner Marion. In no particular order. This region should have some great season games this year
    1 point
  26. What extra motivation do you speak of
    1 point
  27. Yes I stayed until the 4th quarter of the JV. 5 o’clock comes early. freshmen won 43-24 JV was up 40-6 when I left.
    1 point
  28. This is spot on. So many South Pitt posters sat by and let Roy Diltard and OBHP run Greenback thru the mud last year but when someone says the same thing about them they cry, “ I thought you were better than that.” SMH....
    1 point
  29. Imagine an idiot who thought the OR vs DB game was over before it even started, calling someone else an idiot! Now there's an idiot for you!! LOL now THAT is hilarious! RWR (the post was at 12:31 Saturday and the game didn't start until 7:00)
    1 point
  30. Can't wait for it and agree both teams feed off each other. In the last four years this is the best team we have brought to compete with yall.
    1 point
  31. Coach White has gotten allot of good athletes out that could not care for the old coach. Going to be a fun year
    1 point
  32. It may not matter this year. I’ve just have gotten tired over the last 3 or 4 years of them leaving their starters in while down by 35 or 40 points. Play your future.
    1 point
  33. Yes Mike, we would love to have you on at halftime Friday!
    1 point
  34. Me and Lee Teat may make an appearance at this one, partner. You and Cheese got room for us in that box at halftime?
    1 point
  35. Mike Molder and Lee Teat will discuss the 25 biggest games in the State Thursday Night at 6pm (Central) as we do every week. In addition, we've got an excellent group of Coaches lined up to discuss huge region games each will face this upcoming Friday! Here are the Coaches and times they'll join us this week: 6:30 PM - Maryville Head Coach Derek Hunt 6:45 PM - Watertown Head Coach Gavin Webster 7:00 PM - Marshall County Head Coach Thomas Osteen 7:15 PM - Covington Head Coach JR Kirby I hope you'll make plans to join us each week and as always, we'd appreciate you subscribing to our YouTube Channel if you have not yet done so. Here is a direct link to this weeks show. You can navigate there now and hit the "set reminder" button to get notified when the show goes live: Friday Main Event Week Three Stream
    1 point
  36. This is actually the best time for these teams to play. While the students are Online, they are not crammed into school Buildings with hundreds to even thousands of potential carriers. To me, it would be easier to keep the kids safe right now.... The staffs have protocols for these workouts. They just need to carry them over to real practices and games. They need a voice in the within the district that is not there for personal gains and not simply a yes man.
    1 point
  37. I agree that TSSAA should be calling all shots.
    1 point
  38. I know you weren't directing anything at me, and I appreciate that. But just so we're clear, you literally said "a guy asked why Fulton wasn’t 'Fulton' anymore and I gave my honest answer," when no one had said/asked that. I had hoped we could make it this week without the inevitable back and forth over the current situation at Powell. I get that you have an ax to grind, and you've made your feelings crystal clear in the past year over this. You've told your truths, you've pontificated, you've even gotten into a spat with HTV. But for Christ's sake, can we talk about something else??
    1 point
  39. Scott Cummings is a great coach and wins everywhere he goes. Halls is definitely on the rise. I just hope Clinton can keep it close and compete. I wouldn't be surprised if Halls wins by 20+. I'm expecting a score around 42-20....somewhere in that neighborhood.
    1 point
  40. The monsoon and ball being wet slowed our passing game down a lot. We did look sloppy but hoping practice this week we can get things going. Our D looked pretty good.
    1 point
  41. Too close to call! Two very even teams with virtually the same amount of talent and both have brand new head coaches. This game is typically always close and home field doesn’t mean much at all. I think these two teams along with Page will battle it out for the #4 seed in Region 5. Although with the metro situation, who knows but the TSSAA may stick all six teams in the playoffs from this region to match up with Gallatin and Beech in Region 6. It would avoid the potential crazy scenario of giving the top two teams from Region 5 opening round byes but not giving the top two from Region 6 byes. 2020! What a year!!
    1 point
  42. Greenback is a pretty good team. Not the beast they’ve been in recent years but I can easily see them in the quarterfinal and very possibly the semifinals. I do think SP is to much for anyone in the East with everything they bring back and a couple of additions sprinkled in. I don’t know much about the west but I’m betting on SP this year. They’ve been due for a few years.
    1 point
  43. I see they got jokes. DAMRON beat them 48-14 AS A FRESHMAN! Sooooo
    1 point
  44. This is my thinking as well. This year is the building block for a really good team next year. Most of the skill kids are juniors. Line is young and they have a good group of kids coming up. #7 could be in the running for a Mr Football next year. A yr older and more weight and he will be deadly.
    1 point
  45. Heck no SS, never will. I know the shadiness that goes on over there first hand, despite what others say. Plus I don’t respect any coach who goes baseball sliding on the sideline and wear their hat backwards like a goon. Just saying
    1 point
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